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When Righteousness Is Renounced

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

”Woe to those who call evil good,

 and good evil;

Who put darkness for light,

and light for darkness;

Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,

 And prudent in their own sight!

Woe to men mighty at drinking wine,

Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink,

Who justify the wicked for a bribe,

And take away justice from the righteous man!

Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble,

And the flame consumes the chaff,

So their root will be as rottenness,

 And their blossom will ascend like dust;

Because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts,

And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

Therefore the anger of the Lord

 is aroused against His people;

He has stretched out His hand against them

 And stricken them,

And the hills trembled.

Their carcasses were as

 refuse in the midst of the streets.

For all this His anger is not turned away,

But His hand is stretched out still.”

Isaiah 5:20-25 (NKJV)


Righteousness means uprightness. The criteria for evaluation are not based on human concepts of right and wrong, but on the instructions and definitions of good and evil set by God in His Word. 

If the secular and spiritual leadership of a Christian nation lead the majority of the democratic nation away from the desire to be obedient to the Almighty and His only Son, the nation will inevitably face a nightmarish state of decay, fueled by God's wrath, threatening both its independence and peace. Without turning the nation back to the path of repentance, this apostate state, which transforms democracy into a nightmare, will reach its climax with the loss of the land, just as the warning examples of ancient Ephraim and Judah demonstrate.

The message Turn Back, Finland! is in itself a sign from the Almighty that the Finnish people are already at risk of soon losing their homeland by His allowance. Through this message, the Almighty reveals the state of Finland as seen through His eyes, so that no citizen in Finland can remain unclear about the reasons why the inevitable is about to happen. In practice, God is also fulfilling His final obligation to announce the approaching judgment and, through His prophets, to call the nation one last time to return to Him.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just as He used ancient prophets to deliver His serious messages to the leaders of the nations of Ephraim and Judah, He still chooses from among His servants in these days to proclaim messages that may sound unpleasant to the ears. The Lord uses His prophets to remind the people of the instructions in His Word, to warn of what is to come, to provide guidance in situations, and to deliver the Lord's rebukes—messages that, without the power and protection of the Holy Spirit, one might be hesitant or even fearful to declare to the nation’s leaders and the people.

If today’s secular leaders can still find spiritual leaders like the bishops that Finland’s former president Mannerheim once listened to, this message, despite its rebuke, will ultimately be understood as an act of love from the Almighty toward the nation. The Almighty does not desire war in Finland. However, due to His holiness, He is obligated to allow it if the nation’s leadership and people, in their stubbornness, ignore even the final calls of the Almighty to turn the nation back to the path of repentance. It must be remembered that the holiness of the Almighty also means that He must apply the cause-and-effect principles He established in His Word equally to all nations throughout different eras. In this message Turn Back, Finland!, God essentially provides a 'clear model' to the apostate nation to explain why He must soon allow the ultimate end of this democratic nightmare to reach Finland as well. Even though God ordained freedom of faith on an individual level in His Holy Word, the Almighty oversees the execution of justice and the preservation of righteousness in a land that was gained by calling upon His name for help.

