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Finland’s Hidden Crisis:

Worse Than in Italy and Spain

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

Anywhere else but in Finland, a legal process deliberately distorted by the actions of the sitting president’s campaign financiers and political operatives within ambassadorial circles, involving conduct that meets the criteria of gross fraud, would cause a scandal. Upon being revealed to the authorities and mainstream media, it would make headlines and lead to resignations from positions within the nation's administration. In Finland, it seems that no one intervenes.

The Finnish mainstream media is silent even in the face of evidence in a situation where it has the legal right and also the obligation to bring the matter to the attention of the nation. The most dangerous form of corruption and oppression of the people in nations is the whole situation on its own when the media, in its overly politicized position, is too strongly connected to the parties that hold power in the nation, and because of its connections, it no longer seems to address the grievances affecting the nation with the fairness required by the constitution.

A highly dangerous situation arises in a country like Finland, where individuals connected to unconstitutional events are closely tied to both the former and current top leadership of the nation. Those who should be addressing the long-known weaknesses in the legal system remain silent as members of their own political elite circles exploit these weaknesses by knowingly providing false testimonies and incorrect information to legal authorities. Instead of responding appropriately to this misconduct, the political forces funded by these individuals push for legislative proposals that further weaken the public’s ability to defend their rights in a democratic system. Frankly speaking, having observed all of this closely, I can no longer assert that my beloved homeland is a true constitutional democracy, where the government ensures the constitutional rights of its citizens are upheld in accordance with the demands of democracy.

No entity in Finland seems to be upholding the constitutional requirement to protect truth and justice within the Finnish nation anymore.

The connection between Finland's situation and the significant ties between the top leadership of mainstream media and political influencers in the business sector cannot be overlooked when considering why news reporting on many issues is clearly politicized at the expense of objectivity and often contradicts verifiable facts. (For example, consider the position of a member of the board of the Confederation of Finnish Industries held by a representative of the leadership of a major media company, Sanoma Media Finland Oy, as well as the selection of the editor-in-chief of Helsingin Sanomat as a guest at the Bilderberg meeting in Spain, alongside a carefully selected political delegation from Finland).




Before addressing the spiritual root causes of the serious problems plaguing Finland, it is appropriate in this context to take a brief look at what the aforementioned matters have meant in practice for ordinary Finns.

The events of the trial by fire that the Almighty set for Finland's judicial system, briefly mentioned earlier, span the years 2013-2024. As early as 2014, when a Finnish start-up went bankrupt due to actions by representatives from the political circle of Finland’s then-president—actions that met the criteria for gross fraud—the press, which enjoys writing about Finnish public figures, became aware of the criminal investigations arising from the case. Unlike usual, however, no headlines on the matter were seen by the Finnish public. Instead, the person falsely framed as guilty received vaguely threatening communications, in which it was mentioned in passing that the media already knew about the matter, and those making the threats would take action regarding the raised criminal charges. The individual, subjected to behavior characterized by extreme dishonesty and fraud, could only, in their then-naive faith in the judicial system of their beloved homeland, wait for the chance to eventually report the events to the police. The situation was so clear in light of extensive evidence that they never doubted for a moment that they, and the company's creditors, would receive justice.

Instead of receiving justice, over the next ten years, the harsh truth about the state of the homeland began to be revealed in a shocking way, along with the practical implications of the actions referenced in the threats. Like Jezebel and Ahab, those who set out to pervert justice ruthlessly exploited their positions of trust in society, fully aware of the other party’s virtually defenseless position (a state they themselves had significantly contributed to creating for the victim). Efforts to obstruct and distort justice were made through widespread, systematic lying to the judicial authorities. The fabrication was reinforced with false testimonies that supported the frame-up. Ordinary Finns have faced severe sentences for similar actions. But what happened when the financiers of sitting presidents' political careers were guilty of these serious crimes?

The individual who had worked for years within the Finnish state administration and became the target of the frame-up did not initially worry about the situation in the early years. Considering the extensive evidence and witnesses, the attempt to evade responsibility initially brought nothing but a smile to her face. Surely no one could seriously attempt something like that in Finland! It was only after more than five years of silent waiting, when the authorities following the case began to express doubts that everything had not gone as it should in the judicial process, that the web of injustices gradually began to unravel for the ordinary Finn, who had become the victim of serious violations of justice. Where a widowed mother of four, who had fallen victim to ruthless actions due to the flaws in Finland's judicial system, should have received justice for herself and the company’s creditors within six years, what was instead revealed was a series of increasingly brazen acts of perverting justice, both by political influencers of the president and the judicial authorities handling the case.

