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The Boundless Are Setting Boundaries

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

“Enter by the narrow gate;

 for wide is the gate and broad is the way

 that leads to destruction,

 and there are many who go in by it.

 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way

which leads to life,

and there are few who find it.”

Matthew 7:13-14 (NKJV)


In discussions about the increasingly reported distress among Finland’s youth, one often hears references to the lack of safe, protective boundaries in the lives of children and teenagers. The less acknowledged extreme, however, is the imposition of excessive, mind-breaking, and even enslaving boundaries without the simultaneous presence of love and freedom, which build healthy self-esteem. It is interesting to once again note the similarities between the cause-and-effect relationships found in the humanities and those in spiritual laws. Without any boundaries, a person cannot stay on the narrow path and reach the soul-saving narrow gate. Conversely, the hyper-restrictive path warned against by Jesus—where human-made decisions impose excessively rigid boundaries beyond what Scripture teaches, without the heavenly love and freedom brought by the Holy Spirit—can cause the entire journey to be interrupted. The journey meant to bring the soul’s well-being and salvation can be cut short when the mind breaks under the weight of being forced into actions they do not wish to take or abstain from things they do not want to refrain from. On the other hand, such coercion, especially in an atmosphere of fear of unreasonable punishments, may not always result in a broken mind. It can also lead to rebellion, born from inner distress, with the individual ultimately seeking to soothe their trauma by indulging in the wide path that leads to destruction.

Whether it is a matter of raising children or fostering the well-being of a nation, remaining on the golden, narrow middle path that leads to salvation is no simple task. It is the path shown by the Holy Word, a path of love, healthy boundaries, and also freedom.

The prayers of the Finnish nation were heard during the previous struggles for independence because they were righteous prayers, spoken in healthy fear of God. The Finnish people did not honor God with their lips only a couple of times a year by attending Advent and Christmas church services, as part of Christian traditions. Instead, the Finnish nation lived out their faith through deeds in accordance with the Word, setting healthy boundaries in their decision-making to protect the nation. People attended church throughout the year, and the holy days, as a sacred sign of the covenant between God and His people, were held in high regard. As discussed in a previous chapter, God expects love for Him to be reflected in the respect and obedience given to the instructions He has set. Of course, the Almighty heard the prayers of a righteous people who loved Him, and He helped His people in their day of trouble!

When one has witnessed firsthand the performances with crystal balls brought to the holy altar of God with the permission of teachers, and the encouragement of youth to live without boundaries, freely following all possible desires, while at the same time the opportunity to know God has been diminished, and the boundaries set by God are being altered by human decisions, one cannot help but marvel at the increasingly absurd and contradictory situation in society. On the one hand, there is talk of setting healthy boundaries to support the growth of the younger generation, yet in reality, within the nation’s spiritual blindness, those very protective boundaries are being torn down for the younger generation in an unprecedented manner. According to the Holy Word, the situation becomes impossible to resolve by earthly means when the spiritual leadership itself begins to shift the boundary markers of spiritual protection for the nation by altering the Word of God. At that point, the nation loses its last hope of maintaining peace and independence. In such a state, the only path left for the nation is the path of shaking, where the Lord, in His holiness, demonstrates His righteousness and, in His wrath, sets the holy boundary stones back in place with the power of His own hand.

