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A Biblical Perspective on Homosexuality as Sin

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

“Here is the patience of the saints;

 here are those who keep

the commandments of God

 and the faith of Jesus.

Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me,

 "Write: 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.' "

 "Yes," says the Spirit, "that they may rest from their labors,

and their works follow them."

Revelation 14:12-13 (NKJV)


Before we can proceed to examine more closely the messages God has sent as a loving warning regarding Finland’s state of righteousness as seen through His eyes, it is necessary to briefly address the practice of sin as described in the Holy Word, as well as the unprecedented elevation of sexual minorities in the world.

Dear Finns, residents of Finland, and leaders of the Finnish nation, I have been tasked with writing this section with the understanding that among the readers there are those who are already more familiar with the Word of God who granted Finland its independence, as well as those who are less familiar or not familiar at all with the will of God as revealed in the Holy Word. Even for those who may not know the Holy Word, it is essential for every citizen in a Christian country like Finland to understand a few basic principles from the foundation of the Holy Word.

Think about it, according to the God who granted Finland its independence, we are all sinners, yet so dearly loved by Him!

The Creator of all established in His Holy Word certain instructions, some of which describe what is required for salvation, while others were given with the sole purpose of promoting the best interests of human spiritual and physical well-being. No one has perfectly and flawlessly upheld these instructions and decrees, except His own Son, Jesus (in the special language of God, Hebrew, Yeshua HaMashiach, meaning 'salvation' and 'Savior'). Thankfully, through His Son, God renewed His covenants with humanity in such a way that by receiving Jesus into our hearts as the Lord of our lives, God sees His Son's perfection (perfect righteousness) when He looks upon those who follow Jesus.

In practice, no matter how many terrible things a person may have done before coming to faith, they can turn their eyes to Jesus and say: 'I want to know You! Come and dwell in my heart and wash away everything that is not from You. Heavenly Father, I have sinned greatly against You. Please forgive all my sins up to this point, in the name of Your Son, Yeshua.' It doesn't matter whether this kneeling before the Lord happens alone or in a church setting. The sins committed in the past, or even the sins still tightly gripping their life, have no bearing at that moment on beginning the journey of faith. More than the circumstances or the words used, it is the attitude of the heart that matters. Is the person turning to the Lord truly ready to have their heart circumcised for Jesus? Is the heart ready to take even the first step toward repentance from the ways of life that have been against God's will?

In the message regarding the global plan of salvation sent by the Almighty for the era that has already begun (message YHWH Is Calling), it was explained how circumcision of the heart practically refers to the gradual transformation of a person’s heart in accordance with God’s holy revelation. While a person can make some changes through their own strength and willpower, the true circumcision of the heart according to the Holy Word requires the help of the Holy Spirit. The same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead according to the will of the Heavenly Father is still able to perform creative miracles, heal people both physically and spiritually, impart gifts of the Spirit for ministry in the church, transform a person's character, and set them free from the bondage of spiritual forces that oppose the Holy Spirit.

When a person is ready to surrender the control of their life to Jesus, the lifelong journey of sanctification begins (unless they consciously choose to abandon their Lord at some point). The precise timeline and order of matters to be addressed on that journey are determined solely by our Almighty Lord, who works transformation within us through His Holy Spirit. However, the foundation of the heart's transformation process lies first in seeking God, the gift of faith received from Him, and carrying the Holy Word as the bread of life through the Holy Spirit. As another astounding demonstration of how the Lord, like a conductor, directs the 'new song' of this era, He has made fresh teachings on the circumcision of the heart available alongside the writing of this message. By the Lord's prompting, I recommend studying Andre Tischer’s teaching on circumcision of the heart, recorded at Olavinlinna Castle in Savonlinna (Tischer & Ristintuki Ry 2021, The Heart of David's Son. Part 2/3. Circumcision of the Heart).

