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Politics Without the Guidance of the Holy Word

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

The cause-and-effect relationships in Finland’s progression over the past decades can be observed to align with those described in the Holy Word. Unlike leadership that operates in healthy fear of God and follows the instructions of the Bible, Finland's political leadership continues to make decisions that prioritize, at any cost, the desires and insatiable greed of the political elite's financiers, even at the expense of fundamental democratic values.

A recent example from my spiritual work testifies to this. Instead of the highest secular or spiritual leadership of Finland in 2021 paying any attention to the serious message sent to them by the Lord’s command (when the full version of the 'Turn Back, Finland!' message was delivered to them electronically even before the trial print), the downward spiral further away from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and from politically sound decisions that bless the nation has grown even more reckless.

Year after year, a nation whose majority is already unaware of the biblical principles for evaluating and choosing national leaders, falls into voting for those who have received the most visibility in the media through the power of money. It’s no wonder, then, that the same voters are repeatedly left shocked as they witness the direction of society developing in a completely different way than the election promises had suggested. To clarify, this does not refer to the phenomenon of any one party but applies broadly to both ruling parties and the opposition.

Recent examples from Finnish news headlines shockingly demonstrate how far Finland has strayed from the wisdom of former presidents who blessed the nation by applying the guidance of the Holy Word in their decision-making. During the time of the Holocaust, little Finland had the courage to respond to Hitler with a refusal, placing the instructions of the Holy Word from the book of Joel above the demands of a feared dictator. Yet, less than a hundred years later, in 2024, Finland’s national leadership ended up voting alongside Russia and Iran in favor of an anti-Semitic resolution at the UN (Freyborg 2024, 'Criticism from the Ranks of the Finns Party and the Christian Democrats Towards Foreign Minister Valtonen, Due to the UN Vote – "I Cannot Understand or Accept This").

Even Sweden, which has always been seen as more advanced than Finland as a pioneer of apostasy, understood to abstain from voting on such a serious matter before the Almighty! This news demonstrated that Finland has overtaken its brother, Sweden, in the race toward treacherous thin ice in competing over the severity of national apostasy. Therefore, it should come as no surprise if Finland, according to the spiritual principles outlined in the book of Joel, ends up under the sword raised by the Lord sooner than Sweden.

What makes this situation particularly problematic and shameful for Finland is that the Lord has specifically used Finland, through the presidents of the previous century, to promote peace in the world based on truth and justice. Before the accelerating spiral of apostasy in the 2000s, the Almighty granted Finland’s leaders the wisdom to see global political matters beyond the surface. Today, leaders who shine with the Lord’s truth and light in these darkening times are few and far between. Fortunately, there are still some who publicly reveal, for example, how in UN bodies, history has repeatedly been rewritten according to the balance of political power, contradicting even archaeological evidence and further advancing anti-Semitism around the world.

It is difficult to describe in other terms a situation where individuals with significant titles within the UN declare to its decision-makers truths that promote injustice and anti-Semitism, which can easily be proven false and distorted with historical records and archaeological evidence. An example of this is the speech given by UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the UN Security Council on October 24, 2023. His speech distorted the history of Israel and the Middle East in a way that, without correction or challenge, began to resemble the speeches and power plays of ancient dictators in Europe. The truthfulness—or rather, the lack thereof—of Guterres' speech has been analyzed by Risto Huvila in the Patmos blog (Huvila 2023, 'Risto Huvila: The UN Secretary-General Wrote a History for Israel That Never Existed').

Equally distorted, one-sided, and manipulated by the forces of injustice was the latest resolution from the International Court of Justice (ICJ), under the UN, to which, unfortunately and to their own curse, Finland's current spiritually blind national leadership gave its supporting vote (Orjala 2024, 'Palestine Vote at the UN Angered the Christian Democrats and the Finns Party – Here’s Why Finland Voted in Favor'; Keski-Heikkilä & Finnish News Agency 2024, 'Orpo Defends UN Voting Decision as Criticism from Coalition Partners Continues: "The Decision Elina Valtonen Made Is, in Our Opinion, Wrong"').

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Almighty were to demonstrate the spiritual principles of the book of Joel to the Finnish people in a very concrete way. Knowing God’s character, it’s easy to envision a timeline where, just as Finland voted to expel half a million Jews from their homes within a year, the Almighty might orchestrate a situation where Finns are expelled from their own homes when that decision is carried out. In principle, considering the content of the Stockholm prophecy, it’s also possible that Finland’s sealed fate will unfold first, and only then will the situation in Israel escalate. On the other hand, it is again to our fortune that we are not given precise timelines. However, in the bigger picture, all signs point to the same conclusion, which is why the Lord has given this message to be written for the nations.

As the Almighty has instructed His servant to write in this message to the nation of Finland, the biblical conditions for losing their land due to the nation’s debt of sin are already fulfilled. It is now essentially a matter of the timing determined by the Almighty. As mentioned in the preface of the message, where reference was made to the important guidance from the book of Joel, which even Mannerheim respected, it would be wise to also listen to more recent teachings and messages from the Lord sent to other servants, reinforcing the serious content of this message. One example is the episode titled 'The Borders of Israel and Finland' from the program series 'Repentance Before Revival,' aired on TV7 (Ojares, R. & Valkeakari, M. 2024. 'Repentance Before Revival – The Borders of Israel and Finland').

Woe, Finland, what a mistake you have made regarding the cause-and-effect relationships that, like the laws of nature, were given as loving guidance in the Holy Word for the leaders of nations, even today!