How could the generation raising the youth set healthy and protective boundaries, when the majority of that generation itself seems unwilling to tolerate any kind of boundaries? If what is heard or read does not feel pleasant, the immediate response is either playing the victim or launching attacks to silence the speaker. The situation in Finland has already slipped into the serious state of apostasy described in the Holy Word, where people no longer know how to turn their back on speech that convicts their conscience within the bounds of their freedom. Instead, they take offense and, through open attacks, attempt to prevent the very proclamation work that is essential for maintaining the necessary boundaries within the nation. Loving proclamations, even if at times corrective according to the Word, which remind us of the loving boundaries set by God that made Finland’s independence possible, are attacked with accusations of defamation or mental violence. This, as warned by the Word, twists beautiful principles of equality, human rights, and love. As discussed in previous chapters, this mixes things up so badly that it becomes impossible to distinguish one thing from another. Equality and human rights are indeed principles that must be realized in the nation, but they should not be misused to trample the rights of others or to endanger the independence of future generations. Even beautiful principles should not be turned into weapons of boundless freedom that ultimately threaten the well-being of individuals and the nation. These weapons are used to attempt to overthrow the right to defend God's unchanging Word, a right protected by freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Only a nation dangerously blinded spiritually could cross this boundary set by the Almighty, which would ultimately threaten both independence and peace from within!

This phenomenon has been especially visible in discussions regarding same-sex marriages. Those who fulfill their duty as believers by defending the boundaries of God's righteousness for the nation—thereby also safeguarding the country's independence and peace—are immediately labeled as homophobes, discriminators against sexual minorities, or inciters of hatred against a particular group. As already thoroughly discussed in this writing from the perspective of the Holy Word, the issue is not about discrimination or homophobia. Even though some stand up to defend the sanctity of the altar in the name of God's holiness in the nation, they still regard sexual minorities as equal human beings, just as they view all other people in the world. As mentioned earlier in this message, equality, freedom of religion, and human rights can be respected equally without desecrating or provoking the Almighty, who granted Finland its independence. That is the boundary that the nation, having received such blessings from Him, should not dare to cross.

The same attack tactics can be seen in many other forms throughout societies. I remember reading an article a couple of years ago in which those advocating for a certain level of decency in the United States were immediately painted as being anti-sex. Once again, these were two entirely different issues. I won’t go into searching for studies, the results of which are occasionally published even in mainstream media. However, in recent years, there have been several visible research findings showing how the increase in indecency, particularly through social media, negatively affects the development of young people’s self-esteem and sexuality. Similarly, there have been numerous true stories about how indecency has led to problems in relationships.

Once again, there seems to be a complete inability to see the bigger picture and to discuss the existence of a golden middle path. On the one hand, we see reports from Western countries where there has been a failure in upholding decency, with scantily clad, or nowadays even completely nude, images bombarding people’s eyes in everyday life. On the other hand, in some places, there has been an equally serious failure in preserving decency by covering up the entire beautiful creation of God, allowing only the eyes to be visible.

The model of decency upheld by righteousness according to the Holy Word does not represent either of the extreme views described above. Instead, the model presented by the Holy Word once again reveals the existence of healthy boundaries that protect both individuals and the well-being of the nation, while also allowing the loving freedom to express the beauty that God has uniquely given to each person. However, in the spirit of our times, discussions in favor of setting boundaries often lead to simplistic and naive conclusions that setting boundaries is immediately seen as opposing or hating the entire matter. God created human beings with the ability to examine issues more broadly. Yet, due to various individualistic motivations, this ability seems to have often been forgotten in our time.

Sexuality is truly a characteristic created by God and meant to be a beautiful thing between people who are committed to one another through marriage. Oh, how many young people, as well as adults, have already suffered when, hoping for a deeper emotional connection with the opposite sex, they end up feeling like nothing more than something quickly discarded after sexual pleasure. How many minds have already been broken, and how much sexual development has been disrupted by the education systems that promote unrestricted sexual exploration and experimentation, while neglecting to teach about the elements necessary for the overall well-being of the human mind. Many experiences of rejection often lead to a needless sense of worthlessness, and the wounds from these experiences can have long-lasting effects. Many have learned the hard way that, in the end, the boundaries and guidelines set by God in His holy Word were the best for achieving lasting happiness and joy in life all along.

It is no coincidence that the golden middle path is encapsulated in the words of Ecclesiastes. At the foundation of everything is, ultimately, a healthy fear of God.


“I have seen everything in my days of vanity:

 There is a just man who perishes in his righteousness,

And there is a wicked man who prolongs life in his wickedness.

