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Even the Nation’s Sin Debt Has a Credit Limit

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I 

Unfortunately, as of 2024, it increasingly appears that Finland's highest leadership has truly missed its final opportunity to heed the call for repentance from the Almighty. In doing so, they have also closed the door for the nation to follow a path of greater blessing and ease in the coming years. What lies ahead is the valley of sorrow for a nation that has reached a state of irreversible apostasy, where the Almighty will have to allow the nation to experience the upheavals brought about by His raised hand. In the end, many proud knees will bend before the Lord, seeking mercy and help.

As described in the Holy Word, the Almighty is patient by nature and waits for a long time. However, patience does not mean that turning away from the call to repentance and the continued increase of the nation's sin debt will not eventually reach an endpoint, even in the Almighty's patience. In His love for those who remain faithful to Him, He ultimately puts an end to the ongoing promotion of apostasy, with serious consequences, especially for the weak and the oppressed. Therefore, as the Holy Word illustrates, the upheavals that God allows (and, in practice, also arranges) are the Almighty's last means of restoring the nation's appreciation of truth, the fulfillment of justice, and the safeguarding of righteousness.

In Finland, as in ancient Ephraim, the leadership chosen by the nation has been given an opportunity by the Lord to avoid the shaking that the Lord ultimately sends upon the nation for the sake of the oppressed and enslaved. However, the shaking is, in the end, one of those cause-and-effect relationships likened to the laws of nature, which will inevitably come to pass if the nation is deprived of its last hope of returning to the healthy fear and obedience of the Lord through the decisions of its leadership.

Unfortunately, as a messenger anointed and sent by the Spirit of the Lord in Finland, I must state that we have reached the point where there is no return to a blessed state for the nation except through the shaking that the Lord will allow upon the nation.

We have witnessed with our own eyes how the cause-and-effect relationships described in the Word are being fulfilled in Ukraine as consequences of the nation's participation in the genocide of the Jews. In Finland, too, the media, in accordance with the wishes of politicians, declared in 2022 after the war began that good would prevail even before the first summer of the war. Why, once again, did we read only what politicians swimming along with the mainstream wanted the media to churn out in the headlines? Once again, in 2022, we heard the words of Prime Minister Sanna Marin as an example of politicians feeding people what their itching ears wanted to hear, declaring how the citizens were being deceived by hearing only what they wanted to believe. Everything would end quickly, and good would triumph! What good? And yet, the war did not end, no matter how flawlessly and confidently it was proclaimed with perfect words and demeanor.

Statements made by Finland's former Prime Minister Sanna Marin regarding the war in Ukraine have turned out to be a prime example of how national leaders, even today, are ready to proclaim false peace and a sense of security in pursuit of their own political agendas. Although Sanna Marin was elevated in Finland as a symbol of liberalism and worshipped by many citizens instead of the Almighty, this does not change the reality beneath the polished exterior created by worldly means. As a messenger sent by the Lord, I can state that Ukraine will not win the ongoing war, as Sanna Marin confidently declared would happen (Kotkavirta 2022, 'Sanna Marin Speaks Frankly About Russia—"It Will Lose"'). Likewise, many Finns with broader life experience across multiple areas than the then-Prime Minister knew that Marin's 2022 remarks about Russia's defeat were nothing but naive falsehoods told to the public (Vaismaa, P. 2022. Sanna Marin: Russia Is Losing the War—Comments on Biden's Statements About Putin's Path).

The same continued in the fall of 2022, with Marin declaring that, in her opinion, Russia’s mobilization, Putin’s speeches regarding nuclear weapons, and the events related to the Nordstream gas pipeline indicated that Russia was in trouble and losing the war. When setting foot among ordinary Finns at that time in 2022, one could already hear a more realistic assessment of the situation, which Finland’s mainstream media only publicly acknowledged in 2024: Russia can produce more military equipment for its needs than all NATO countries combined. How far removed from reality so many of the former Prime Minister’s statements have been!

Did the situation in Finland improve after Sanna Marin? Unfortunately, no.

