Discovering the Secrets of the Scriptures by Skateboarding & Scootering.

Watch the course video to see joyful and action-packed activities from previous years.


Watch the course video to see joyful and action-packed activities from previous years. 〰️

4S Courses for youth.

Reading for all.

Turn Back Finland!

Nations, Look & Hark! I

Turn Back, Finland!, delivers a powerful prophetic message that speaks directly to the challenges facing America today. As Finland once thrived under God’s blessings but fell into crisis by turning away from biblical values, this book draws a striking parallel to the critical choice Americans face in the 2024 presidential election.

With insights that resonate deeply with the spiritual and moral crossroads of our time, this book challenges readers to consider their role in shaping the future of their nation. It’s a call to return to the principles of faith and morality before it’s too late.

Turn Back, Finland! isn't just a warning — it's an urgent invitation — to align with God’s will and avoid the path that leads to national downfall, as happened in Finland. If you’re concerned about the direction of America and want to understand the spiritual stakes at play, this is a must-read.

Congregations all over the world should wake up for the returning of the Jews to the Promised Land as a given sign.

Our mission is to help people and different congregations to return to the roots of the faith in these prophetical times. His ways of nowadays restoration was revealed in Scriptures already about 2600 years ago.

“All inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth: When He lifts up a banner on the mountains, you see it; and when He blows a trumpet, you hear it ” - Isaiah 18:3 (NKJV)

Roots of faith

Back to the Powerful Roots of the Apostolic Faith.

In the Name of Messiah we preach the need of unity in different congregations and help to reform fellowships with the guidance of God’s original Holy Scriptures.

How well you and your congregation know the Scriptures, God’s will related to Sabbath, Israel, Jews, Praising and the Holy Spirit?