Do not be overly righteous, Nor be overly wise:

Why should you destroy yourself?

Do not be overly wicked, Nor be foolish:

Why should you die before your time?

It is good that you grasp this,

And also not remove your hand from the other;

For he who fears God will escape them all.

Wisdom strengthens the wise

More than ten rulers of the city.

For there is not a just man on earth

who does good And does not sin.

Also do not take to heart everything people say,

Lest you hear your servant cursing you.

For many times, also,

your own heart has known

That even you have cursed others.

All this I have proved by wisdom.

I said, "I will be wise"; But it was far from me.

As for that which is far off and exceedingly deep,

Who can find it out?

I applied my heart to know,

To search and seek out wisdom and the reason of things,

To know the wickedness of folly,

 Even of foolishness and madness.

And I find more bitter than death

’The woman whose heart is snares and nets,

Whose hands are fetters.

He who pleases God shall escape from her,

But the sinner shall be trapped by her.

"Here is what I have found,"

says the Preacher,

"Adding one thing to the other to find out the reason,

Which my soul still seeks

but I cannot find:

One man among a thousand I have found,

But a woman among all these

I have not found.

Truly, this only I have found:

That God made man upright,

But they have sought out many schemes.”

Ecclesiastes 7:15-29 (NKJV)


But what is happening right now in the beloved land of Finland, given by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

As you read this chapter, each of you can reflect on how Finland’s state of apostasy is openly visible in Finland's 2021 Eurovision entry. (Blind Channel 2021, Blind Channel – Dark Side – Finland – Official Video – Eurovision 2021). What do you think the God who heard the prayers of the Finnish people during their past struggles for independence would think when He observes the current state of Finland’s upbringing? What do you think the Almighty would consider when, in addition to the Halloween phenomena already introduced into the school environment, the younger generation represents this country in Eurovision by proclaiming to other nations that prayer is useless and unhelpful, while alcohol and flashing the middle finger are what really work? The idealization of boundless freedom, which has now spanned generations, is perfectly encapsulated in the fact that even professionals in the field of education cheer on a performance oozing with attitudes of alcohol and middle finger defiance. Even when some boundaries were placed on displaying the middle finger during the competition, the issue was skirted by painting the middle fingers red, essentially giving a face to the glorification of complete lawlessness. It is almost ironic how well the title of the democratically chosen song, Dark Side, captures the gravely darkened state of the Finnish nation in the eyes of God.

The problem for the nation is that, as darkness spreads, the number of those in Finland's national church who truly follow the example of Jesus and shine as bringers of light and hope, as described in the Word, has steadily diminished year after year. Fortunately, the situation is still somewhat better in the free churches, though it is concerning that even in those congregations, the lamps of the Almighty are being extinguished, as more and more room is given to the darkness.

Once again, for the sake of clarity regarding my evaluation of Finland’s Eurovision song, this is not about condemning people, the band, or the song itself. Personally, I truly rejoice in every gift of music and I am genuinely glad for Finland, a country where freedom of speech and expression still exists to such an extent that young people can openly express their ideas through performances like this if they so choose. They have that right! It is truly commendable, all the work that goes into producing such a musical creation! However, the issue is being raised here from the perspective of what the selection of this song, as a result of Finland’s democratic voting process, reveals about the general level of cultural sophistication in Finland’s democracy and, more importantly, about its spiritual state. At the Lord’s urging, I share that in the eyes of God, the fact that Finland, as a nation, chooses to crystallize its values in a performance where the power of prayer is overshadowed by the power of alcohol and the middle finger, is merely a summary of the nation's catastrophic condition, just before judgment, which He watches with extreme sadness while still calling the nation to turn back one last time.