Notably, around the same time, the Finnish mainstream media was criticizing a state official for the misuse of airline points accumulated during business trips. In this case, the media's and tabloids' relentless bashing of the woman, who had been the subject of scrutiny for years due to her error, surpassed all bounds of decency. Even after serving her punishment, the media practically destroyed her chances for a fresh start in life, vilifying her in headlines for every attempt she made to find new work after the mistakes.

Contrary to the constitutional principle of equal treatment of citizens, the same mainstream media took a total silence approach regarding criminal investigations related to far more serious socially significant matters and much more well-known individuals. The responsibility of the mainstream media to bring these issues to light was actually heightened by the fact that the party intentionally distorting justice at that stage was, to a certain extent, involved in the investment and management of Finnish pension funds, thereby raising significant annual income related to their responsibilities.

Judge Pauliine Koskelo of the European Court of Human Rights describes in a news article published in Helsingin Sanomat how, in a democracy grounded in the rule of law, the mainstream media is expected to act as a check on political power and a counterforce (Sajari 2024. Warning Signs. The significance of the rule of law should not be forgotten, says Judge Pauliine Koskelo of the European Court of Human Rights). The public has the right to expect the mainstream media to operate in a manner consistent with the Constitution's principles of equal treatment. Citizens also have a justified right to expect to hear from the mainstream media about significant problems in the realization of democracy, even if those issues involve individuals sitting at the same tables as media executives and other influential figures in the business community. If the media is unable to fulfill this role, democracy has truly descended into the most severe level of corruption described by the Holy Word.

Unfortunately, this has already proven to be the case in Finland.

Regarding the trial by fire that the Almighty has set for Finland, the major media outlets and even the trusted financial media became mere tools exploited by the political elite, who sowed injustice in society, using these platforms to portray lies as truth. This would not have been possible if the media, deemed reliable, had treated their subjects fairly and conducted thorough background checks instead of worshiping the political elite's connections. The situation became even more questionable when the media refrained from reporting after they received evidence of how this political elite was using them to violate the rights of others (Lavan, L. 2024. Finns Have the Right to Know). From the authorities' perspective, the matter was further aggravated by the fact that this was not even the first victim of the woman operating in the manner of Jezebel. Before this, she had already destroyed one person's career path with similar actions. In her latest case, she used her partner to obtain false testimony from him in order to distort her lies into a fabricated truth. In a rule-of-law country like Finland, it should not be possible to buy justice to commit severe crimes without consequences by financially supporting those seeking significant political positions.

To ensure that the previous mentions do not remain mere empty words, it is worthwhile to go through a couple of concrete examples, even though this trial by fire will be examined in more detail in a separate part of the message that will be published later.

How the political elite in Finland exploited their media relationships while systematically undermining the rule of law, which serves as a fundamental pillar of democracy?

After the bankruptcy process related to the trial by fire set by the Almighty had begun, a party who had acted extremely dishonestly and deceitfully toward her business partners and the company's creditors started fabricating a narrative to portray herself as an external actor. The motivation was clear: to escape the bankruptcy she had caused through dishonesty and fraudulent actions within her area of responsibility, along with avoiding the personal liabilities, while shifting all the consequences onto her defenseless business partner. The primary goal appeared to be concealing the truth about how, through the bankruptcy she caused, she tried to steal the entire business idea with fraudulent actions, while also committing gross debtor dishonesty toward the company's creditors. Her defenseless partner found herself in a situation where she was essentially blackmailed through the need for essential wages, as a single mother, to agree to the fraud. Despite the extreme pressure, this mother of four, in her deep fear of God, was ready to lose her home in defense of the rights of the company and its creditors. However, she falsely believed that in the following years she would be able to obtain justice for herself, the company, or the creditors in accordance with the Constitution of Finland.

