Americans - Don’t follow the way of Finland and miss the blessings

13.10.2020 I got the request from God to publish the last chapter of my teachings to my godchildren with the message from the God to the bishops of the Finland and for the Americans. This is not the whole last chapter, but the part, in which there are words related to the America. I'm sorry for all my grammatical mistakes. If the God allows, there will be a translation to real english. Luckily, the message is the most important thing before grammatical issues at this point. With love & blessings, Leora


“Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word fo the Lord spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying, Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, all the kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord God of heaven given me; and he hath charged me to build him an hour in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all his people? The Lord his God be with him, and let him go up.” 2. Chronicles 36:22-23 (KJV)

As for many God’s servants in the World, God has confirmed to me as well, that Mr. Trump is His anointed one for the same kind of task, which Cyrus, the king of Persia, did for God too. In addition to this particular task for the God’s rescue plan for the mankind, Mr. Trump will be the touchstone for many slanderers by exposing the lack of knowledge of the Scriptures.

Dear godchildren of mine, don’t let your tongues make bad words against the Lord’s anointed one. Take an example from king David (before He become a king). Even you don’t like all the acts of the Mr Trump, don’t open your mouth to curse the Lord’s chosen one. Like I have taught you before, God has His own purposes to choose people from very strange circumstances to perform the most meaningful tasks for the God’s rescue plan for the mankind.  I have also taught you already, that the Holy Spirit alone by the timetable of God, makes the changes in one of us. And remember, God loves our different personalities, even with all sharp corners which are still waiting for abrasion. Remember, nobody of us will become the perfect one during this unique lifetime on Earth. Only God and His beloved Son have right to judge the acts of the human. Before you speak out bad words against somebody’s behaviour take closer look for your own situation. How well do you really know the God’s will and what is your amount of iniquity? Be even more careful with your words of your mouth when you are faced with the God’s anointed one for some purpose. 

“Behold, this day thine eyes have seen how that the Lord had delivered thee to day into mine hand in the cave: ans some bade me kill thee: but mine eye spared thee; and I said, I will not put forth mine hand against my lord; for he is the Lord’s anointed. The Lord judge between me and thee, and the Lord avenge me of thee: but mine hand shall not be upon thee.” 1. Samuel 24:10,12 (KJV)

As you know, the Holy Spirit is the real teacher of our hearts. As your godmother I can tell you only what I have learned. The real understanding and the faith you can only get by searching God and answers from the Scriptures.

First of all you have to remember, that despite of your decision of the faith, nothing happens in this world without God’s permission. Like it’s written in Scriptures and as you can also read from history books, the one of the basic rules seems to be: When God wants to bless and reward some nation during next years, God allows management with healthy fear of God, the knowledge about the Scriptures and the understanding of the power of prayers to raise up for the nation.  This is the situation in the United States of the America right now, although it seems to be that media likes to concentrate on insignificant issues.

The other side of the basic rule is opposite. When some nation, which has had a relation to God, starts to omit the will of God in people’s life and during the development of the nation, God starts to give warnings about the direction by prophets or by other servants of God. From the Scriptures you can see, that usually God waits patiently some decades to see some repent and coming back to the word of God. When iniquity achieves the maximum limits as written in Scriptures, God allows people raise up a management with no fear of God or the knowledge of curse-blessing-relationships related to nations well-being and independent. 

The management of the nation, which represents apostasy, leads the nation to serve money as their false god, leads the nation to endless immorality and injustice and drives disadvantage ones to cul-de-sacs. When the nation reaches the days, when unjust judgments start to be written in the history books of the nation as it was at the case of Nabot in Scriptures, God, who is the judge of all judges, takes the control of the nation to return the morality and the justice to His land. If the nation has no willingness for improvement God allows hardships to be sent to the nation. The Scriptures describe, how in many cased the nation loses its own land. By the improvement of the nation, the nation may only lose some part of the land or the nation may be plagued with different hardships with sad mortality rates. By these hardships God returns to nation the management, which is compatible with Scriptures and for blessing to people in His country. 

So, it’s important to understand, that the God’s purpose with hardships and plagues is always good and people have always chosen the hard way by themselves by choosing not to make improvements when there was still time to choose the easier way.  Luckily, The God has always limits with watching His beloved ones suffer under management with apostasy. By bringing misery and chaos to the nation, the God sets the management with apostasy to the testing point. If the current management is not capable to humble itself in front of the God and return the justice and morality to the nation, the God has His ways to raise up totally new people from the nation to take the charge (if the nation will have chance to keep the land above all). 