The same spirit of rebellion and unrest that characterizes the nation’s state of apostasy is also reflected in the Convoy protests experienced in Finland. Rioting, rebelling against the authorities, insulting journalists, and threatening physical violence instead of offering constructive criticism or speaking truthfully are not the methods given by the God who granted Finland its independence to change the course of the nation. This is precisely what is meant by the nation’s spiritual blindness manifesting in people’s actions. In fact, the recent Convoy protests only exacerbate the nation’s burden of sin. The Almighty God does not want His holy name and the causes dear to Him to be associated with these kinds of riots, which go against the principles of the Holy Word in the way they attempt to push forward their agenda. This very thing, which only increases God’s sorrow and wrath, occurred during the Convoy protests in Finland. As reported in Yle’s articles, the main organizer of the protest is described as a deeply religious Pentecostal. In the same way, the liberal media quickly seized the opportunity to highlight the problematic Telegram conversations, in which some participants identified as anti-Semitic, while others aligned themselves as Christian radicals who support Israel. This media attention on causes dear to God did not move Finland forward, but rather pushed it backward. (Hämäläinen & Mattinen 2022, “We can really block the whole of Helsinki” – this is what the social media protest group planning to cause chaos in Helsinki on Friday is about)

Friendship with Israel and the blessing of Israel and the Jewish people are matters of utmost importance for the future of a nation, as was demonstrated by the wisdom of Finland’s former president when he courageously made a decision that went against the mainstream by rejecting Hitler’s request to hand over Jews from Finland to Germany. Associating this with the actions described in Yle’s article only undermines the nation’s ability to raise its people to a saving faith that understands the significance of blessing the Lord’s chosen people and the land of Israel, which the Lord is gradually restoring before our eyes.

Regarding the Pentecostalism associated with the Convoy protester, the Lord has urged me to say the following. Pentecostalism, along with other free churches like the Free Church and the Adventist Church, are in many ways still spiritually pure, meaning they remain in a sound state of faith aligned with the Holy Word, with the presence of the Holy Spirit. (This spiritual soundness should not be confused with sobriety related to alcohol.) It must be remembered that the Holy Spirit departs from places where the preaching is not in accordance with the Holy Word. Likewise, the operation of the Holy Spirit through spiritual gifts is a good indicator when choosing a church community. Despite the serious state of apostasy caused by liberal theology within the national church, there are still individual congregations within Finland’s Evangelical Lutheran Church that have held firm to the Holy Word and where the Holy Spirit still operates with His gifts. Christians equipped with the gifts of the Holy Spirit will play a key role in many ways during the coming times of shaking. The Almighty will restore unity among Christians. The Pentecostal church’s decades of experience in the use of spiritual gifts will serve other Christian communities in this new era. People will need the gifts of the Holy Spirit and pastoral care to equip themselves for the Lord’s coming discipline and to endure it.

Those familiar with the workings of spiritual laws know that the negative association between Pentecostalism and the Convoy protests is no coincidence, considering the aforementioned need. The enemy of souls seizes every opportunity to portray in a negative light what actually plays a crucial role in the salvation of souls. This relates directly to what Jesus warned about—how SOME believers, through excessive sectarianism, can take missteps. The message has already touched on how any form of coercion often leads to a desire to rebel against the writings of the Holy Word, including the example of how a bishop with a Laestadian background, who rose within the national church, has become one of the strongest preachers of liberal deception in the church.

It must be remembered, in the midst of everything, that all believers take missteps, from which there is always an opportunity to return through repentance. For this reason, it is important to emphasize that we should not engage in judging others for their actions. On the other hand, bringing to light matters that go against the Holy Word and acts of injustice should not be confused with judgment. In this antichristian age, believers must learn to take personal responsibility for preserving their faith according to the Holy Word, and, when necessary, to separate themselves from wrongdoing for the sake of their own soul’s salvation. For clarity, I also want to stress that my previous comment does not imply that Laestadianism as a whole suffers from sectarianism. Sectarianism can be found in some form within every Christian organization, which is precisely why Jesus emphasized the freedom of each individual to choose and grow in personal faith at the pace the Holy Spirit reveals, in obedience to God’s will. I will address the topic of sectarianism more thoroughly in the section of the message directed toward individuals (to be published later as For Your Victory!).