In order to make her sudden change of direction and outright lies in emails appear truthful, the businesswoman, who operated according to Jezebel's patterns, first published an article in a reputable financial magazine after the bankruptcy process had begun. In the article, she sought to elevate honesty and trust as the foundations of business, alongside herself. Few at the magazine's editorial team would have guessed that the long-awaited interview, which the journalist had been hoping for, was granted because this individual, whose actions constituted serious criminal offenses, wanted to gain 'trustworthy' media visibility while presenting false information in the emails she was sending to the bankruptcy and legal authorities.

The same use of the media to unjustifiably polish her external image during the criminal proceedings continued for years. When the widow, left as a single mother of four, finally reached court for the first time about seven years later to defend her own rights and those of the company's creditors, it was always possible to read in the media, just before significant court sessions, praise for this couple who had acted in the manner of Jezebel and Ahab, either together or separately.

However, more significant than the media manipulations by the political elite in distorting justice in violation of the Constitution were the events that took place within the Finnish Prosecutor's Office. The widow and single mother waited for six long years, in violation of the Constitution, just for the legal proceedings to begin so that she and the creditors could seek justice. Until justice was served, she was unable to return to her profession. Her highly accomplished university degree became useless in the job market until the day justice would be realized. Instead of receiving the justice she had been waiting for, the victim of the crime was the first to learn that the representative of the political elite had been acquitted of all charges just weeks after the investigation concluded—years prior. She was essentially exonerated based on material that, according to Finnish law, should not have even been used to make such decisions. Furthermore, the process that led to the decision not to prosecute did not meet many of the legal requirements governing judicial processes in Finland.

As a result, the systematic, deliberate, and large-scale lying to Finland's legal authorities was generously rewarded for the political elite’s inner circle. In practice, the Prosecutor's Office acted as a whitewasher for the political elite. Those guilty of crimes within the elite could return to their lives as soon as possible without any consequences, while the real victims were silenced for years. Through years of delaying paperwork, the victims were made unable to bring their evidence to light until after the main hearings. At the same time, those guilty of serious crimes raised their glasses in the Presidential Palace throughout those years, celebrating the triumph of injustice in Finland, while the honest were left hanging in a loose noose, silenced for years, suffering alongside their children and enduring countless other severe consequences without a single drop of justice.

The case documents were kept in the prosecutor's desk drawer for just the right number of years to further violate the rights of the individual who had been framed through fraudulent actions. For example, charges for the gross defamation contained in the fabrication could no longer be brought, as enough time had passed in the drawer for these crimes to expire, to the benefit of the political elite. What this statement encompasses, both in terms of the actions of the political elite and the authorities who contributed to the distortion of justice, is described in more detail in the section 'When Justice Is Turned Into Poison.'

In this section, addressing the nightmare of democracy, it is necessary to review how the presidents, who were elected to power with the financial backing of the this same political elite, along with their international sauna clubs, fulfilled their responsibility to uphold the fundamental pillars of democracy when the issues at hand uncomfortably touched their own political circles. Unfortunately, once again, we only witnessed how politicized media relations were used to promote injustice in society, instead of following the practices that promote the conditions necessary for democracy, as outlined by human rights lawyers.

Unfortunately, at the Lord's urging, it must be said that the leadership of the nation has not been conducted in Finland for many years as it was by the former presidents and spiritual leaders who lived in healthy fear of God and continued to enjoy His favor. Just as Jesus referred to the corrupt spiritual scribes as 'brood of vipers,' something similar awaits in the approaching era of the Lord's judgments—both in Finland and in other nations—for those who, at any cost, are willing to polish the façade of the political elite for their own benefit at the expense of ordinary citizens (unless repentance is made even at the sound of the Almighty's final call).

After observing for years the violations of justice suffered by the victims of widespread dishonesty and fraud, the Almighty finally intervened in the course of events in Finland in 2019. Just as in ancient Ephraim, the Lord raised His servant from the most unexpected place to reveal the truth and call the nation's leaders to repentance. In accordance with the descriptions in the Holy Word, the Lord often uses His prophets precisely when spiritual leaders begin to desecrate His altars or when those responsible for upholding justice in a nation participate in distorting it by failing to address evident violations. In Finland, both of these had essentially already occurred.

Thus, in 2019, the Lord called His servant from Finland to a prophetic mission, and during the years 2020-2021, the Lord spoke to His servant about the time that was about to begin. As a result, in 2021, the Almighty instructed that Finland’s situation be revealed from God's perspective to the nation's highest earthly and spiritual leadership.

