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Behind the Smile: A Distorted Image of the Happiest Nation in the World

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

Personally, I am not surprised in Finland that, contrary to the results of international happiness studies published in the media, it becomes evident, even after a brief encounter with ordinary Finns, that the Finnish people are actually not doing well at all. The ordinary people have been practically silenced and subdued, as evidenced by the earlier mentioned court case that, according to the Almighty’s guidance, will be brought forward and involves unconstitutional rulings. When facing a political elite with millions at their disposal, it can be said that those in a weaker position have been completely denied justice during the first ten years of this prolonged legal process. This situation raises serious questions, especially when the intentional feeding of false information to legal authorities has been so apparent that even several legal officials have expressed astonishment at the audacity of it. When even the most obvious proven truths do not affect the handling of matters constitutionally, but instead lies proven to have been sown through actions that meet the criteria of fraud dominate the process, nothing other than serious corruption can explain the unconstitutional outcome, with no one daring to intervene.

This legal case also confirms the concerns raised by Viktor Orbán of Hungary in 2019 about the flaws in Finland’s judicial system, highlighting issues that undermine the very foundation and credibility of democracy. The absence of a constitutional court, as Orbán pointed out, has evidently exposed Finland’s legal system to exploitation of its weaknesses. In recent decades, a significant number of people in Finland have witnessed a situation that is even more severe than what has been reported in media headlines regarding corruption scandals in Italy and Spain. Given the relatively small size of Finland’s influential circles in proportion to the population and the lack of sufficient oversight bodies in the highest positions of society, the Finnish people have been driven into modern poverty over the past decades, and into a constitutional impossibility to even defend themselves in the legal system due to wealth disparities. What makes the corruption in Finland more serious than that in Spain and Italy is the verified actions that raise justified suspicions of corruption, with the mainstream media actively participating in concealing these actions from the public, as proven by the course of events.

Whenever it is politically advantageous, news about Finland being the happiest nation surfaces, even though statistics on mental health, suicide rates, and drug-related deaths among those under 25 from the years leading up to 2024 paint an unfiltered, measurable picture of the Finnish people's real condition. The despair and suffering of the Finnish people regarding the possibility of living a dignified life are reflected in shocking numbers that reveal a truth more devastating than at any other time in Finland's history as an independent nation. On the streets, one repeatedly hears ordinary Finns ask in disbelief, "Who did they ask about this happiness?" because, in their view, the reality is entirely different. This is not about conspiracy theories, but rather about verifiable facts showing how Finland is repeatedly portrayed in the media as the happiest country in the world, despite the obvious contradiction with the factual data from reliable statistics.

It can be reasonably stated that the leaders who have influenced the Finnish nation in the 21st century have, through poor choices, fostered a narcissistic attitude within the nation often symbolized as the "Finnish Maiden." As a result, the nation's capacity for healthy empathy has been lost, and the superficial polishing of the country's image has become more important than the actual well-being of its people, no matter the cost.

The diagnosis for the "Finnish Maiden" may now include early signs of memory loss, accompanied by personality changes. If one compares the identity of Finland, once built on healthy fear of God in its youth, with the current state of the Finnish nation, the difference is as stark as night and day. It seems that the nation has entirely forgotten the very foundations upon which Christian Finland was built—calling upon the Almighty in humble prayer, honoring His holy Word. Just like typical memory loss, the Finnish Maiden appears completely unable to recognize her own condition. Instead, the signs are noticed only by sharp-eyed observers not entangled in Finland’s political circles.

An example of this is the 2024 Expat Insider survey by the Internations network, which examined foreigners' perspectives on various societies (Raeste 2024, Finland's Reputation Plummeted in the Eyes of Foreign Experts – The Decline Is Already Absurd). According to the study, Finland plummeted from 16th place to 51st in just one year, leaving only Turkey and Kuwait behind. While employment opportunities and the overall social atmosphere were heavily criticized, only the clean environment and climate received positive recognition.

These evaluations align with the opinions voiced by many Finns about the true state of the country. Despite such trustworthy studies, free from political influence, Finland's top leaders continue to stretch their smiles, presenting themselves as leaders of the world's happiest and model nation. The same leaders, who before the elections praised themselves as moral figures for the entire nation, seem to dismiss the desperate cries of the citizens once elected, turning a blind eye to the serious problems that have been shown to severely undermine the foundations of democracy.

 In later chapters, by the Lord's prompting, the reasons behind why Finland repeatedly finds itself betrayed by its elected representatives and other key leaders will be explored. Before that, however, it is necessary to illustrate, through a couple of concrete examples related to the United States as well, the significant impact of a politicized media as a force that undermines democracy.

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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)