It is no coincidence that God's Holy Word is called the bread of the Holy Spirit. Reading and knowing the Holy Word is the foundation of everything. I can say directly that, dear reader, even if you have been baptized and attended confirmation classes, but have had no involvement with the Word of the Bible since then, you are likely no longer in saving faith (if you ever were). This is also very likely the case even if you’ve attended church once or twice a year as a cultural tradition to sing Christmas and Advent hymns. Please don’t take offense. I speak from my own experience. Personally, I lived in the same ‘cultural Christianity’ with a false sense of salvation for about 20 years. However, the Lord saw that my heart's attitude was pleasing to Him, and in His grace, during those days—without any spiritual support network at that point—He ensured through Almighty means that one day I would reach for the Holy Word from the shelf again and open it with a genuine desire to study it. A couple of weeks into my intense search for answers, I came to experience the power of 'eating' the Word, and I was amazed by the wonderful new path that opened before me for the first time in my life.

However, it is important, when reading this message, to internalize the fact that, for the salvation of a person’s soul, seeking God through the Holy Word—as instructed by His Son—is more important than any church ritual or other ceremony performed in any congregation. Otherwise, you are unlikely to truly experience why the Holy Word is called supernatural and what it means for faith to come by hearing through reading the Word (Romans 10:17). Similarly, without carrying the Word as part of your life, the flame of the Holy Spirit you may have received in confirmation or baptism is likely just a smoldering ember—or perhaps already a pile of ashes—serving as a reminder of a journey toward salvation that once began.

 The good news is that if you choose to restart your journey, God will gladly welcome back the one who has wandered into the world. This open-armed, forgiving love is beautifully illustrated in the well-known parable of the prodigal son in the Gospel. For many who have studied the Holy Word, the Holy Spirit has revealed not only the individual-level meaning of this parable, but also its connection to God’s global plan of salvation, particularly regarding the return of the ancient 'siblings' Ephraim and Judah to their home as part of our era, which is already connected to the Lord’s return. (Valkeakarit & Ristin Tuki Ry 2013, The Return of the Kingdom. Episode 6. Judah and Ephraim Reunite.)

You can begin to explore the Word of the Bible on your own, but the role of church communities is to support and facilitate that lifelong journey of learning to know God—including understanding His will and the definition of sin—which, at the same time, becomes an individualized path of sanctification under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

And why is all of the above written about in this context?

The sins that prevent a person from being saved and entering the kingdom of heaven have been declared by the Lord in His Word so clearly that there is no room for interpretation. The following verses reveal only a portion of what are known as mortal sins:


“Do you not know that the unrighteous

 will not inherit the kingdom of God?

 Do not be deceived.

 Neither fornicators, nor idolaters,

nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,

nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards,

nor revilers, nor extortioners

 will inherit the kingdom of God.

And such were some of you.

 But you were washed,

but you were sanctified,

but you were justified

in the name of the Lord Jesus

 and by the Spirit of our God.”

1. Corinthians 6:9-11 (NKJV)


“Professing to be wise, they became fools,

 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God

 into an image made like corruptible man

--and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness,

 in the lusts of their hearts,

 to dishonor their bodies among themselves,

 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie,

 and worshiped and served the creature

rather than the Creator,

who is blessed forever. Amen.

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions.

For even their women exchanged

the natural use for what is against nature.

 Likewise also the men,

 leaving the natural use of the woman,

 burned in their lust for one another,

men with men committing what is shameful,

and receiving in themselves the penalty

of their error which was due.

 And even as they did not like to retain God

in their knowledge,

 God gave them over to a debased mind,

to do those things which are not fitting;

 being filled with all unrighteousness,

sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness,

maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife,

deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,

backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters,

 inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving,

unforgiving, unmerciful;


knowing the righteous judgment of God,

 that those who practice such things

 are deserving of death,

not only do the same

but also approve of those

who practice them.”

Romans 1:22-32 (NKJV)


The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who granted Finland its independence, has clearly declared in His Word that the practice of homosexuality is one of the serious sins leading to spiritual death, which, without repentance, keeps an individual outside of salvation. As Finnish pastor Pauli Selkee, clearly called by the Lord and anointed by the Holy Spirit as a defender of the sanctity of the altar, boldly proclaims on his YouTube channel, the proposal by the majority of bishops to allow the marriage of same-sex couples is directly misleading teaching for the people of Finland (Selkee 2024, Archbishop's Newspaper Interview on the Marriage Debate. An Assessment: Unsustainable and Misleading).