There is a serious reason why the Almighty included a concrete example of a legal case in Finland in the message Turn Back, Finland!. In a later part, titled 'When Justice Is Turned into Poison,' the comprehensive picture captured in the referenced video will be examined in greater detail (Lavan 2024, Finns Have the Right to Know). It reveals how individuals influencing Finland's highest leadership have been able, under the watchful eye of the nation's government, to distort the justice system—based on truth and fairness as required by the Constitution—for years without any consequences. Even though the revealed actions met the criteria for several serious crimes, no one in a country ranked among the world's best legal systems ensured, even in the face of evidence, that the victim of this distorted justice received any form of redress. Not even the constitutional right to a fair defense was guaranteed before widespread lies were transformed into 'truth' at the prosecutor's table, leading to a severe miscarriage of justice. Due to severe deficiencies in the Finnish justice system, the individual left in a defenseless position faced repeated and serious violations of justice. Finland’s new government, which also has strong ties to the parties involved in distorting justice, did nothing to address these grave violations against a widow left as a single parent, even after being made aware of the situation with initial evidence in the spring of 2024. The victim was never even invited for the requested audience, which could have been expected, given past practices, when such extremely serious issues concerning the very foundation of democracy—the rule of law—are raised. As in ancient Ephraim, Finland’s current leadership chose to prioritize the modernized form of slavery upheld by their political sponsors over addressing the cries for help from their citizens, who were being oppressed through systematic means that meet the criteria for criminal offenses. This case was, and still is, a test set by the Almighty for Finland's secular leadership, just as the perverted legal proceedings under Jezebel and Ahab were during the time of ancient Ephraim. It is no wonder that the Lord raised a prophet from Finland to proclaim a warning about the approaching messianic times in connection with this case. Otherwise, the case would never have come to light, as the mainstream media demonstrated a deliberate silence regarding the verifiable actions of these political figures, while at the same time, ordinary citizens were publicly scrutinized in the media for similar actions, sometimes for years.

When justice is turned into wormwood, as described in the Word, and injustice replaces the proper execution of justice following the example of ancient times, God will inevitably intervene as described in the Holy Scriptures. As the account of Jezebel and Ahab, given in the Word as a warning to present-day nations, shows, the line has already been gravely crossed in God's eyes when the nation's elite begin to exploit their position and the weakness of the most vulnerable in distorting justice, including their inability to defend themselves. The rise of God's wrath and the public exposure of the situation through a prophet, as in the days of ancient Ephraim, is understandable. According to the Holy Word, one of the most important duties of the leaders of a democratic Christian nation is to ensure the rights and well-being of the weakest in the nation are upheld. When the nation's political leadership instead turns a blind eye to the injustices committed by insiders who have funded their careers, they are, in God's eyes, even more responsible for the injustices than those who carried them out. It is no wonder, then, that the Almighty gives a serious reminder in His Word that He is ultimately the Judge of judges and the King of kings.

A similarly serious warning against deliberate and determined wrongdoing (including its conscious allowance) is given in the teaching that the sins of the fathers are passed down to their children to the third generation. Yet, as seen in the case of ancient Ephraim, no warning is strong enough for a nation in a state of severe apostasy when the worship of money (in practice, foreign gods) has already displaced God from His place in the nation and in the hearts of the people. The path to repentance is only realized through the valley of tears, when the people witness all of the Almighty’s warnings come true with the precision of natural laws. However, God has set this path in His Word as the final means to restore justice and righteousness to a nation founded on the foundation of His Holy Word.

In this part of the Turn Back, Finland! message, which focuses on righteousness, the emphasis is on explaining why the spiritual state of the Finnish nation and its spiritual leadership—who are also failing—are now only a step away from the intervention of the God who granted Finland its independence, through the power of His mighty hand.

Whether a representative of secular or spiritual leadership, every leader of a nation should be alarmed when reading the following signs that God has written in His Word—signs of what can be seen happening in a society drifting toward upheaval as a result of apostasy: proclaiming what pleases people more than God's Word from the Lord’s altars (Isaiah 8:8-14, Isaiah 56:9-12), priests of the Lord simultaneously serving idols while performing services in His holy name (Zephaniah 1:4-6), the nation’s fields benefiting other countries, trusting in false human-made security instead of God (see the nation's binding to unstable systems built by man, such as the EU and NATO, Isaiah 30:1-5), an increase in depression (Isaiah 2:6-9), and the explosive rise in youth distress, as one aspect of the sins of the fathers being passed down to future generations. And these are not all the signs of the consequences of apostasy in the nation.