In Finland, following the 2023 parliamentary elections and the 2024 presidential elections, it can be said that the nation has gone from bad to worse. The new president Stubb's blustering threats against Russia with NATO deterrence are just as naive and hollow as the empty promises of previous leaders who have already led the nation astray. Later in this message, prophecies sent by the Almighty as a warning to Finland will be revealed, containing references to the nation's leaders as the punishment for Finland begins. It doesn’t take much imagination to recognize how closely Finland’s leaders match the descriptions in these prophecies—unless they make a last-minute turn towards repentance and lead the nation back to its God.

In the situation in Ukraine, another biblical cause-and-effect chain comparable to natural laws can be observed. Those familiar with the Holy Word know that the Almighty is skilled at restoring things to their starting point when matters in a Christian nation have not followed the course of the Holy Word. The Lord called Abram from ancient Mesopotamia to be the patriarch of His global plan of salvation. At the call of the Almighty, Abram set out on his journey and arrived, as Abraham, for the first time in the Promised Land, as directed by the Lord. When the people of Israel, descended from Abraham, gradually distanced themselves from their God in the region of ancient Jerusalem, they were expelled from the land according to the warning that the Almighty had given them in advance. The Almighty sent the Israelites from the region of ancient Jerusalem into exile in Babylon through the invasion of a foreign power, essentially back to the area of ancient Mesopotamia..

From the Holy Word, one can read how the people exiled by the rivers of Babylon wept and longed to return both to Jerusalem and to their connection with their God. Over the course of history, the story of the Israelites, which began with Abraham, saw one cycle come to a close. The Almighty returned His people to the starting point, from which, by the grace of the Almighty, they could set out once again on a new journey toward the Promised Land.

A similar cyclical pattern from the Almighty can be identified in both Ukraine and Finland regarding the fate of an independent country and a Christian nation. The region of Ukraine is the birthplace of what is now Russia. Over time, Ukraine developed its own identity and independence. However, after the fall of Russian rule, the opportunities given were not used according to the Holy Word. Ukraine increased its national sin debt by participating in the genocide of Jews (disregarding the warnings in the Book of Joel). In Ukraine’s current politics, its value system seems to have shifted, much like Finland, toward Western liberalism that opposes the Holy Word. Therefore, it is no surprise that the Almighty would ultimately take back the opportunity given and return the situation to where the existence of the nation in that region once began.

A very similar cause-and-effect relationship will also manifest in Finland due to its current state of apostasy. The difference between Finland and Ukraine, however, is that through this message, the Lord has provided the Finnish people with a straightforward model describing the nation's condition in His eyes. As a nation, the Finns still have the opportunity to repent before the shaking begins. As mentioned earlier, given the current state of Finland’s national sin debt, it can no longer entirely avoid the punishments described in the Holy Word. However, the Finnish people still have a chance to influence the extent of those punishments.

In practice, Finland's situation means that the Almighty's call is urging every Finn to take personal responsibility for redirecting their homeland's development back onto the path of blessings. The NATO deterrence rhetoric from President Stubb and many other national leaders is a dangerous distraction for the nation. Given that Western nations in Europe have not made any amends for the things that have angered the Almighty through liberalism, the situation is developing, according to prophecies, into a nuclear war in this new era. When the first nuclear bomb falls on European soil, Finland will be left completely without the promised NATO support. Because too few took the Almighty's warnings seriously, the realization of nuclear war will surprise virtually all liberal leaders in Europe. Finland will experience the reality of the Stockholm prophecy's description of how the country is left entirely alone.

It was not without reason that the Stockholm prophecy given to Finland highlighted, as early as the 1980s, the very issues that have recently been ath the forefront of Finland’s politics. When Finland, contrary to the Holy Word, closes its eastern border to those in need, it will reap the same treatment for its own citizens when war breaks out. Finland will face the consequences of changes to the abortion law, the blessing of same-sex marriages, and other actions contrary to the Holy Word. All these things were foreseen by the Almighty to happen in Finland already last century, which is why He sent a loving warning to the nation about the consequences of its developmental direction according to the Holy Word at that time.

Thus, contrary to what Sanna Marin declared in 2022, the resolution of the Ukrainian conflict does not lie in Russia's withdrawal from Ukraine. The true resolution to the Ukrainian conflict is only if the leaders of the Ukrainian nation are willing to humble themselves before the Almighty, accept the consequences of their missteps in the nation, and turn the nation back onto the path in accordance with the Holy Word.

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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)