But you reap what you sow. This same boundless rebellious attitude, seen even in the Convoy protests, was applauded by the nation’s educators in Eurovision songs! This is exactly what parents have been asking for from the education system, where any form of discipline or teaching respect for authority has been turned into a bad option compared to boundless freedom. Once again, I want to stress that these comments refer only to a widespread phenomenon, not to all educators or all parents. Fortunately, there are still many educators who wish to maintain certain boundaries for the sake of children's healthy development. Unfortunately, this phenomenon also shows a connection to how educational institutions have become massive, impersonal structures.

I have personally witnessed, in a shocking way, the consequences of this change across different generations of the Finnish people. While pursuing my first higher education degree in the 1990s, I observed how the academic world operated at that time. When I returned for my second degree in the 2010s, I was appalled by the change in the behavior of the young students entering higher education. The ways in which I saw experienced, highly skilled, and knowledgeable teachers being 'pushed out' of institutions due to students feeling offended or upset revealed not so much a problem within the educational institutions themselves, but rather how the ability to set boundaries and respect authority has eroded among many young people today. The difference from the 1990s was staggering. More and more selfish pursuers of boundless freedom are emerging from educational institutions that should be providing basic knowledge and life skills for independent living, but instead, many lack healthy fear of God, the ability to humbly accept feedback, and instead of constructive problem-solving, they have been taught to play the victim and use aggressive tactics. Rather than raising children in Finland's educational system in accordance with the Holy Word, they are being raised to embrace the destructive, boundaryless behaviors associated with the spirit of Jezebel, which elevates the self at any cost. A legal case discussed in the section 'When Justice Turns to Poison' demonstrates just how much damage one person can cause to others for decades through these ungodly behaviors, especially in a society that, in its state of apostasy, has lost the ability to even address such wrongdoings.

What happens when those who have been raised with these destructive behaviors take power in the nation? In part, this change is already visible with Finland’s new president in 2024 (Alexander Stubb). The words about being a president for all the people were grand, as was the desire to carry the mantle of moral leadership. However, whether a president leans toward liberalism or conservatism, honesty and justice should be the unwavering values of a moral leader. When the fiery trial presented by the Almighty—one that was previously shown to President Sauli Niinistö—was brought to the attention of Alexander Stubb, it involved extremely serious actions that undermined the very foundation of society, meeting the criteria for grave criminal offenses committed by those who funded his political career. Yet, Alexander Stubb, as the new moral leader, did not pass this first trial from the Lord any better than Sauli Niinistö (even though, this time, the serious allegations were accompanied by evidence that confirmed the truth). Just like his predecessor, long-standing connections to the political good-ol'-boy networks appeared more important to him than the cries of the citizens in distress, even though this meant turning a blind eye to serious crimes and constitutional violations committed by those in his political inner circle. Instead of appropriately addressing the matter (including at least informing the concerned citizen that the serious issue they had raised would be taken into consideration), those who had stolen so much from ordinary citizens were instead hosted in celebration at the president’s new official residence, honoring their financially fueled electoral victories. In the eyes of God, these were celebrations that, much like ancient Ephraim, merely glorified the fact that the exploitation of ordinary people, even to the extent of stripping them of justice, could continue at the altars of the worship of money.