Instead of responding to the serious matter brought to his attention in the manner of the late, people-oriented President Ahtisaari, President Sauli Niinistö only made vague and critical references in the media after the notification, suggesting that certain parties in Finland were trying to undermine the credibility and structures of the rule of law. It appeared that the worst kind of abuse of power was taking place.

The Almighty is in no hurry. People are given the time to heap burning coals upon themselves until the very last opportunity given by the Lord, along with all the prayers offered on their behalf, are deemed wasted.

The spiritual leadership of the nation, the bishops of Finland's national church, did not fare any better in the eyes of the Lord. Not one of them reached out, in accordance with the Holy Word, to the oppressed and downtrodden to offer help. In line with the warning examples from Scripture, most of them merely took offense at the Lord's rebuking messages sent to the spiritual leadership. Instead, most of the bishops delved even deeper into humanistic deception, walking alongside secular politicians to secure their own church-political positions.

However, Prosecutor General Raija Toiviainen was perhaps the most brazen in her official capacity regarding this matter. When she became aware of well-founded suspicions concerning violations of justice within the Finnish Prosecutor's Office that protected the political elite, she did not even bother to respond to the victim who had inquired about the proper procedure to file a complaint regarding the actions of her subordinates. Without even answering the victim or giving her a chance to be heard, Prosecutor General Toiviainen initiated her own process. Without hearing the victim and without giving her the opportunity to present evidence, one day a decision simply appeared in the victim's mailbox, stating that nothing wrong had occurred. This decision, and the unconstitutional process carried out without a hearing, became the strongest evidence that the actions of the prosecutor, who had illegally exonerated the political elite, could not withstand scrutiny. Considering that suspicions about this prosecutor had already been reported in the mainstream media, the matter should have been addressed differently in a rule-of-law state at that stage. Instead, the entire civil administration responsible for the legal system chose to continue down a path that knowingly promoted injustice within the democracy. To cover up the crimes of the political elite and the serious legal errors that undermined the foundations of the justice system, they were willing to sacrifice an innocent person, denying her even the constitutional right to defend herself before those who had committed crimes against her were allowed to continue their lives without any consequences.

In summary, it can be said that none of Finland’s earthly or spiritual leadership responded in the manner the Lord expects from the leaders of a nation to the serious message brought forth at His urging. The reason for this might be that the Lord revealed the matter through a spiritual writing in accordance with the Holy Word. In an apostate nation, such writings are often recognized as true messages from the Almighty, who has watched over the nation since its founding, only when it is too late. More often than not, like the ancient Ephraimites, they are dismissed as foolishness until it is too late.

During Sauli Niinistö’s era, all of Finland’s top leaders failed the Lord’s 'test' for the nation's governance. It seems that President Niinistö, as the country's moral leader, did not even inform the government of the serious matter related to the fundamental pillars of the rule of law concerning his political inner circle.

It is no wonder that, with Mr. Stubb also rising to power from the same financial sources as the political elite, the Lord expanded His message and directed even stronger methods to be used. In the spring of 2024, the message was delivered not only to President Stubb, who had just taken office, but also to all members of the Finnish government. In light of the recent school shooting, the Lord included a solemn message regarding the root cause of the state of the nation's youth. This time, a video had to be included, presenting a small sample of evidence from a larger body related to the trial by fire within the justice system (Lavan 2024, 'Finns Have the Right to Know'). In Finland, all concluded legal cases concerning such matters are public information. As human rights lawyers in the EU write in their articles, the publicity of such verdicts and the ability to verify whether they comply with or violate the Constitution is the very core of the democratic rule of law.

Even the first fragment of truth presented in the video demonstrated how, through the serious flaws in Finland's legal system, the widow and single mother of four, who had been subjected to gross miscarriages of justice, was repeatedly denied any semblance of justice over the course of the nearly decade-long, unjustly prolonged legal case. Having fallen victim to the crimes of the political elite, she was left without any form of justice for herself. The company, in which she was an officer, and the creditors of that company were also denied justice. This was not even a case where the perpetrators lacked the means to bear the financial consequences of the decisions they made within their areas of responsibility. Hundreds of thousands of euros in claims were deliberately left unpaid to the creditors and instead thrown onto the shoulders of the defenseless so that the truth about what had transpired would not come to light and the reputation of the political elite would remain untarnished.

