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Distorted Victimhood and Attacks as Weapons

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

"Then the men said to Lot,

Have you anyone else here?

Son-in-law, your sons, your daughters,

and whomever you have in the city

--take them out of this place!

For we will destroy this place,

because the outcry against them has grown great

before the face of the Lord,

and the Lord has sent us to destroy it."”

Genesis 19:12-13 (NKJV)


 The rise of actions defined as sin by God to a position of power that displaces righteousness in society will inevitably lead to judgments facing the nation. God did not describe the consequences of the widespread practice of homosexuality among people in the first Book of Moses as a warning to future nations without reason, as seen in the cases of Sodom and Gomorrah. I want to clarify once again to readers between the lines that no, I do not, and no believer should continue to condemn those who are homosexually oriented or members of other sexual minorities as equal human beings in this creation. They have every right to choose that path and to say thank you, but not to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, nor to His sanctuaries. However, even in this millennium, sexual minorities should not have the right to overturn the unchanging holy will written by the Almighty for millennia. No one in a Christian nation should possess such a right, even if, like the ancient nation of Ephraim in a state of apostasy, advocates for the overturning of the holy will begin to emerge among the spiritual leadership.

The fate of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, given in the Holy Word as a warning to future nations, illustrates what happens when a conviction that defies God's will takes control, and the spiritual leadership has failed in its duty to uphold righteousness within the nation. The result is a debt of sin that even tries the patience of God to its limit, inevitably leading to a judgment of destruction in one form or another. God has been defied throughout history, but is the nation of Finland—having received such a rare and unique land from the Almighty just over a hundred years ago—already prepared to defy Him and His unchanging nature?

Is Finland truly ready to trample God's unchanging holy will under the trends of the age, rather than uphold the freedom of faith made possible by the Holy Word, even though the Almighty has provided a way in His Word for people to pursue their desires—without practicing them in His name at His altars? Has Finland truly succeeded in lowering the knowledge of the God who granted us independence, and a healthy fear of God, to the point where the majority of the nation’s highest spiritual leaders no longer recognize the consequences of taking this step?

How on earth have so many steps that anger God already been taken?!

In the upcoming section, "When Justice Becomes Poison," which details the Almighty's fiery test for the nation's moral leaders and justice system, we see how the political elite has used false victimhood and attacks, crafted through lies and fabrications, as weapons to bring injustice into power. These same tactics, often exploited by the enemy of souls, can be observed among some representatives of minorities and their supporters. By distorting the concept of equality and aggressively victimizing themselves while attacking those who defend the Almighty's holy Word, they attempt to present their own ideas and preferences as a new nature of the Almighty and His expressed truth. Even though sexual minorities have the freedom to pursue other paths and gods to achieve their goals, in Finland, many minority representatives have instead chosen to place their own desires and goals above all, positioning themselves as if their human rights are suddenly being violated. In reality, the situation has been turned so upside down that the human rights of those defending the Holy Word are now being violated in Finland.

Sexual minorities already have equal opportunities to legally marry in Finland. Why should it also be possible to change the unchanging Holy Word of the God who granted Finland its independence, just to accommodate sexual minorities, and then proceed to criminalize the faith and spiritual practices of those who defend the immutability of the Holy Word? The situation is becoming as absurd as a child’s unreasonable tantrum, where ten candies in front of them aren’t enough, and the tantrum continues over the one that’s missing. Is nothing enough?

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has clearly defined in His Word that the blessing of marriage at His altars is meant only for the union between a man and a woman. The same God has also given the full option to say “no thank you” to Him if the path of salvation, as defined in His Holy Word with its set boundaries, does not appeal. But how many truly understand what they are doing? How many of those who demand that God’s nature change have first sought Him to the point of experiencing His existence and the miracles and signs of His Holy Spirit?

Until a person has found a personal relationship with God, they have not experienced what God is willing to give in place of the things they may have had to give up in order to honor the boundaries set by His Holy Word. Only after personally experiencing the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit can one truly understand what they are asking for when they demand that the Almighty change according to the trends of the times, none of which are new to God. The world has not changed in any other way than through the increase in knowledge, as referenced in the Holy Word. The same spiritual forces and human phenomena are still at work in the world, just as they were in the times of the first Book of Moses, even though technological advancement provides new ways to express these phenomena.

Why play the victim and attack?

There are plenty of other religions in the world, with gods competing for souls against our God. Those gods would gladly accept souls from under the wings of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by allowing homosexuality and other practices that are defined as sin in the eyes of YHWH. However, those gods were not called upon for help when Finland fought for its independence and its beautiful land.