When the eyes of the Finnish people began to open in the spring of 2024 to the boundless and ruthless actions of the nation's highest leadership, which revealed that the promises made during the 2023 parliamentary elections were empty, the new government decided to shut down the inquiries that were bringing these truths to light. Thus, at the very start of the government’s term, power was used to prevent the truth from being exposed." (Pilke 2024, "The Government Shuts Down Research That Has Been Critical of Its Actions")

There were still small sparks of hope visible in the news coverage of spring 2024. First, Finnish Minister of Justice Leena Meri took steps to address issues within Finland’s prosecution and judicial system, giving Finns at least some hope that someone was responding to the serious problem that had been brought to the government’s attention: the inability of the Finnish legal system to administer justice in accordance with the Holy Word (as a massive injustice had caused damage for nearly ten years without anyone addressing it as required by the Holy Word and the Finnish Constitution). However, despite someone in the administration finally taking steps toward leading in accordance with the Holy Word, there was no appropriate reaction from the media. Although most of the mainstream media had already been informed about the case, no effort was made to analyze the connection between the issues. Instead, the media chose to question Leena Meri’s actions, continuing to make room for corruption in the nation.

A second spark of hope for the Finnish nation came a couple of months later, when a related statement was made by Anders Adlercreutz from another political party, addressing the need for a constitutional court in Finland (Adlercreutz & Eronen 2024. 'Adlercreutz of the Swedish People’s Party: Finland Needs a Constitutional Court'). Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary, also deserves rightful recognition for how accurately he pointed out the state of Finland's rule of law as early as 2019. On the other hand, one wonders whether Orbán already knew about this specific case, as those involved in serious offenses in Finland are also connected to positions related to his nation, as was mentioned earlier in the video referenced in this message.

In the eyes of God, both Finland's President Stubb and Hungary's Prime Minister Orbán face a common problem in 2024 due to a couple of political donors connected to the president’s political background, who are sowing destruction in the nation and provoking the severe wrath of God. Time will tell whether either of them knows how to respond to the matter in accordance with the Holy Word. It will also be interesting to see how the Almighty brings about the consequences of their choices, whether as blessings or curses, as described in the Holy Word, including their political careers. Those familiar with the fiery trial placed before Finland's president couldn’t help but smile slightly amid the gravity of the situation when they read the news of the coincidence that Orbán was seated right next to the Finnish presidential couple during the NATO dinner celebrations in the United States.

President Alexander Stubb’s visit to the NATO summit became the final touch to wrapping a beautiful package of apostasy with glittering ribbons. In the rush to please Mr. Biden, he was almost the only head of state among many who didn’t dare to openly address the glaringly obvious issues regarding Biden’s health, which clearly contradicted the physical condition required of a president. Much like the spiritual leadership of the time, where people are led by what their itching ears want to hear, the question of Biden’s visibly deteriorating condition was either carefully avoided or answered in broad terms, skirting the truth. Far removed were the clear instructions of the Holy Word, where yes means yes and no means no. Instead of the independent thinking and sense of responsibility expected of a national leader, what took precedence was the political skill learned through career training—the ability to slither out of difficult situations by polishing the tarnished image of key political partners, all while hiding the truth from the public (so as to avoid personal difficulty or jeopardizing important agreements).

The elegant phrase used by Finland’s new president, 'value-based realism' as the foundation for leading the nation, has been revealed by the fiery trial sent by God to be based on values that, according to the Holy Word, bring only a curse upon the Finnish nation. The realism of Christ as the only necessary and enduring foundation for the nation will likely become clear to Finland’s current president only through the discipline sent by the Almighty in accordance with the Holy Word.

Through the previous examples, it becomes understandable that the beginnings of a nation’s downfall—of a nation that is oppressed in many ways and morally devastated—are already visible in rebellions like the Convoy protests. This happens when both secular and spiritual leaders forget what it truly means to defend truth and justice in a nation.

According to the Holy Word, truth and justice must be defended, which absolutely includes opposing government decisions that drive people into serious distress, even in Finland, and demanding that the situation be corrected. The Convoy protesters are right in believing that, for the sake of securing the nation’s future, the current government—one that sows widespread distress and antichristian actions among the citizens—needs to be replaced.

