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How to Select Leaders Who Will Be a Blessing to the Nation?

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

After the 2020 U.S. presidential elections, it was truly saddening to observe in Finland how the way the U.S. elections and the overall situation were handled in Finland only revealed more of the country's profound apostasy and lack of understanding regarding the foundation of testing matters and people as established in the Holy Word.

Most people with saving faith understand with the eyes of the Spirit why the order of selecting national leadership according to the Holy Word is fourfold in a Christian nation that has received its foundation from the Almighty:


Choose primarily a person who meets the requirements:

  • Understands the defense of justice and righteousness according to the Holy Word within the nation and acts courageously in accordance with the Holy Word

  • Has experienced rebirth and progressed as far as possible on his journey of faith, refined through human qualities to the point of producing abundant 'good fruit.'


Choose secondarily a person who:

  • Understands the defense of justice and righteousness according to the Holy Word within the nation and acts courageously in accordance with the Holy Word

  • May not yet have experienced spiritual rebirth, but the choice to place God first in life is already evident; though possibly still in the early stages of development in terms of human qualities (meaning still being refined under the Lord’s guidance toward the goal of producing good fruit)


The previous two choices ensure the continuation of blessings for a Christian nation. Occasionally, the Almighty also truly raises to power someone whose human qualities may still appear unrefined in the eyes of many, yet whom the Lord can mightily use in His plans. Some of the Lord’s tasks even require the presence of these still-unrefined qualities. The Almighty is exceedingly skilled at harnessing His chosen ones' personal areas of development for the benefit of His salvation plan for humanity.

It must be remembered that the journey of faith is an individual journey that progresses at the pace set by the Holy Spirit. God does not ask a person to change unrefined qualities until the Holy Spirit specifically reveals the matter to the heart and provides supernatural strength to support the change. More important than slowly refining human qualities is remaining firm on the solid foundation of the Holy Word and understanding the boundaries that safeguard the existence of both individuals and nations. Everyone who embarks on the path of faith will also come to know the Lord's good sense of humor, along with His all-forgiving patience.

It was fascinating to observe President Trump’s first term as the president of the United States from the perspective described above. God needed a servant equipped with boldness and unpredictability to advance His global salvation plan, someone the Almighty could use, like Cyrus, to carry out the next steps required for this plan. The restoration of Jerusalem to its current state was a demanding task, and few could have succeeded if following the will of the Almighty had not been prioritized over polishing one’s own image or bowing to the desires of the world’s mainstream. Even from a human perspective, it is easy to understand why God raised up someone for this task who had a strong foundation in the Holy Word, yet enough unrefined qualities to support the courage required for such extraordinary responsibilities. Humility before the Almighty and His Son, Jesus, covers many human shortcomings. This too is a result of the grace that flows from Jesus’ work on the cross.

In addition to the restoration of Jerusalem, another significant eschatological task given to Trump, within God’s rapidly advancing global salvation plan toward the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, was the signing of the Abraham Accords. As I was tasked to write back in 2021, this peace had to be established so that its eventual breaking, as foretold in prophecy, could soon take place. However, President Trump cannot be blamed for the future breaking of this peace. It is no coincidence that this will occur after the American people chose a leader for their nation who does not withstand the testing of the Holy Word.

It matters greatly to a nation what kind of leaders the people choose to positions of power. In nations where representatives are chosen for the governance of the country within the freedom that democracy allows, selecting from the following options will inevitably lead the nation away from the path of blessings and toward the path of curses and God’s judgment:


Avoid choosing the following type of person, no matter how outwardly impressive they may appear in worldly terms:

  • Liberalism or any other ideology that opposes the justice and righteousness defined by the Holy Word

  • An outwardly polished appearance that seems perfect in terms of human qualities

Run away and shake the dust off your feet as you go if the person fits the following descriptions:

  • Liberalism or any other ideology that opposes the justice and righteousness defined by the Holy Word

  • An outward appearance that, in many ways, exalts evil through their human qualities


In a democratic nation, the voters' knowledge of the Holy Word plays an immensely significant role in the nation's relationship with blessings and curses. If previous administrations in the nation have continuously restricted the development of this understanding during people's childhood and youth, it will inevitably drive the nation onto a path of God's wrath and shaking, much like what is happening right now in Finland. Without repentance and turning back, the nations surrounding Finland will begin to ask, just as the Finnish people soon will be asking:


”All nations would say,

'Why has the Lord done so to this land?

What does the heat of this great anger mean?'

Then people would say:

 'Because they have forsaken

the covenant of the Lord God of their fathers,

which He made with them

when He brought them out of the land of Egypt;

 for they went and served other gods

 and worshiped them,

gods that they did not know

 and that He had not given to them.