The most concerning aspect for Finland during the ten-year-long legal process was that no one still seemed willing to address the serious flaws in the justice system, which the political elite ruthlessly exploited in their dishonest actions, violating the rights of ordinary Finns. Later in this section of the message, small sparks of hope will be revealed, including regarding Minister of Justice Leena Meri. However, in accordance with the Lord's urging, one more matter must be addressed here.

Those who know the Holy Word and the nature of the Almighty understand that, in matters of great importance, the Lord often confirms something three times in one way or another. This can be, for example, to affirm a spiritual calling intended for a person. In a similar way, the Lord has now, in practice, presented this call to intervene to the leaders of the Finnish nation three times.

Regarding the first two calls, since both the former and current president belong to the same political sauna clubs, neither of them, in their role as moral leaders, was able to give the weight deserved to the serious words sent by the Almighty, being too preoccupied with the worship of monetary power.

The third call is currently taking place with the international release of this message. The Lord's third knock on the hearts of the leaders of the apostate nation now also reaches other nations, especially the United States, even more so than Finland.

Already in 2020, during the writing of the message first directed to the leaders of Finland, the Lord spoke to His servant about how the United States was beginning to take its first steps as a democracy down the same destructive path as Finland. The U.S. was taking the steps that Finland had taken in the early 2000s, which led the nation into a nightmarish spiral of liberal policies, ultimately disastrous for the country. This was evident even in 2020 when the Lord instructed me to create the website for my ministry primarily in English, no matter how inadequate I felt my English was.

It was only during the translation of this message in 2023-2024 that the Lord revealed the full extent of why this message is so important for Americans as well. The United States has the best opportunity among the nations of the world to avoid the most severe consequences of the approaching judgments of the Lord of Hosts. This message describes for Americans the harsh reality leading to the judgments of the Almighty, a state of affairs into which Finland and so many formerly Christian nations of Europe have fallen by turning down the wide path of destruction through liberal policies. In Europe, there is no longer any return to a better state except through a war that will only expand. In vain do so many nations fight in Ukraine, for the coming war in Europe and Finland has already been decreed by the Almighty as a consequence of the grave apostasy, just as nations were warned in the Holy Word. Americans still have the opportunity to choose a more blessed path. As part of this message, it is also made clear why the United States has been blessed in so many ways up until now. If these matters are abandoned during the 2024 presidential election, there will be no turning back for the United States either. The serious condition of Finland today serves as an example of this—a situation that can no longer be improved except by the power of His mighty hand, through the shaking described in the Holy Word that the Almighty will send upon the nation.

The importance of the message sent by the Almighty, in light of the spiritual principles of the Holy Word, is further emphasized by the fact that shortly after the message reached the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki through a certain event, just before its official publication in English, it took only a week for intriguing coincidences to occur. In light of these events, it seemed as if, much like Finland's recent presidents who failed in the eyes of God, the U.S. Ambassador to Finland, Douglas Hickey, stepped in to support his political sauna friends in an attempt to undermine the serious message from the Almighty, in an effort to prevent it from fulfilling the blessing it was intended to bring to the nations.

Of course, it may be mere coincidence that just one week after the message reached the U.S. Embassy, Ambassador Douglas Hickey decided to leave Finland prematurely to support Harris. The timing was convenient. In practice, the U.S. Embassy had just been informed that the loving message from the Almighty to the Americans, which contained a message unfavorable to the candidate Hickey supported, was about to spread rapidly. Essentially, the Almighty had raised His servant from Finland, with no political ties to the United States or elsewhere, to proclaim His blessing-filled guidance and warnings to the Americans. As part of the Almighty’s loving message to the American people, the Lord explains through this message why Mr. Trump, with all his human qualities, is nonetheless the more blessed option for the nation of the United States.

It may also be mere coincidence that, in his final service to the political sauna group he partially revealed in a news article, he happened to address several issues referenced in the message from the Almighty. His approach was strikingly similar to President Niinistö’s remarks, which were directed at those attempting to expose the flaws in the justice system, by trying to obscure the truth. When the messenger cannot be completely silenced in a democracy, the remaining option is to use one's position of power to ensure they are not taken seriously.

While God had already warned Finland’s leaders in 2021, in connection with the message, about the breaking of peace and how, without repentance, this would eventually lead to changes in Finland’s borders, Hickey—who represents the same liberal political values as Harris and Finland’s presidents—ended up declaring that Finland would be the last place Russia would ever attack (Appelsin 2024, U.S. Ambassador: Finland Would Be the Last Place Russia Would Attack.).