Neither Finland’s current secular government nor the spiritual leadership of the national church enjoys the trust of the God who granted the nation its independence. While there are still some righteous leaders who live in healthy fear of God and follow the Holy Word, they are a small minority, and in a democracy, such a small minority holds virtually no power. This small group of defenders of the Holy Word stands as just one of the signs of the nation’s grave state of apostasy in the eyes of God.

The Almighty God would expect His name and the name of His Son to be spoken from the lips of Finland’s leaders, just as can still be seen in the United States in 2024. During the Republican National Convention, God was exalted in their decision-making as they explained the reasons for selecting Mr. Donald Trump as the Republican presidential candidate. At the same time, it was evident that in 2024, there remains a healthy, Holy Word-based order of leadership in the United States that blesses the nation. The American people still have the option to choose the path of blessings, as their public declarations reflect a willingness to elect leaders who put God first, even in political decision-making.

In Finland, in 2024, if the Almighty had not raised a few of His chosen ones for special tasks, God’s name would no longer be heard at all as godless decisions are made in Parliament to the destruction of the nation. Yet, because even in the midst of the darkness that has overtaken Finland, those few lamps still shine their light and bring the holy name of God into the halls of Parliament, there is some hope that the inevitable shakings sent by the Almighty may be faced with at least a bit more mercy.

All of Finland’s highest secular leaders should have come to Mikkeli Cathedral during the time of the previous president to listen to the teachings of Bishop Seppo Häkkinen, who was still serving as bishop at that time. It was no coincidence that the Lord called them to that very place in 2021, where Marshal Mannerheim, who led the Finnish nation with a healthy fear of God, once lived and sought the counsel of spiritual leaders who understood the workings of the Holy Spirit (see picture 1).

Picture 1. Mikkeli Cathedral and the Granite House, where Marshal Mannerheim lived during Finland’s Continuation War from 1941-1944

Finland is in a crisis that threatens the nation’s independence and peace, but the only way to change the direction of the country is the same as during the time of President Kallio. The only solution is a powerful call from the president, urging the entire nation to kneel in prayer for the salvation of the country and its independence.

In this situation, it is crucial to distinguish between faith and religiosity. Religiosity refers to practicing religion without the influence of the Holy Spirit, and in such cases, significant harm can be done to God's holy name—even while using His name. A clear example of this is the actions of the majority of Finland’s national church bishops in 2024. They make speeches and declarations that please the ears of the people and politicians, but go against the Holy Word, all in the name of the Almighty, thereby desecrating Him.

In contrast to religiosity, true faith is practiced according to the Holy Word, through the faith that the Holy Spirit, given by God, works in a person (the significance of being born again!). This kind of faith honors the Holy Word and is not just religiosity based on rituals or, at worst, the repetition of learned phrases.

A person's faith or religiosity does not place them in a hierarchy of worth; the terms are merely descriptive of one's current state in their faith journey. It is important to understand that those who participate in riots contrary to the Holy Word are often those who have not yet found saving faith through the Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit working in a person indeed prevents them from participating in actions that go against the Holy Word.

It is important to emphasize once again that making overly simplistic conclusions is unnecessary. Among the people involved in the Convoy protests, there could indeed have been true believers who, instead of participating in the rebellion, were led by the Lord to attend for the purpose of evangelizing to the protesters.

A positive aspect of the Convoy protest, however, is that the emergence of such phenomena reflects the real distress of the people, as was referenced earlier in this message. The Finnish Prime Minister should not, in good conscience, be able to elevate her own image through various stunts in the media that contradict the truth while the nation is suffering (a reference to Sanna Marin in 2021). It’s no wonder that the people accuse the media of lying and are even rebelling against the media. Who can bear to see the Prime Minister smiling and presenting herself as the leader of the happiest country in the world, while an unprecedented number of citizens in her country are truly suffering in distress and need? (This also applies to the leaders in 2024, who promoted themselves as champions of the whole nation, but their actions tell a completely different story).

