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The Shaking from the Almighty:

The Only Hope for a Better Future

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

As stated in this message published to the nations at the urging of the Lord, Finland's debt of sin has been fulfilled, and the nation's borders will be broken as a result of the cause-and-effect relationship declared in the Holy Word, unless the current leadership of the nation is able to act against the global mainstream, as Mannerheim once did. As discussed in the message, driving the nation into a state where justice no longer prevails and the righteousness proclaimed in the Word is but a remnant of the past will inevitably lead to the loss of the land, as described in the Bible. Just as the Lord ultimately shook all of Egypt to free the oppressed and give them a new beginning with Him, Finland too will face a great transformation during the era of President Stubb.

The fact that the number 8 was drawn as President Stubb’s election number already spoke volumes. In the Almighty’s world, nothing like this is a coincidence. Knowing the ways God operates, including His divine sense of humor, we can understand that He places signs and reasons before the spiritually blind, even though He knows they will not see them. Only when everything comes to pass will many blind eyes be opened, and they will realize that it was all so obvious.

I won’t go into detail here about the unique aspects of the Hebrew language, particularly how letters and numbers carry their own biblical significance. However, it is worth mentioning that the number 8 is associated with the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and a new, better beginning through Him.

Before Finland's most recent presidential election, it was already predictable that the current president, Stubb, with a campaign budget of millions of euros, would receive the most media exposure and ultimately be elected. If the nation's spiritual leadership had responded to the Lord's call for repentance in 2021 and begun teaching the nation the spiritual principles that Mannerheim understood, the situation could have been different, despite the millions of euros in the campaign budget. Instead, during the presidential election, we witnessed through the media how the ties between the spiritual leadership and secular political leadership became even more intertwined. It is no longer surprising in Finland that from the pulpits, political agendas are proclaimed instead of the guidance of the Word of God.

During the election, I asked the Lord in prayer about Stubb, 'Lord, could you explain the significance of this “coincidence” regarding the number 8? Does it mean that you will grant Stubb immeasurable grace, that unlike his predecessor, President Niinistö—who rose from the same business circles—he would dare to become a moral leader after Your own heart and guide the nation, even at the last moment, to turn back to You?' I didn’t receive a direct answer to my question. The Lord doesn’t always answer, at least not as quickly as one might hope. Sometimes, instead of receiving a direct revelation from the Lord, the answer becomes evident as events unfold.

It didn’t take long after the Finnish presidential election to realize that the number 8 most likely pointed to a sad and historically more probable outcome. Unfortunately, based on the actions of our moral leader at the start of his term, we cannot expect the kind of resolve and courage to act against the mainstream that Mannerheim displayed. Instead of using his role as a moral leader to turn the nation back to its God, Stubb, through his actions and decisions, seems to have driven the final nail into the coffin of Finland’s debt of sin. As a result, in accordance with the biblical significance of the number 8, we will see how our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Almighty power, will turn the fate of Finland in accordance with the Holy Word.

For Finnish citizens, the number eight indicates that the change toward a better situation is indeed very near. Unfortunately, with the nation's leadership in a state comparable to that of ancient Ephraim, the biblical cause-and-effect relationships suggest that a shaking is required to bring about this new state of affairs. It is also entirely clear that, just as in Ukraine’s case, the Almighty God has chosen Russia as the instrument of this shaking for Finland, in accordance with the messianic prophecies of our times. This should not come as such a foreign or surprising reality to any Finn, had the spiritual leadership of the national church remained close to God and fulfilled its role in the way the Almighty requires in recent years. At the same time, the people would have been informed as to why there is no need to fear this inevitable intervention by God.

Of course, to bring this matter to the attention of the nation, a change in the mainstream media would also have been necessary, so that they would not be so politically driven.




Finland will soon experience the time of storm described in the Holy Word, through which the Almighty Himself will turn the nation back to the path of the Holy Word and to a healthy fear of God. Many believers have long known that this is now practically the last hope to reverse the nation’s current direction. However, until the very last day before God raises His rod against Finland’s borders, the Finnish nation still has the opportunity to fall to its knees and pray for the conversion of its moral leaders and the majority of the people from their current path.

This brief, remaining hope is echoed by a few dissenting voices, like Moses, who boldly remind us of God’s unchanging nature and the importance of following His holy and unchanging commands, even as political decisions are made at the expense of values for the sake of money and fame. Among those who shine as bearers of the Lord’s light and hope are just one in ten bishops, such as Matti Salomäki of the Diocese of Lapua, Pauli Selkee, a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and numerous individual representatives of the national church synod, who have dared to stand up for their God and His Holy Word as political influence extends its reach into church politics. As further examples from Finland's Evangelical Lutheran Church, let us highlight representatives such as Vuokko Vänskä and Kari Simolin from the Diocese of Mikkeli, Pauli Niemelä and Janne Kaisanlahti from the Diocese of Oulu, Torsten Sandell from the Diocese of Porvoo, and Pekka Niiranen from the Diocese of Kuopio. Every defender of the Lord will experience His gratitude for standing up for Him!

We can thank Bishop Matti Salomäki for having the courage, as the only one among the ten bishops, to stand against changing the clear instruction in Finland's national church regarding the sacred institution of marriage before God, affirming it solely as between a man and a woman.

We can also thank Pastor Pauli Selkee, who maintains a YouTube channel that presents blessed and heavenly wisdom with remarkable clarity. He courageously fulfills his role, as outlined in the church order, by exposing the bishop’s council's proposal, which contradicts the Word of God, in a way that leaves no doubt that this proposal could never be made into a decision blessed by God through any worldly influence. As Pastor Selkee describes well in one of his earlier YouTube blogs, the current situation in Finland is not new in the light of history. It closely resembles the time after the Reformation brought about by the Almighty God, when the politicized leaders of the Catholic Church attempted to influence the congregations against the Holy Word after Lu.ther's death. In many places, they submitted to the deceptive political power and regressed. Yet, by the grace of the Lord, through the courageous followers of the Lord who defended His Word, the curse of regression did not reach every congregation.

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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)