In the same category of Finland’s lost opportunities are the recent headlines concerning what happened to Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio, who made decisions within the scope of his authority. By Tavio’s decision, Finland chose not to join the gender equality coalition supporting Ukraine’s reconstruction. His reasoning was that Finland was already supporting Ukraine and the victims of the war through other channels in line with previously chosen priorities, and there was no particular reason to enter into new cooperation with this specific coalition. However, when the minister exercised his right to say no, the mainstream media, which elevates liberal politics above all other values, did not accept it. As a result, the headlines once again painted a picture with the clear intent of portraying sexual minorities as victims of discrimination. And what an outcry from the liberal political camp it created!

The result was headlines suggesting a vote of no confidence against the minister. President Stubb donned the mantle of moral leadership, which many had already anticipated. Within 24 hours, news headlines proclaimed that President Stubb had announced he would discuss Finland’s broader support for sexual and gender minorities as part of Finland’s foreign policy with the Prime Minister at the next meeting of the Foreign and Security Policy Committee of the President and the Government (Kervinen 2024, 'A Rare Dispute Over Foreign Policy: Tavio Announced He Had a Face-to-Face Discussion with Stubb in New York'). President Stubb also mentioned that he would raise the issue the very next day with the President of Ukraine.

At the request of the Almighty, as one who brings to light the serious flaws that undermine the foundations of the rule of law, while also reminding the nation's leaders of the grave spiritual cause-and-effect relationships, I could not help but once again openly wonder about the events in my beloved homeland. What about the president’s own citizens and the state of decay already clearly visible in many national statistics, whether we focus on the fulfillment of equality as required by the Constitution or on the fundamental values that ultimately affect the nation's very existence and security? Who at the presidential level in Finland will defend the oppressed and those whose rights have been seriously violated in their own country? If the President of Finland is unable to do so in his own homeland, is the hope of Finns, who are in distress and need help to realize their rights, also in the hands of foreign leaders, as it is for Ukraine?

The moral leader of the Finnish nation did not step out of his trenches to respond to the Almighty's serious call regarding the spiritual values tied to the nation’s independence. Even if the spiritual content, which Mannerheim himself respected, were to be removed from the message sent by the Almighty to the nation’s leaders, the harsh truth would still remain—a truth that absolutely falls within the moral leader’s responsibility—the erosion of the fundamental values of constitutional democracy, such as the failure to uphold the rule of law in Finland.

The moral leader of Finland was not seen to bring up the critical issues before the nation when it came to the fundamental values of a rule-of-law-based nation, such as the honesty of the political elite, verdicts based on truth and justice, and the constitutional right to defend oneself in accordance with the principle of equality for Finland’s own citizens. The distress of the nation, where the disruptive behavior of the youth, alongside the violence and crime statistics, cries out for the intervention of the moral leader, also deserved attention from the lips of Finland’s new president. The president’s responsibilities extend beyond foreign policy to include the nation’s security, where the upholding of the Constitution and the preservation of values that prevent anarchy play a crucial role.

The moral leader of the Finnish nation did not rise to speak to the people when the fundamental values of humanity were sacrificed on the altar of worshiping profit in the business world. The moral leader was not seen defending those in his own country who are already going hungry due to social inequality and discrimination. It seems that no one needs to defend those who continue to face unconstitutional violations of rights in Finland, violations that have drawn the attention of international human rights organizations and have already eroded Finland’s credibility as a democracy that upholds the rule of law. No, the president has not been heard raising his voice for honesty, truth, and justice when it becomes clear that serious crimes have been committed by his political donors, exploiting the vulnerable and defenseless.

As a summary of the first year of Finland’s moral leader’s smiling selfie tour, one could say: who cares about the fundamental values that are crucial to the security of democracy at home! The main thing is that the rainbow flag flies beyond national borders, and Ukraine’s sexual minorities have their defender.

Much like ancient Sodom and Gomorrah, Finland seems to have seriously developed into a democracy that completely disregards the guidance of the Holy Word, where the few leaders who still consider the Holy Word in their decision-making no longer even have the opportunity to say no. After all, anything even remotely connected to sexual or other minorities can always be spun into a new victimhood narrative in the headlines if someone dares to say no to any issue involving them. Much like ancient Sodom and Gomorrah, Finland seems to have seriously developed into a democracy that completely disregards the guidance of the Holy Word, where the few leaders who still consider the Holy Word in their decision-making no longer have the ability to say no. After all, anything even remotely connected to sexual or other minorities can always be spun into a new victimhood narrative in the headlines if someone dares to say no to any issue involving them. Tavio, in practice, experienced firsthand how, for the first time in Finland, questions of sexual minorities have been elevated above all other issues in foreign policy, even above concrete decisions to help, something that has never been so clearly prioritized in the realm of foreign policy before. Political scientist Johanna Vuorelma explains that, until now, questions along the conservative-liberal axis have traditionally not been seen as part of foreign policy, as they can involve conflicts and contradictions (Piirainen & Happonen 2024, 'President’s Rebuke of Tavio’s Ukraine Decision Is Major News, Says Political Scientist').

The changes in the practices of Finland's national leadership, described in this chapter with examples, are unfortunately highly unfavorable for the Finnish people when viewed through God's eyes and the serious warnings of the Holy Word.

Woe to the people of Finland, how unaware you have been of the Holy Word's guidance in choosing leaders capable of preserving the nation’s independence and well-being in the only sustainable way!

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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)