Considering that the Finnish public can no longer be misled by the media on this matter, the statements in the news appeared to be more directed toward Americans, in an attempt to undermine the message from the Almighty before it could reach the hearts of Americans as intended by the Lord’s plan. The ambassador’s remarks seemed odd, given the increasing number of headlines in Finland about Russia’s real possibility of targeting Finland next. More and more Finns have already begun mentally preparing for the possibility of war, and fewer now deny the existence of such a threat. The media has even featured reminders from authorities about every Finn’s duty to prepare for the worst at home amid the increasing hybrid influence targeting Finland. If there were no threat, Finland’s politicians would not have been making NATO decisions together with Hickey in the sauna. In light of these realities, Hickey’s comment could not help but be seen from Finland’s perspective as a declaration of the 'itching ears' of liberal politics directed at Americans to further his own political agenda.

Equally ironic was the statement in the news about Finns being the happiest people in the world. In his article, Hickey defined the happiness of the Finnish people with the following words: 'If you live in New York, you worry about safety, education, and healthcare. When you live in Finland, you don’t have to worry about those things in the same way. So, if that’s the definition of happiness, then Finland is truly a happy place.'

What in the world!

One has to wonder, hasn’t Mr. Hickey been following the headlines in Finland at all during his time here in recent years? Hasn’t Mr. Hickey seen the headlines about the ever-growing breadlines in Finland and the increasing homelessness amidst the explosive rise in inequality? Hasn’t Mr. Hickey noticed the news about the frequent stabbings and shootings, now happening even in broad daylight, in the middle of cities? When adjusted for the population size, Finland’s violence statistics make for more shocking reading than those from the United States. Finland’s situation only proves that the solution to these problems doesn’t lie in stricter gun laws, but rather in the overall well-being of the nation, where the erosion of values and conscience development has the greatest impact. Hasn’t Mr. Hickey really seen the numerous reports about Finland’s years-long healthcare crisis and the dismantling of services, as well as the continuous increase in inequality for years? Does Mr. Hickey give no weight to the stories of the Finnish people who have fallen victim to the political sauna circles in Helsinki, whose harrowing accounts of hunger, homelessness, and unemployment have been in the headlines for years, not to mention those cases that have simply been silenced? Hickey’s description becomes deeply ironic, if not outright deceptive to Americans, when in the same newspaper on the same day, it’s reported that the policies of Hickey’s political sauna circles are about to leave students in Finland homeless during the summers, starting next year. Has he been completely blind to the news about how, after previous cuts, many students’ situations have become impossible, with their funds barely covering instant noodles, if even that? Once again, we see how the distress of so many goes unseen as long as among them there are a few who were born with silver spoons in their mouths, individuals who even use the state’s student aid intended for basic living to invest instead. When cuts are made in Finland to those who haven’t even had enough to eat properly up to this point, one cannot help but be astonished at the blindness of decision-makers when it comes to targeting cuts.

Once again, the liberal political sauna circle got exactly what it wanted from the Finnish media. Just in time for President Stubb’s upcoming UN meeting in the U.S., it’s conveniently fitting to proclaim how happy the Finns are, even though the declaration flies in the face of all facts, including those from objective international studies. Those who have followed the ways in which a nation, already in a serious state of apostasy, practices politics that oppresses ordinary people, were not surprised that Hickey’s misleading statements were laying the groundwork for Finland’s president, Stubb—who belongs to the same inner circle—to likely use the UN stage to brand himself and his political circles by appearing as the president of the happiest nation on earth. And, as expected, this is exactly what happened just a few days after Hickey’s truth-distorting prelude! (MTV 2024, Stubb presented his "three points" in a UN speech and reminded that Finns are the happiest people in the world)

In practice, the actions of Finland’s president mirrored exactly the methods used by his campaign financiers to save their own reputations and careers at the expense of others' rights. For the political figure who acted in the manner of Jezebel, it was no issue to consciously and deliberately lie before legal authorities and fabricate false evidence to support the deception, all to ensure that their ego, career, and financial advantages would remain intact at any cost. The fact that Finland’s president dares to seek credibility for his speech at the UN and tries to boost his own merits by presenting himself as the president of the happiest nation on earth, in contradiction to the actual situation in Finland, is an equally dishonest act that distorts the facts—only now directed at the entire Finnish population.