God’s great grace, however, is that on the day a person declares their desire to receive Jesus into their heart, God does not demand, nor expect, immediate repentance from everything. It is also comforting for the individual that the repentance, which may feel overwhelming and impossible, does not have to be done solely in their own human strength. In His righteousness, God acknowledges that when a person makes a decision of faith, they may not even be familiar with His Word at all. The Almighty certainly takes into account that, at that stage, it would be unreasonable to condemn a person to backsliding and separation from Him due to sins that they don’t even yet recognize as serious in God’s eyes. Furthermore, as the Creator, God knows very well that a person’s ability to repent and nurture their conscience is limited by their human, earthly strength. That is why, as mentioned in the earlier passage from Corinthians, the Lord cleanses a person by washing them through His name and the power of the Holy Spirit. In practice, this involves becoming familiar with the Holy Word and engaging in prayer, both through one’s own prayers and through the pastoral prayer connections with deliverance ministry within the church.

The Holy Spirit of God truly has the power to heal and cleanse a person, transforming them into a vessel for God’s Holy Spirit, no matter how broken or stained they may have become in God’s eyes due to the forces of the world. It is also important to understand when making a decision of faith that change rarely occurs, if ever, in an instant at the very beginning of the journey. It cannot be emphasized enough that this is a lifelong journey of sanctification according to the Holy Word, an interactive process with the Lord. The most important first goal is to experience the rebirth of the Spirit, which the Holy Word describes as a requirement for salvation. A key role in this transformation is also played by the various spiritual gifts present in the church, as well as the laying on of hands by believers, in accordance with the Holy Word. It should be noted that these are just a small sample of the many things that support progress on this journey.

By becoming familiar with God's character and will as expressed in His Word, one progresses step by step closer to truly knowing Him. Along the way, a love for God may develop, manifesting as a desire to be obedient to His instructions and His holy revelation of righteousness. Those further along in their journey of faith should encourage those just beginning by sharing the miracles and signs through which God confirms His interactive relationship with individuals, and how He often rewards leaps of faith and obedience in the most astounding ways. As the journey continues, understanding grows regarding the spiritual principle from heavenly laws: 'Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them' (Matthew 13:11-12).

With the spiritual principles related to the journey of faith now addressed, we can move on to discuss the chapter's topic of practicing homosexuality as a sin.

A common reaction from a person with a homosexual orientation who has just begun their journey of faith upon hearing that homosexuality is a mortal sin is to say, 'But my orientation can't be changed—it's been a part of me since birth.' In response, through church fellowship, there should be teaching in accordance with the Holy Word about how a person cannot make this change on their own, but that transformation is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit. It is easier to understand this if, at that point, the person receives teaching about how the Holy Spirit works. To address the issue, it is also necessary to teach about the principle referred to in the previously cited Bible verse. In many cases, when it comes to matters that have tightly influenced us from birth—things that God has defined as sin—these are often phenomena inherited through the bloodline, caused by sins committed by ancestors. On the other hand, there are both medical research findings and real-life testimonies showing that certain sexual orientations, which God defines as sin, have gradually developed due to negative psychological experiences in life. To my understanding, Finnish member of parliament Päivi Räsänen recently referred to these very same issues, using slightly different words with more concise and medically-focused expressions.

There are now numerous testimonies available internationally on the internet from people who have successfully left homosexuality in their past as part of their journey of faith. A desire for homosexual life can indeed be removed in an instant, in the same way the Holy Spirit is able to instantly free people from various addictions. Some individuals experience this miraculous change brought about by the Holy Spirit in a very concrete way. For others, the struggle for saving faith becomes a much longer and more complex journey. What is certain is that everyone's heart is tested. Otherwise, saving faith would not be described as a struggle and a prize to be won in so many parts of the Holy Word.

To readers who identify as homosexual or have other contemporary sexual orientations and who might scoff at this point, wondering what this prophet truly knows about these matters, I would say the following. Do not underestimate the sovereign methods of the Almighty Ruler of the world. Would the Judge of Judges, the sovereign ruler of this world, take the risk of having someone who is personally inexperienced in these matters proclaim them in His gradually initiated court with the nations?

