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What Humans Call Good

May Be Bad in God’s Eyes

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

Throughout the prolonged war in Ukraine, we have witnessed and seen all political assessments of the war’s duration and Russia's ability to wage and supply its army prove false. Already at the beginning of the war in 2022, it was known among believers, based on numerous revelations from the Lord, that the war would be long and expand. The current situation is precisely one in which our Almighty God YHWH also laughs, to use a term from the Holy Word, at the self-exalting earthly and spiritual leaders of nations, while mourning the plight of those faithful to Him who have been oppressed and led astray.

 What is the good that God, according to the Holy Word, wants us to fight for? Is it really the Western liberalism, praised by Sanna Marin and Stubb, which stands in opposition to the Holy Word? Or is it the values that Russia currently represents better than the majority of Europe, by preserving the Christian apostolic roots that are present in Orthodoxy, safeguarding them better than the Western Church?

In Finland, as part of His final call to repentance for the nation's leadership, the Almighty, in His love, sent a message as early as 2021 to the president and the highest spiritual leaders of the nation, warning that peace would soon be broken. Similarly, in His love, God has urged the proclamation of the reasons behind Ukraine’s current situation and has called Ukraine to repent for its past transgressions, including its alignment with the triumph of liberalism. Instead of repenting, the leadership of the Ukrainian nation continues to proclaim that it is fighting evil and standing on the side of good. Even if people in a democracy have defined the desires of the majority as good, aligning with Western liberal politics, it does not change the Almighty’s view of His commands on choosing between good and evil. The situation remains unchanged, even though mainstream media in different nations fervently declare this new gospel of liberal politicians, while at the same time scorning other perspectives and denying them the chance to even be heard.

In the ongoing battle in Ukraine, the hand supporting the actions of the Almighty is currently upon Russia, as it carries out actions in accordance with biblical cause-and-effect principles. However, the Almighty's helping hand is also with all Ukrainians and Russians who, in the midst of this conflict, cry out to Him with all their heart. Just as described in the Holy Word and seen unfolding in Ukraine, during these severe upheavals that the Almighty allows (or, according to the Holy Word, even sends) upon nations, the Almighty does not forget those who, in their hearts, rely on the work of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross and on His teachings about good and evil.

Everything has its purpose. The steps leading to our modern times can already be found in the prophecies contained in the Holy Word. It is fascinating to observe how events unfold exactly as the Lord has revealed to His servants through prophecies worldwide. For example, Pastor Barnett's prophecy about the outbreak of the war in Ukraine has begun to come true with astonishing accuracy (Barnett 2022, Pastor Phillip Barnett shares Azovmena prophecy Part 1 of 2). Since all prophecy is partial, the emergence of inaccuracies does not necessarily invalidate the entire prophecy. Equally astonishing has been the speed at which the war in Israel began, as predicted by many prophecies. There is no doubt that the Stockholm prophecy given to Finland, referring to the war that will eventually expand from Israel, will also come true. All these events, along with the cooperation between China, Korea, and Russia, are driving the world’s happenings in an astonishing way toward the situation described by the ancient prophets in the Holy Word, foreshadowing the return of the Lord.

When one understands the reasons behind the events of nations according to the Holy Word, everything can be accepted in peace. It is futile to fight the inevitable with weapons and alliances. Wars that are already connected to the Messianic age will not end at negotiation tables where the Holy Word no longer holds any weight. In the current situation, Finnish citizens should reflect on what spiritual armor they need to face the inevitable together with the Lord. It is sad that, instead of spiritually equipping the citizens, the national church has primarily aligned itself with politics, proclaiming a false peace, much like ancient Ephraim.

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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)