 The suffering of the Finnish people has reached a serious point when the basic elements necessary for maintaining a decent life are being taken out of the hands of numerous families. This refers, for example, to the essential need for driving in many areas outside the Ring III, with fuel costs spiraling out of control, and the ruthless way in which the hard-earned income of families is being funneled into the profit margins of energy companies. This is further compounded by lengthening breadlines, and in 2024, by decisions that have led to outright hunger among both low- and middle-income families. The visible signs of the nation's distress should truly prompt some change in the country's leadership. Unfortunately, there have been no signs of a shift in Finland’s national leadership toward the kind of change in line with the Holy Word.

On the contrary.

Finland is on the brink of ruin, no matter how much it is polished in international articles with the butter of capitalism using worldly metrics. In 2024, it can be noted that Sanna Marin, in an attempt to protect her image, did push through a small band-aid solution in her government to temporarily ease the financial situation for those suffering from high electricity prices for a few months. However, she lacked the courage to address the real root of the problem, as doing so would inevitably mean confronting the interests of the capitalist good-ol'-boy networks. By offering only a small opportunity for compensation to a limited segment of the large number of suffering Finns, Marin merely created a neat exit for herself without solving the actual problem from the perspective of sustainable development and the values of the Holy Word. The modern-day enslavement of ordinary Finns, reminiscent of the ancient pharaohs seeking to maintain their power and material wealth, did not end with Marin's government. Unaware of the spiritual guidelines of the Holy Word for choosing the nation’s leaders, the next parliamentary elections saw an even more liberal group elected, extinguishing the last remnants of hope for meaningful change in the nation.

Dear Finns and those living among you, the truth is that power in Finland must change hands, but riots are not the right way according to the Holy Word. The path shown by the Holy Word is to begin by examining one's own values and the state of one's faith. As we grow in deeper understanding of the Holy Word, we come to realize that the only way to change the direction of the nation is to elect leaders who are righteous, have a healthy fear of God, and possess a clear conscience. In practical terms, for Finland, this means that real change can only come at the time of the next parliamentary elections (unless the Almighty sends the rod of punishment described in the Holy Word upon the nation before then). Right now, we are paying the price of apostasy, driven in part by the powerful influence of money on the rise of the nation’s leaders.

Dear Finns, the Almighty urges all Finns to seek God through His Word, so that your spiritual eyes may be opened to make the right choices in the upcoming elections. If you once again choose those who have embarked on political careers through ruthless capitalism, you cannot expect any change in the direction of the nation’s leadership, and therefore no improvement in the state of the nation.

The only way to change the direction of the nation is to elect righteous leaders who have a healthy fear of God. This is a challenging time because, due to the widespread liberalism that has resulted from the spiritual state of apostasy, an individual’s righteousness cannot be determined simply by choosing a candidate from a party that claims to uphold Christian values. Changing the direction of Finland requires spiritual eyes opened by the Holy Spirit during the voting process, which is only possible by first seeking to learn from the Word by attending a church. It would also be beneficial if, in the next elections, the questions presented to citizens in polls included ones that could help people, through their spiritual discernment, assess a candidate’s knowledge of the Holy Word and whether they possess a healthy fear of God.

In 2024, it should be noted in favor of the media that during the Finnish presidential elections, candidates were indeed directly asked whether they believe in God. In the next presidential elections (if the Lord grants Finland that much more time in His mercy), one would hope to see questions that reveal whether the candidate is aware of the Almighty’s instructions to national leaders, as honored by the former President Mannerheim.

Finns and those living among you, instead of engaging in riots that go against the Holy Word, be the ones to set an example and choose candidates who have a healthy fear of God. Only through this can you be certain that the elected representatives will also have a clear conscience. This is the only way to ensure that, as members of parliament, they will not be swayed by the good-ol’-boy networks of capitalism, leading them to break their promises. They will truly focus on serving the interests of the ordinary majority and firmly address the issues in the nation that are sowing destruction in various ways among the people.


Scriptures taken from the New King James Version:

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)