 The Almighty certainly knows that such counterarguments would initially be used to silence the messenger. No, as with many prophets, my path to this task was long and challenging, spanning decades. Just like the ancient messengers of the Lord, I too came to understand, only after hearing the Lord's call, that He had prepared me in many ways for this very task. Therefore, at this point, I tell the readers that I can indeed declare everything written here as true, partly based on my own personal experiences and also through the experiences of dear ones in my close circle who identify with sexual minorities. What I will detail about my own journey and experiences will be shared in the message titled 'For Your Victory,' which focuses on growth in faith and the struggle of faith.

The passage from the Book of Romans cited above clearly shows how, according to the Holy Scripture, the emergence of homosexuality or other sexual orientations deemed shameful by our God often results from a time when God has turned His gaze away from that individual or their ancestors. Possible reasons mentioned in the Holy Scripture include the worship of false gods or the exchange of the Truth of God’s Word for a lie. Those who have been studying the Holy Scriptures for a longer time might now recognize the connection between the widespread violation of the 'You shall have no other gods' commandment and the explosive increase in the idealization and promotion of homosexuality in various contexts within the nation. The Bible describes other cause-and-effect relationships related to this issue, but I will not address them here and hope that they will be taught in congregations as part of the instruction of the Holy Word.

In a nation that lives in the Truth of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and enjoys the trust of the Almighty, a person who belongs to a sexual minority has, in practice, three options when they hear that, for example, practicing homosexuality is a serious sin that separates them from God. They can begin the journey of repentance, which includes pastoral care meetings. Alternatively, they can say they need time to process the matter and continue the discussions later. Just as easily, they can decide that their sexual orientation is more important to them than striving for the crown of life according to the instructions of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

A person belonging to a sexual minority has every right to say 'no thank you' to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob right from the start. Indeed, the Almighty does not wish for any individual to be forced onto the path of eternal life and repentance. If someone is unable to accept the truth of homosexuality as a sin in the eyes of our God, they are entirely free to continue living as an atheist or even to seek a religion whose god permits that sexual orientation. However, according to the Holy Word, there are no other gods in reality; they are merely representatives of the spiritual realm that opposes the Holy Spirit, taking various forms (a foundational understanding of the devil/Satan as a fallen angel, along with other angels that followed into rebellion, as well as other representatives of spiritual realms).

I have already mentioned the very dear and close people in my life who belong to sexual minorities. Although they have so far chosen, along with their partner, to say 'no' to the salvation offered by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we remain very close friends who share mutual love and respect. They respect my faith in God and the principles revealed in the Holy Word, and I respect their right to continue living as part of a sexual minority without following the path of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They, too, wanted to formalize their relationship, but they did so at the registry office.

Even my dear friends find it puzzling that, in the name of equality, there is a push to forcefully bring sexual minorities to the altars of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, against the absolute instructions of that God—instructions which impact the nation's independence. It is even more bewildering when this proposal is declared from the mouths of spiritual leaders, essentially showing defiance toward God's Word in their desire to please people. While my friends do participate in pride marches, they don’t understand the almost fanatical proportions in which the worldview of sexual minorities is suddenly expected to dominate over all other beliefs and the freedom of others to express their opinions. They, too, do not understand why the issue is framed as a matter of equality and human rights, because in this context, it is ultimately more about religious freedom.

 As children raised in Christian homes, both of my loved ones have long been aware of the previously cited Bible verses and understand how the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob clearly defines any sexual relationships outside of those between a man and a woman as sin, and that marriage is established only between a man and a woman. My friends were raised in homes that practiced healthy Christianity, where they were not wounded by overly strict or sect-like churches that impose stricter absolutes than the Bible and limit a person’s freedom to choose. They were not burdened with excessive rigidity that plants the seed of bitterness, which all too often seems to grow into a weapon used by the enemy to try to overturn the will and love of our Almighty God through various means. Their ability to refrain from twisting the clear words of the Holy Word, as it warns against, was likely influenced by the fact that they were not exposed to misleading teachings from spiritual leaders during their confirmation years. The teaching they received was in line with the Holy Word, and everyone was given the opportunity to choose according to the Word. What makes misleading teachings from spiritual leaders so dangerous for human souls is that people are no longer even given the chance to make a choice. Instead, they are led directly down a path that takes them further from God and His blessings, lulling them into a false sense of salvation.