Anyone following the headlines in today’s media can see how the signs given are already widely evident in Finland as well. Without turning back to God, the next step in apostasy will lead to upheavals, as the God who enabled Finland’s independence has set forth in His Word when a nation falls into a serious state of apostasy. The outward appearance may still shine until the very end, just as it did in ancient Ephraim. Blinded by this outward illusion, the majority of the nation is no longer even interested in watching for the signs from the Holy Word or testing the warnings sent through the prophets. Just as in the time of ancient Ephraim, God’s shaking will come as a complete surprise to most of the nation, including its leaders.

In addition to secular and spiritual leadership, the role of the media in a nation that has shifted into an anti-Christian state must be considered in the downfall of God’s Holy Word and His unchanging will in the nation. In the case set as a test for the justice system, it has been evident for years how the media, for one reason or another, has remained silent about exposing these injustices—whether consciously or blinded by the beautifully and skillfully packaged lies. If an ordinary citizen in Finland has lied to the authorities and framed others as guilty, the media has proclaimed this in headlines as a great injustice in the name of justice. Yet when, out of the 89 questions posed by the justice authorities, political insiders and financiers linked to Finland's presidents lie in 79 of them, demonstrating great ruthlessness and premeditation, framing an innocent person by exploiting flaws in the legal system, the media that sits at the same political tables remains silent. In practice, they thereby participate in the acceptance and cover-up of these serious injustices, contributing to the moral decay of a society in a state of spiritual decline. When the deliberate procurement of false testimonies is added to the equation—obtained from another party who uses their position of trust to lie for their benefit—the methods used by Finland’s political elite to distort justice bear striking similarities to the dishonest practices carried out with greed in ancient Ephraim.

However, the issue with the media is much broader than the exposure of injustices in a single legal case, as required by the Constitution, which ensures equal treatment of citizens in different positions. While there are many positive stories to be told about how the God who granted us independence is at work in individuals’ lives, with healing miracles and other astonishing evidence of His existence, the mainstream media seems to predominantly favor numerous articles supporting the rise of opposing spiritual realms in society. These include witchcraft, which provokes God’s wrath (with demonic lies about communication with the spirits of the dead, etc.), Eastern religions, and the tragic stories of those who have fallen victim to cult-like churches that have veered away from Christianity. It is often through the bitterness and rebellion against God of those who have been victims of such cults that the enemy of souls finds his most effective instruments to promote anti-Christian agendas and demonize matters aligned with God’s Holy Word. It is worth noting that in many cases of cult-like behavior, people are driven to abstain excessively from things that the Holy Word does not command with such rigidity.

The most chilling example of this is the recurring pedophilia scandals within the Catholic Church. These cases provide a direct example of the serious consequences that can arise when people attempt to follow human traditions outside of the Holy Word by their own strength. According to the Holy Word, priests are not required to live in celibacy! Nor is an adult typically able to sustain long periods of celibacy without the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in this area. If the Lord calls someone to celibacy for a particular reason (for example, in connection with a calling to be a Nazirite), He will provide a special anointing through the Holy Spirit, granting the ability to live in celibacy. The pedophilia scandals in the Catholic Church are an extremely grave example of what happens when people attempt, by their own strength, to do things for which they have not received a calling or special anointing from the Lord. These scandals are deeply regrettable because all the suffering inflicted on innocent children has come as a result of altering the instructions of the Holy Word, which grants priests the option of marriage and the joy of union with a spouse of the opposite sex. The biblical understanding of priesthood is something I have been tasked by the Lord to address in more detail in a separate message titled For Your Victory.

For the fulfillment of the freedom of religion ordained by our God, it is of course necessary for the media to publish content representing various spiritual realms. However, the situation begins to pose a problem for the nation, as in Finland’s case, when publications increasingly and systematically exclude articles that reflect the will, nature, and works of the Almighty Lord of Hosts. One might then ask, where is the freedom of religion for those who still proclaim and practice the Word of the God who granted Finland its independence, in the unchanged form in which it was written? As the attitude of rejecting God’s holy and unchanging will spreads from secular and spiritual leadership to the media, which represents the third power, the nation quickly spirals into a state of apostasy that threatens its very existence.