 Then the anger of the Lord was aroused against this land,

 to bring on it every curse that is written in this book.

And the Lord uprooted them from their land in anger,

in wrath, and in great indignation,

and cast them into another land, as it is this day.'

The secret things belong to the Lord our God,

 but those things which are revealed belong to us

and to our children forever,

 that we may do all the words of this law.

Deuteronomy 29:24-29 (NKJV)


In Finland, the powers of the president have been reduced to a level where the presidential elections do not play as significant a role in determining the nation's direction toward blessing or curse as they do in the United States. In a democracy like Finland's, the issue must be viewed more holistically, considering how the safeguarding of the values and boundaries of the Holy Word is reflected in the actions of those elected to positions of authority. In practice, decision-makers consist of both secular and spiritual governance actors, with power relations at various bureaucratic levels, and also divided across different regions geographically. However, the president of Finland still holds the role of a moral leader.

In a democracy like Finland's, the most significant factors become the unity and faithfulness to the Holy Word of the nation's spiritual leadership within the national church, as well as the balance of power between defenders of righteousness and godlessness in the parliament elected by the people. If either of these two falls into a minority in defending righteousness (as has happened in Finland), it takes away the nation's hope for a blessed future, leading instead down a path of shaking through the valley of tears.

In practice, Finland took the step recently seen in the United States decades ago. A step in which the ideological majority of decision-makers defends various forms of abandonment of the values and boundaries of the Holy Word rather than upholding them. As a result, Finland began, decades ago, a progressively accelerating path toward serious apostasy, where the nation's fear and reverence for God have been driven into a state that now threatens the very existence of the nation, much like ancient Ephraim. Since the teaching of the Holy Word has, over the past decades, been driven into a state that only further promotes apostasy, most citizens do not understand that these issues, thought to be merely internal matters, in fact already pose an external foreign policy threat to the nation.

Due to the decades-long trampling of the Holy Word, fewer and fewer people are able to recognize the dangerous situational factors in Finland, as revealed by the cause-and-effect relationships outlined in the Holy Word. In many ways, Finland may still appear to shine outwardly in the mainstream media, but in reality, the nation is already standing on the edge of the Lord’s judgment, in a state that can be considered a true nightmare for democracy. Without repentance and turning back to the Lord in the nation’s leadership, the Almighty God YHWH, who granted Finland its independence, will, according to His Holy Word, raise an enemy to take away the sweet land He has given to the nation.

If the situation were not already akin to a nightmare for democracy, from which the people should awaken, I would not have received this sorrowful task as the Lord’s messenger to write down these timely messages from the Lord for the nations. In the past, the obedient servant of the Lord, Aarne Ylppö, was tasked with supporting the bishop’s decision-making when Finland’s former president, Mannerheim, sought guidance on matters affecting the nation's independence (as a result, Mannerheim gained the courage to act against the mainstream of Europe concerning Hitler's proposed 'Jewish question'). The task I have received is the same, but the situation in the country is more complex and, from a worldly perspective, more hopeless. The message I have received from the Lord to deliver is more sorrowful for the nation, and responding to the call of this message by the leaders of the nations is also more difficult to carry out (for the people as well). Whereas the Lord sent His messenger Ylppö to support the spiritual and secular leadership of the country in preserving independence through the fear of God, the Lord now has to send His messenger to call the nation’s leadership back to governing according to His Holy Word, under the severe threat of losing independence.

While Mannerheim and the bishop who supported him were able, in their healthy fear of God, to take seriously the Holy Word and the messages delivered by the Lord’s messengers, how many of today’s leaders are capable of doing the same?

It is likely that Finland will follow the path of ancient Ephraim, where God’s loving message, though less pleasing to the ears, is rejected, and the messenger is attacked. Dear Finns and those living among you, if this happens, it should be taken as a serious sign and a call for the citizens to prepare for the coming years of the valley of tears in the nation. For the Word of God never returns void.

The Lord sends serious questions to the current leadership of the Finnish nation: Is the decision-making of your secular government still guided at all by the Holy Word of God, who made your nation’s independence possible? Is your nation’s situation truly so hopeless that the majority of both secular and spiritual leadership represents a path of apostasy, where the Holy Word of God is ready to be trampled upon by human decisions? Does the nation’s secular leadership still consult the highest spiritual leadership of the country in its decisions? And if the secular leadership seeks counsel from the spiritual leadership, will they receive guidance that upholds the unchanging truth of the Holy Word, even under the pressures of market forces? Is there still a democratic governance left in the nation that safeguards the nation’s existence and wellbeing, which is capable of leading the nation back to the path of independence and blessings, away from the current inevitable path of destruction according to the Holy Word?



Scriptures taken from the New King James Version:

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)