The situation becomes even more dangerous when deception is wrapped in the packaging of love, freedom of religion, and the defense of human rights. However, defending freedom of religion and human rights should not mean marching to demand the change of God’s Word, which has stood for millennia, especially when He has declared in His Word that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Holy Word clearly states that the Almighty is the same for the first and the last. This means that the things that led to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah will similarly bring about the downfall of society today if they rise to a position of dominance over the Holy Word.

Freedom of religion, on the other hand, means that those sexual minorities who do not accept the concept of sin as defined by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are free to choose another belief system with its own view of god or even to create their own religion with new objects and places of worship.

The option mentioned above is the only path permitted by the Holy Word in a situation where those who have experienced rebirth through the work of the Holy Spirit can continue to bless the nation of Finland by proclaiming the gospel of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in accordance with the Holy Word. That Word is holy because the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob primarily reveals His character and will through it. According to that Holy Word, there is only one living Almighty God. Other gods, with their desires that oppose the Holy Word, like the gods and religions of ancient Egypt, are in reality merely representatives of the spiritual realm that rebels against God's holy will. This is the 'milk' of faith described in the Book of Hebrews, a foundational teaching for those still in the early stages of spiritual growth, which should be familiar to anyone who has attended confirmation classes before entering independent life.

Whatever sin may be considered shameful in the eyes of God, people do not have the right to judge other believers, especially those who are just beginning their journey of faith, for their sins. It is not our place to judge the stumbles that occur along the journey of faith as part of striving for the crown of life. The authority to judge the state of faith that leads to salvation for individuals, and the fulfillment of a nation’s sin debt, belongs solely to the Almighty God. This applies to homosexuality as well. Those who identify as homosexuals or belong to other sexual minorities are just as welcome in churches and other Christian congregations as anyone else, with all the other things that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob defines as sin.

On the other hand, according to the Holy Word, sins must not be kept silent, but it is the responsibility of the shepherd of the congregation to bring them up for discussion and prayer, for the benefit of the soul and to enable the possibility of salvation. When it comes to individual sins, of course, these matters are not proclaimed to the entire congregation, but rather lovingly discussed within the context of pastoral care. Criminal activity is a different matter, and in such cases, the defense of justice must also be upheld in accordance with the Holy Word by reporting crimes to authorities, defending victims, and lovingly urging those guilty of wrongdoing to repent and seek a fresh start in the eyes of God. Every new believer should have a more mature believer to walk alongside them, someone to ask practical advice from, share thoughts on difficult matters with, and form a prayer partnership that includes the empowering work of the Holy Spirit.

What do the things defined as sin by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the teaching of those things, mean for individual human dignity?

The answer is: nothing at all.

All people are, in practice, sinners, and equally loved in the eyes of God. A person’s dignity and equality are not affected by the nature or amount of their sin. There is only one sin that cannot be forgiven, and that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. No one who does not yet know God and His Word can even fall into this sin. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit refers to a situation where a person, having progressed on their journey of faith, has experienced rebirth through the work of the Holy Spirit and has tasted the goodness of the Holy Spirit in one way or another, but despite this, for one reason or another, falls into personal apostasy and begins to dishonor the Holy Spirit and its work in various ways. There is more detailed teaching on this subject, for example, in a program by Pekka Sartola (Sartola & Ristin Tuki Ry 2021, TV7 Jerusalem News. Extra. Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit).

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob truly loves all His creations so much that salvation is available to every single person! However, the Word clearly describes how some sins stand as a barrier to that available salvation, and that is why Jesus Himself commanded that these sins be taught about as part of the teaching on the forgiveness of sins and the importance of repentance. The Word also describes how the increase of certain sins in society is a sign of apostasy, and how apostasy ultimately leads to the accumulation of a nation’s sin debt, bringing spiritual decay that threatens the nation’s independence and peace. To prevent society from falling into an apostate state that endangers its independence, the Word also commands that His Word be proclaimed in the lands He has given, without adding to it, subtracting from it, or changing it out of a desire to please people.

Let us continue addressing the phenomena present in the nation of Finland as part of illustrating the nation’s serious state of apostasy.



Scriptures taken from the New King James Version:

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)