Regardless of what the media in an anti-Christian nation presents, the Almighty remains faithful to His Word and the hope it promises to the oppressed and weak who are persecuted by an anti-Christian nation. Even if the secular and spiritual leadership of nations, along with the media, remain silent about injustices and fail to uphold the righteousness of the Almighty in order to maintain the outward appearance demanded by the financial world, the strategy of covering up injustice and the growing suffering of the people in a land given by God will ultimately only work for a short time. God sees those who suffer from the increasing injustices during this time, and He will eventually restore justice and righteousness in the land in His way, if the nation fails to heed even the final warning.

In order to prevent a situation like the current one in Finland, and to ensure that nations retain the understanding of how to avoid falling into the state of apostasy described, God has instructed in His Holy Word that His commandments and heavenly wisdom should be passed down to future generations. Every citizen of Finland, especially those involved in leading the nation, should now seriously consider whether the current and previous generations in Finland have succeeded in preserving their beloved homeland in the way the Almighty expected after answering the prayers cried out during the struggles for independence.

The Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, YHWH, answered the prayers of the Finnish people when former president Kyösti Kallio and his wife Kaisa proclaimed a call to the nation to pray for God’s almighty help in the battles fought on the front lines. The Finns called upon God with reverence and a healthy fear. God heard the prayers of a righteous nation and answered them. We received much, but have we fulfilled our part?

The proclamation of the Holy Word in Finland has been increasingly reduced and restricted, decade after decade, for generations. Proclaiming the truth according to the Holy Word to preserve righteousness in society is already becoming punishable in areas where, in a society drifting into apostasy, people no longer find it comfortable to hear. The altars and honor of the God who granted Finland its independence have been increasingly and shamelessly desecrated, and God's will has been replaced with things that please people but provoke God's wrath.

Has the knowledge of God and a healthy fear of Him, the One who granted Finland its independence, truly been brought this low? Is there not a single secular or spiritual leader who understands and sees that Finland is now taking its final steps toward God's wrath, which will manifest in judgments that will shake the nation? Does no one understand that this truly concerns the breaking of Finland’s borders and the loss of its peace?

In this message, I cannot delve into all the signs of apostasy in society previously listed in the chapter. We will focus, as instructed by the Lord, on the downfall of righteousness and the desecration of altars in Finland. These are the reasons for God turning His gaze elsewhere, which poses a real threat to Finland’s independence. The other signs of national apostasy described earlier are mainly consequences of the failure to uphold justice and righteousness, manifesting as human suffering and misplaced trust in ultimately failing worldly systems.

A few verses from the First Epistle of John summarize many important fundamentals related to righteousness:


“Little children, let no one deceive you.

 He who practices righteousness is righteous,

just as He is righteous.

He who sins is of the devil,

 for the devil has sinned from the beginning.

For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,

 that He might destroy the works of the devil.

 Whoever has been born of God does not sin,

for His seed remains in him;

 and he cannot sin,

because he has been born of God.

In this the children of God and

the children of the devil are manifest:

Whoever does not practice righteousness

is not of God,

nor is he who does not love his brother.

For this is the message

that you heard from the beginning,

that we should love one another,

 not as Cain

 who was of the wicked one

and murdered his brother.

And why did he murder him?

Because his works were evil

and his brother's righteous.

Do not marvel,

 my brethren,

if the world hates you.”

1. John 3:7-13 (NKJV)


Dear Finnish people, those living among you, and the leadership of the nation, because upholding righteousness in the nation is truly a matter tied to the conditions of our independence, I will, at the Lord’s command, speak His Truth as directly and without distortion as His ancient messengers did.

The nation of Finland is like a wayward child who, disregarding the warnings of its parent, has ventured out onto thin ice. This message, in all its straightforwardness, is like the urgent and stern cry of a Heavenly Father who loves His child, trying desperately to prevent them from taking that final, fatal step.



Scriptures taken from the New King James Version:

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)