Dear godchildren of mine, use the heavenly wisdom, you already have to analyse the situations in which the United States of the America and Finland are. What do you think, which one of them will have a more blessed next decade? Why the message of God was opposite to the pictures, which media gives related to these countries?

Although you may have a desire to make conclusions based on all sensation willing articles of the Mr. Trump and Finland’s prime minister, look carefully. Are the all negative things, which media likes to dig up from the past of the Mr. Trump relevant when analysing blessing-curse-relationships for the United States of America. The answer is no. The relevant thing is, that Mr. Trump stands with the Bible, defends the Scriptures instructions for the nation and speaks out the God’s name and will. He stands as the management with the courage and the strength giving by the Holy Spirit, which as big picture leads to the blessings for the nation for next decade, if only the people have the heavenly wisdom to vote for those blessings.

What about our dear homeland Finland? Are the all positive things, which even international media likes to bring up related to the one of the world’s youngest  prime ministers relevant when analysing coming blessing-curse-relationships for Finland. Unfortunately, they are relevant but in worse case. In the middle of the hard times in Finland our homeland’s leader stands for marketing purposes in cleavage sensation based campaign. Instead of standing with Bible in hand and God’s words in the mouth for the nation as previous presidents also did in Finland and got help from God to maintain independent land, our current leader courages people to immorality by her own example. As a result the wider cleavage-campaign followed among of the Finland’s women, which just increases the iniquity of the nation. So, instead of leading people to get God’s help and blessings in the middle of the hard times, the leader leads the nation even more far away on the road of the punishments declared in Scriptures.

I want to remind you, that sexuality itself is not a sin or wrong thing. Vice verca! The God created sexuality for a joy and a pleasure. As the presence of the Holy Spirit in many different ways and feelings strengthens some moments between the God and the believer, the sexuality was created to strengthen and give joy for a blessed relationship of two people. However, it does matters for the nation’s well-being and independent, are the beauty and the joy of sexuality shared between spouses with love or is it spread out by the public cleavage campaign showed by prime minister. In fact, the lately decision of the Finland’s leader to get attention by taking part to the cleavage campaign encapsulates really pithy the apostasy of the nation.

In addition to showing example how to spread out immorality, the leader of the Finland and her colleagues seem also to be totally unaware about the even more important instruction of the Scriptures for the leaders of the nations. Finland’s previous leaders had knowledge about causations related to duty to bless Israel and Jews to maintain blessings over the own nation too. When last time Finland was fighting for the independent of the land and the wellbeing of the people, Mr. Mannerheim had the healthy fear of the God and courage to stand up against the mainstream. After asking help from the bishop, he answered to the Hitler that Finland doesn’t give away Jews, who had come to Finland during the war. As aged veterans are still telling, the Finland got crucial miracles at the battlefronts same time the citizens kneeled down to pray and ask help from the God for soldiers and for the land. Just like described in Scriptures, a obedient nation got its answers with blessing miracles. 

The leader woman of the Finland seems to be totally unaware of the mentioned heavenly wisdom which previous leaders used to manage the country. This picture arises when reading from news, how she has accused other leaders to have Bible in fron of their eyes when making decision about voting for Palestine without negotiations between Israel and Palestine (Marin, S. 2014. SDP:n Marin: Palestiinan tunnustaminen olisi askel oikeaan suuntaan.). Contrary to Mr. Mannerheim the leaders of the Finland have not had courage to stand up for Israeli and Jews anymore against the mainstream related to all voting performed in UN. In addition to Mr. Trump there seems to be left only few other nations like Hungary and Czech, who understand this heavenly wisdom and its consequences for own nations. 

I must say, I believe, that Finland still have a president, who could lead the land as  presidents in Finland during wars. Unfortunately somehow, Finland has ended up to the situation, where it seems to be so, that the prime minister has taken the power, which the president used to have.

So, you should not be surprised anymore, despite what sensational media likes to present, why in stead of blessings during the next decade, the Finland is going to face just more plagues allowed by the God when same time in the United States of The America have opportunity to enjoy more blessed times for the nation by the possible re-election of the Mr. Trump.


 In the middle of the plagues and blessings for the nations your own decision of the faith mostly effects for that, in which spiritual team you will face plagues or blessings. As we went through before, there is really only two different teams in the world. The other team is the God’s beloved ones and the other team consists of people, who either serve different other spirits effecting in this world or have decided to not to believe spiritual world at all. 

In practise your decision of the spiritual team means for example the privilege, that you have a possibility to make your life easier in the middle of plagues too. When the God allows plagues to come to the nation, believers can still enjoy blessings in their own life during the plagues. As a believer, you will also have possibility to fight to prevent the hard times for the nation by praying and by giving votes to the leaders, who at election time fill up the requirements of the leaders like described in Scriptures. As you remember, the Scriptures give instructions to choose leaders, who have healthy fear of the God, who are trustworthy and hate false victory. Remember not to look to the past of the leaders, remember the story of the Paul in the Bible. 