The "gods" that oppose the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob specialize in offending the will of our holy God in every way possible. In their essence, these tactics of the enemy of souls could be compared to a form of narcissism—a mastery of exploiting a person’s will to control, consciously abuse, or hurt them as much as possible through calculated actions. As one progresses on their journey of faith and begins to understand the spiritual laws at play, one might even chuckle, like God, at their own blindness to which they had been exposed in this world. It is no coincidence that the pig, which God prohibited from consumption for health reasons to those He loved, has over the centuries become the centerpiece of a feast at a man-made celebration of His Son's birth—Christmas (thankfully, eating pork is not a salvation issue!). It is no coincidence that the date of Christ's birth was moved to coincide with the celebration of the sun god. Nor is it a coincidence that the stunningly beautiful rainbow, one of God’s covenant signs, has been “stolen” to represent something that God defines as a sin that separates people from Him. The smile, however, should fade when the Holy Spirit opens one's spiritual eyes to see what it means for a nation when the rainbow flag, symbolizing sin, replaces God’s rainbow in a depiction of the sinless Kingdom of God on His altar, above the head of His only begotten Son.

Personally, I am not at all surprised that the Lord's own have received sorrowful messages in their prophecies regarding the areas that have come under serious rebuke in this message. It is unlikely that Finland will entirely escape shaking (which would require a serious national effort toward repentance), but according to the prophecies, the Lord takes regional differences into account when issuing judgments. If no repentance is made by the spiritual leadership in the Helsinki, Turku, and Mikkeli areas, it should come as no surprise when, as foretold in many prophecies, the cup of the Lord's wrath is poured out in significant measure over these regions, which have advanced the furthest in apostasy. Mikkeli was outside this list until 2023. However, with the appointment of a new bishop, Mikkeli has essentially become a leading force in the trio spreading deception, diligently working to drive out mission congregations that still hold the Holy Word in high esteem from the national church. These warnings to the regions are not meant as fearmongering but as a call to awaken voters who have been spiritually blinded by the prosperity of capitalism. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. This is a loving call to bring forth the still-valid, though long-forgotten, spiritual laws in order to give the opportunity for repentance according to the Lord’s command. No one is forced to take them seriously.

Have you really drifted this far, Finland, from knowing the might of the God who gave you independence, in just a couple of generations?

In an earlier chapter of this message, we already discussed how homosexuality and all other sexual orientations outside of those between a man and a woman are clearly defined as sin by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—sin that separates a person from God unless there is a heart ready for repentance. We also discussed how homosexuals are just as equal as everyone else and welcome in the church to begin their faith journey, just like any other representatives of humanity with various nuances and sins in different areas of life. Not a single sinless person has walked under the heavens since our Lord Jesus. We also covered how a church that acknowledges the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob should support the journey of all kinds of sinners toward saving faith by teaching the true requirements of salvation with honesty. In practice, this support means assisting in the process of repentance as described in the Holy Word through teaching, pastoral care, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, while refraining from judgment for occasional stumbles. God does not demand immediate repentance when starting this journey. He gives a person time to listen and try to understand why everything is worth repenting of. However, if the heart is not ready to even acknowledge homosexuality as sin according to the Word of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the journey can never truly begin without the touch of the Holy Spirit on the heart. There must be humility in the heart toward God and His Holy Word.

By the time of confirmation class, one should at least gain an understanding of what striving for salvation means in practice. For some, the journey to overcome deeply rooted sins may involve a single day of prayerful struggle, while for others, it may be a journey spanning many years or even decades, filled with stumbles. Once again, it must be emphasized that God is not looking for a perfect or flawless journey but rather the genuine attitude of the heart and the sincere effort of those on the path.

The elders of the churches and those supporting new believers on their faith journey have a challenging task: to remain steadfast in proclaiming the Truth and the Word for the benefit of those seeking the Lord. This can be especially difficult when any sinner may come to church without yet having studied God's Word, or twisting individual verses, as Peter warned in his letter, to suit their own benefit, demanding that God's Word be altered to fit their lifestyle. There are many kinds of desires and things that people make into their own gods in this world, but there is only one path to eternal life and to seeing departed loved ones again—the path of righteousness according to God's holy revelation:


“Do not love the world or the things in the world.

If anyone loves the world,

the love of the Father is not in him.

For all that is in the world

--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—

is not of the Father but is of the world.

And the world is passing away,

and the lust of it;

but he who does the will of God

abides forever.”

1. John 2:15-17 (NKJV)


Scriptures taken from the New King James Version:

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)