God says to us,

Go to the world like My beloved Son’s disciples, set people free and do My will

Hoshiana Mission in Finland was established in 2020 by people, who God in an amazing way collected from different congregations together with the same mission given by God. Hoshiana Mission seeks the lost sheeps of Messiah by the instructions of the Holy Spirit, publishes books and visits to a different congregations, which want help with breaking barriers between people and different walks of faith. The Strategy for a breaking those barriers is given by God as follows.

Back To The Powerful Roots Of The Apostolic Faith

During the past centuries God has raised up the servants to restore the original way of worshipping showed by Messiah. One of the well-known reformers was Martin Luther, who pointed out the first great observations how traditions made by humans’ own decisions had replaced the God’s will for serving and knowing Him. Many other reformers followed during next centuries and many new kind of churches and congregations were born.

We are living in time there is not anymore a need for new different congregations. Instead the current congregations should wake up for the returning of the Jews to the Israel and recognise it as a given sign for the upcoming special times.


The Scriptures.

There was centuries when people didn’t have a possibility to read Scriptures by themselves. During this time of history some traditions and decisions made by humans were preached against the Scriptures.

Messiah says to us: “Go and teach as written in Scriptures. The most important rule to love meant also the willingness to know My Father’s will as said in Scriptures.“.

The Holy Spirit.

There are congregations where in decades it was rarely talked about the need of the Holy Spirit. That’s dangerous cause God tells us in Scriptures that when He gives the gift of faith “you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise” (Eph. 1:13).

Messiah says to us: “Go, teach and lay your hands on people to let my living waters to flow out from you and let the people receive the power of God to get healed and be set free“.

The Shabbat.

Shabbath was given as a holy and eternal command for believers (not just Jews). During the centuries of the great leaders shabbath was changed to another day as prophecied in Scriptures (Dan. 7:25). Also the way to feast the Sabbath was changed in many congregations to rituals, which differs from the example showed by Messiah and the earliest congregation.

Messiah says to us: “Go and bring back the joy and the original meaning of the Holy Day“.


The Congregations.

There are still people who think the membership of some congregation is connected to a salvation and a heavenly place after death. As said in Scriptures people need the congregations to grow together in faith, to get free and to help each other. For working out your salvation you have to seek God by reading the Scriptures, tell your desire in prayer and give your whole life to the hands of Messiah.

Messiah says to us: “Go and preach to the different congregations the need of the return to the roots of apostolic faith and fellowship“.

Jews and Israel as precious ones.

During the centuries when people didn’t have their own Bibles, they couldn’t get the wisdom of the important meaning of the Jews and Israel as the part of the God’s rescue plan for mankind. Jews are only the one tribe of the original 12 tribes of Israel. For example in Finland many people have never heard, that many of them have the genes of the ancient northern tribes of Israel.

Messiah says to us: “Go and preach the Truth about who is Israeli by genes or by faith to Me. Go and tell the congregations what does it mean when you see Jews coming home again to Israel in front of your eyes“.

Rejoice, Give Thanks and Praise.

In some congregations the joy of serving God is missing and has even maybe been replaced by traditions, which sometimes contradicts the Scriptures. Especially for the younger generation in many modern countries this development has unfortunately lead to a mental barrier and a prevention to not seek God at all.

Messiah says to us: “Go and tell the people, what I meant by serving God and how we can have joy and peace in the middle of dark times with the help of the Holy Spirit.“.