The United States of America and Finland are both countries, which are seen as western well-fare states. In both nations, during last decades, have concerns increased related to the dividing of well-being, racism, corruption of the institutions and consequences of immorality. The most significant differences are found from the sizes of the nations and the management of the nations.

Some of people may shriek out now about Finland’s great healthcare system. The sad truth is from many Finns mouth, that the picture of the great well-fair system is mostly kept up by the past achievements. The dividing of the society’s well-being is visible extremely well just at the health care services. Many disadvantaged people have proven, how hard it’s to get care and needed treatment. Those who have had possibility to see how everything works in some other countries, they know that Finland’s great picture is mostly just a remainder by past times when equal treatment was more reached . It’s hard to analyse system, when people don’t have money to travel and see other solutions for comparing. Something had change badly in Finland, when we are living in time, where families can hardly manage the basic life by two working parents. Communes try to do their best, but the equation with money solutions are unsustainable. Breadlines are longer than never after war.

Increased hopelessness, joblessness and poverty in Finland is visible at the explosive angst among young people. Although the most of the people don’t have understanding yet over the connection between apostasy and the collapsed well-being, believers know there is a connection between the current situation and the fact that the name of the God and His beloved Son are so rarely heard in Finland. As I already taught you, it really matters to the God, when the nation transforms the faith to religious rituals, where only few people have real connection to the Scriptures and have obedience for the God of any kind. That happens inevitably, when the teaching of the Scriptures decreases to the level which leads many people to have false certainty of the salvation and false perseption that the God doesn’t set any limits for the people’s behaviour. Even more challenging the situation have become, when there is no teaching at all about all dangers in spiritual world. How many young people have tried spiritualism as a harmless game and got troubles without courage to tell anybody for scary new things appeared to life. Or how many adults go to the fortunetellers without any knowledge how they collect curses to their children by doing so. How many people are suffering from problems, which could be eliminated by the pastoral care with the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Only the managements of the nation and the church, which stand strong, consistently and lean on the Scriptures, could turn the Finland’s destiny from the dooms warned already by the God.  As we had a look over the situation in the management of the Finland, we realize that the bishops of the Finland’s Evangelical-Lutheral church are actually the only hope at current circumstances. Like we already went through in previous teachings, the apostasy had gone so far, that it is already the threat to Finland’s independent and well-being by Scriptures. You have to remember, that the God gave us this land and to keep it, He has right to demand obedience. As warned, there will be starvation and also changes to the borders if the ruin of the morality and the corruption are not stopped.  As we have heard, the situation inside the church doesn’t give much hope. How could bishops proclaim the instructions to the people and to the management of the Finland, when there is not enough knowledge, consensus between the to bishops and the strength and courage given by Holy Spirit to proclaim the Truth and its connections to the well-being and independent of the nation. So, actually the real hope for changing the Finland’s destiny for the next decade doesn’t start with bishops’ speeches to the people so much as straighten the unified opinion of the Scriptures among the bishops and come out with a strong standing, consistently and managed by the Truth of the Scriptures. If the bishops of the Finland really do that, the rest of the part is easy one. The Holy Spirit starts to effect there where the Truth is preached. The hearts of the Finns start to change and they will have heavenly wisdom to vote for the management which leads the nation by the Scriptures.  


You may start to get understanding, why against all continuing criticising of Mr. Trump done by media and many people, I have courage to claim Americans will thank Mr. Trump during next decade. Of course, only if they vote him to re-election. 

As the God has confirmed me too, Mr. Trump is anointed one to restore Israel and Jerusalem for the returning of the Jews just like Cyrus, the king of Persia, did long time ago first time. 

Neither knew Cyrus the will of God or the Scriptures before the God chose him. When Cyrus was obedient to the given task, blessed the God the regime of the Cyrus and allowed the Persia to become the most powerful nation in the world. Requirement for the blessing was the obedient to the given task related to Jerusalem and Jews.

If you feel it hard to believe all the blessings related to Mr. Trump, I encourage you to watch the teachings of the rabbi Jonathan Cahn. It’s amazing, how the Scriptures point to Israel and Mr. Trump as well. (Supernatural. Guest Jonathan Cahn.).

Dear godchildren of mine, I have taught you what kind of time we are living in. As you remember, it’s important to get yourselves familier with the Scriptures and the story about the journey of the Israelis to Promised Land. By the Scriptures you will know, what are the God’s plans for the global rescue plan for the mankind by Jesus the Messiah and how the words of ancient prophets are becoming true in front of our eyes. 