The Finnish people should have the right for their voices to be heard equally, as required by the constitution, and Finland’s leaders should address the serious issues, including longstanding human rights violations in the legal system, which have been acknowledged for years. Considering that anyone spending time in Finland can clinically observe and soon witness firsthand the nation’s growing distress, nearing anarchy, the president’s ability to declare Finland the happiest nation on earth is, in practice, nothing more than a blatant insult to the ordinary people of Finland. No president should be able to appear on the world’s political stage with a clear conscience, as Stubb does, while the citizens, from the elderly to the children, suffer from unprecedented issues that can be measured by statistical facts. The absurdity of such a false claim has already spawned its own international TikTok jokes!

What has made the attempt to brand Finland based on a distorted, fictionalized image even more complete is the way leaders, who present themselves as presidents of the whole nation, take selfies only with those who are doing well enough to muster a selfie smile, avoiding those with whom they would have to bear the true burden of national leadership.

It is interesting to see the connection in how individuals from political and economic circles, who polish their own egos at the expense of ordinary people’s rights, also seem to share the background of attending so-called European elite economic schools. While in Finland, there has already been a quiet chuckle over how theological institutions have, over the past decades, effectively become ‘faith killers’ as humanistic sciences replace the teachings of the Holy Word, it seems that the educational institutions shaping individuals for politics and economics have undergone their own unfavorable transformation. It appears that as part of the skillset required to enter the financial and political networks, students are taught how to silence the still, small voice of conscience that may whisper within and how to create solutions that serve the interests of the financial elite, pushing ordinary people into a helpless state of modernized slavery. This is the situation when serious issues concerning the foundations of democracy fail to make headlines or receive attention from national leaders, as the leaders themselves benefit from these injustices. It is also the situation when a significant portion of the ordinary, working population can no longer build a life in accordance with human rights, as their full-time work only provides a wage barely sufficient to cover food, forcing them to forgo other aspects of life.

It has indeed been easy to see, while observing the situation in Finland, that this is not about conspiracy theories, but simply a learned manipulative ability to exploit the media and relationships in the manner previously described, at the expense of truth and justice, and essentially at the cost of the principles of democratic rule of law. You don’t need to be a social policy expert to understand that this is not a policy aligned with sustainable development.

Fortunately, despite everything, the oppressed and suffering people of Finland still have their hope in the Judge of Judges and the King of Kings! It is no coincidence that on the day Mr. Stubb gave his speech at the UN, the Finnish Parliament building was vandalized in an unprecedented manner, as if symbolizing a nation bleeding (Saarinen 2024, Katariina Souri: Vandalizing the Parliament building was a good thing.).

The image seen in the news of the Finnish Parliament building dripping with blood was a striking sight for those familiar with God's ways of acting. Later in this message, we will address the portion of the message that was already conveyed to Finland's leaders in 2021, explaining how the most radical methods of Extinction Rebellion and their partners are not in line with the Holy Word as legitimate means of influencing democracy. At the same time, we will explore how the emergence of these phenomena is, according to the Holy Word, an alarming sign for the nation’s leaders, warning that the nation has already progressed dangerously far into apostasy.

Although the activists' stunt directed at the Finnish Parliament was related to entirely different matters, those who know the Almighty understand that nothing happens by chance under this sky! The Almighty has always had His ways of delivering and confirming His messages through visible symbolism. Very often, these involve significant timing in various ways. Throughout the ages, He has powerfully used even those who are not believers or who act against the Holy Word as part of His plan for humanity. Mr. Stubb's speech at the UN and, on the same day, the Finnish Parliament building dripping with blood formed an equation that can only be summed up for the Finnish people with the words: ‘Listen up, Finns! It will start soon! For those who want to get through the shaking of the nation with less turmoil, now is the last chance to fix your eyes on the Lord through His Word and the hope found in Him!’.

This message sent by the Lord to the nations, with all its rebuke, is already part of the Lord’s outstretched hand toward those who still have humility in their hearts and who wish, in the final hour, to choose to walk through the challenging years ahead under His protection.

From here, it is fitting to move on to addressing the Lord's depiction of politics without the guidance of the Holy Word.

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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)