When the Israelis got to the Promised Land, they started to be disobedient to the God’s word. The God had giving the warning of the consequences of the possible disobedient. Israelis overlooked the warnings and as the result, they were exiled from their Land. The northern tribes of the ancient Israel were exiled directly to all over the world and they still are on that journey (for example there are still offsprings of the ancient tribes in Finland, United States of America and many other countries in Europe). The southern tribes of the ancient Israel (Judah) were more obedient to the word of God and they got possible to come back to Promised Land before the Messiah was born. To bring back the Israelis from the Babylonia the God effected in the heart of Cyrus, the King of Persia, and anointed him for the important task of the rescue plan for the Israelis.

“Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut; I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: and I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob my servant’s sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” Isaiah. 45:1-7 (The King James Version)

As you may already remember, the southern tribes of Israelis, who we know nowadays by the more familiar name Jews, were exiled again after Yeshua’s dead and resurrection. As you remember, it was hard for Jews to believe, that Yeshua would have been the Messiah described by Scriptures. Only some of Jews didn’t decline Yeshua as the Messiah of the Scriptures. 

You must remember, that faith is given from the God as a gift, when you really start to seek the God by your whole heart. You have learned, that sometimes, for some reasons, the God hardens the human hearts not to get the faith to Yeshua and for Him. As you can read from the Scriptures, the God hardened for example the heart of the pharaoh of the Egypt as the punishment for the iniquity. 

You can also read from the Scriptures, how the God said there will be for a while some kind of curtain in front of  Jews’ eyes set by Him preventing them to see Yeshua as the Promised Messiah, the Immanuel. The God described, how gentiles from other nations will have possibility to get faith, join to His beloved ones and spread out the Gospel of Yeshua until He takes the curtain of from the Jews’ eyes (Jews have been beloved by God all the time despite of the curtain in front of the eyes). The Scriptures describe, how the God will collect all His beloved ones back to Promised Land once more from transportation.

“For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Thus saith the Lord God; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded. And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the Lord build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the Lord have spoken it, and I will do it.” Ezekiel 36:24,33-36 (The King James Version)

“Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his servantes, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. The Lord God which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather others to him, beside those that are gathered unto him.”  Isaiah 56:6-8 (The King James Version)

It’s a great privilege to live in time, where we can see prophecies giving about 2600-2700 years ago to become true in front of our eyes. The United States of The America has an amazing privilege to be a home land for the God’s powerful anointed one and get all blessing related to Mr. Trump’s great task to stand up for Israel, Jews and Jews’ returning to Promised land (by also give blessing other nations in Middle East). I can just pray that Americans understand what are they voting for related to great blessings they can get through Mr. Trump’s task from the God. 


Finally, let’s go through shortly one heavenly point of you related to the corona virus situation in the world. Dear godchildren of mine, I want you to understand, that corona virus really is the one of the first permitted plagues by God for the mankind. As said in Scriptures, when you see one part of the Israelis making a return (alijah) to Promised Land after long time of desolation, you know the time of the return of the Messiah is getting closer. As also said in Scriptures, during that time you will see also other warning marks about the ending of the Time of Mercy, in which you have time to seek the God and get the saving faith sealed by the Holy Spirit. You may already remember, that other warning marks include: rumours of the wars,  starvations, persecutions of the believers and false prophets and Christuses (Walter, Shaun. 2020. Cult leader who claims to be reincarnation of Jesus arrested in Russia. ). Some of these plaques must be suffered also by believers. Some of these coming plaques really will ask strength and boldness, which are giving to believers by the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures promise anyhow, that after the time of the great tribulation, believers will be taken into safe before the final great judgements for the mankind will be permitted. As Jesus the Messiah said, don’t be afraid. You still have time to seek the God and make your faith strong enough by the reading of the Scriptures (meaning again the whole Bible, not just the Old Testament and not just the New Testament - the whole Truth).

By the faith, the Holy Spirit may also open your eyes to see connection between the corona virus epidemic and the leaven, which the caesar Constantine brought to the gospel of the Jesus in 300 century.  It’s not coincident that the lands like Italy and Spain, where the management of the Constantine effected powerfully, have suffered extremely during the plaque. If you have read carefully my earlier teachings and read Scriptures carefully, you have a sufficient knowledge about the God’s nature. As described in Scriptures, the God will always have punishments against the situations, where some great leaders use their authority to modify the Truth and Justice declared by God. 

It’s not okey for God, that the birthday of His beloved Son was connected to the birthday of the false god. It’s not okey for the God, that the meanings of the feasts declared by God were transmitted. It’s not okey with the God, that daily and monthly calender was transmitted as well as the way of the keeping of the Holy Day, the Sabbath. In all His mercy for the people, who have been taught by teachings based on Constantine’s leaven, He has been understanding for the previous generations to have Christmas and false god’s day as a holy day. But for the current generations He says, it’s time to restore the more joyful, blessed and original way of the rules for the Sabbath and all feasts declared by Him. And as reminder, don’t you dare judge people who feast Christmas as before! Remember, it’s the Holy Spirit who gives the understanding for the need of restoring in the timetable of God. As I have said to you, this time of restoring is great opportunity for you to have more joyful ways to serve, to praise and to glorify God.

So, you might now understand the heavenly reason, why despite of really high-tech health technology and accomplished restrinctions in Italy, the dead numbers were extremely high. Unfortunately the iniquity of the Spain from the previous centuries is also high related to have a big responsible for spreading out Constanine’s leaven. Scandinavia has a bit better circumstance cause of Martti Luther’s improvements to the teaching of the big church institutions in 1500 -century. Unfortunately Sweden has taken own different steps toward immorality and steps further from the God’s will last decades, so God allowed increased mortality rates there. I don’t know so much about the history of the United States of the America, but God spoke to me, that iniquity is caused there at least by great immorality of the movie branch and using the great leadership of the marketing to launch Halloween to the global feast, which God is not pleased with. People can prevent mortality partly by different management methods, but there is still one rule to remember: nothing happens in this world without God’s permission. 

So, as much as big media companies like to proclaim nasty things about Mr. Trump and make Mr. Trump quilty for corona situation in the USA, they have it wrong. When plagues which are allowed by God face the nation, it’s always because of the iniquity generated for the nation by previous generations. And as you have learned, the amount of iniquity of the nations in the world has just risen up. That’s why even more plagues are coming and that’s why the real significant thing for the nation is, whatkind of management the God has allowed to rise up for the each nation during these days. That’s why the United States of the America can be trustful for the becoming blessings for the America related to Mr. Trump’s management. Don’t miss the blessings by missing the king David’s example to point your attention to unrelevant things of the leader.


Dear godchildren of mine, after this last chapter of my teachings with the message from the God, I have now tell you all the things you need to know when starting your independent lifetime in this world right now. As I wrote you before, these teachings are important to understand for your protection even you don’t choose to seek the God yet. I hope and pray, that you now have understanding of the the situation of the world and your own homeland. I hope and pray, that you now have understanding of the faith as possibility to live without fear and hopelessness despite of surrounding circumstances.

If you have chosen already the journey of the faith, keep praying blessings and peace for Israel, for Jerusalem, for Jews, for the whole Middle-east, for other Israelis by faith, for the finish church institution, for the finish management of the nation, for Mr. Trump and for Americans. Pray also for Mr. Trump’s important task related to God’s rescue plan for the mankind and bringing peace to the Israel and to the whole Middle East. Pray for the Americans, that they will have the wisdom to vote for the anointed one by the God to get all the blessings to the country for the next decades. 

The God bless you and keep you in safe!



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Mepin raportti Brysselistä. Vaihtoehto liittovaltiolle. TV -program 2.10.2020. Taivas TV7 -online service. Available: Https:// Referenced 12.10.2020.

Marin, S. 2014. SDP:n Marin: Palestiinan tunnustaminen olisi askel oikeaan suuntaan. Blog. Updatet 7.10.2014. Available: Referenced 13.10.2020.

Sartola, Pekka 2014. Israelin 10 kadonnutta heimoa ja Suomi. Video. eSpecialTV. Pekka Sartola (2/5): Israelin 10 kadonnutta heimoa ja Suomi.  Youtube -videopalvelu, julkaistu 25.11.2014. Available: Referenced 23.7.2020.

Sota-ajan ihmeet. TV -program 5.12.2017. Taivas TV7 -online service. Available: Https:// Referenced 5.10.2020.

Supernatural. Guest Jonathan Cahn. TV -program 12.6.2020. Taivas TV7 -online service. Available: Https:// Referenced 10.10.2020.

TV7 Jerusalem Uutiset. Extra. Jakso 457. TV -program 8.7.2017. Taivas TV7 -online service. Available: Https:// Referenced 13.10.2020.

Walter, Shaun. 2020. Cult leader who claims to be reincarnation of Jesus arrested in Russia. The Guardian 22.9.2020. Article. Referenced 10.10.2020.


Gospel for Easter 2021, part one - The Foal of the Donkey Has Been Born


The Message from God for Finland and for the United States of America