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The Misuse of Christ’s Two Greatest


from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

“But when the Pharisees heard

that He had silenced the Sadducees,

they gathered together.

Then one of them, a lawyer,

asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying,

‘Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?’

Jesus said to him,

‘You shall love the Lord your God

with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.'

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like it:

'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'

On these two commandments

hang all the Law and the Prophets.’”.

Matthew 22:34-40 (NKJV)


Love is an important matter to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. After all, He is love. Y(A)HW(E)H has defined love from many different perspectives in His Word.

Love includes proclaiming the truth and exposing wrongdoing so that a person may have a genuine opportunity to repent and partake in the grace made possible through the work of the cross by Jesus, as well as salvation. Jesus clarified to the Pharisees of His time, in the verse quoted earlier from the Gospel of Matthew, how the two most important commandments according to His Father's will are related to love. Jesus said that the entire will of His Father (the instructions, which are also translated as 'law' from the original language) depends on these two commandments. But does this verse, named by people as the 'double commandment of love,' truly mean that anything done in the name of love is permissible in God's eyes?

No, it does not.

Just as in Africa, where witches use the name of Jesus and verses from the Word of God in their idolatrous rituals, one can see in a society that has drifted into apostasy how the Holy Word is used to serve the will of the enemy of souls rather than for the salvation of souls. Even the double commandment of love can often be heard twisted, just as Peter warned in his letter would happen with Paul's writings (2 Peter 3:14-18)

Whatever the issue may be, in order to draw a conclusion in line with the Holy Word, it is necessary to examine other verses and contexts in the Bible that speak about the same topic, rather than relying on individual verses. If contradictions appear between verses, one should take a step closer to the original source and rule out possible translation errors by delving into the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. Not all Hebrew words even have an equivalent in Finnish, so some of the problems in translations stem from this as well.

God did not create the separate Hebrew language—intended for the writing of His global plan of salvation—without purpose, where even individual letters carry their own meaning and numerical value. Those who study Hebrew gain access to dimensions of the Holy Word in which the sovereign wisdom of God in this universe can be astonishingly verified. As one interesting example, it can be noted how God has “coded” the numerical value of His self-given name YHWH into human DNA as a mark of His creation (Paavola & Rubinstein, The Name of the Lord YHWH is Imprinted in Human DNA).

Love! So wonderful, perfect, sometimes agonizing, and so often misused!

The definition of love and most of the practical instructions related to it have fortunately been given quite clearly in the Holy Word, leaving little room for human interpretation.

The greatest commandments that Jesus gave to the Pharisees point the way to the Holy Word’s definition of love for God and for others. The greatest and most important commandment was to love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. Based on a single verse, the practical application of this commandment might remain a bit unclear. Is it just about feeling love for God, or what does God mean by love? As with other matters, the Holy Word clarifies and explains itself.

According to the Holy Word, loving God practically means obedience to the holy commandments set by our holy God (here is just a small selection of verses that demonstrate this):


“By this we know

that we love the children of God,

when we love God and keep His commandments.

For this is the love of God,

that we keep His commandments.

And His commandments are not burdensome.”

1. John 5:2-3 (NKJV)


The same applies to love for God’s Son, Jesus:


“"If you love Me, keep My commandments.”

John 14:15 (NKJV)


“He who has My commandments and keeps them,

 it is he who loves Me.

And he who loves Me will be loved

by My Father,

and I will love him

and manifest Myself to him.”

John 14:21 (NKJV)


Just like in love between people, the Great Commandment of love does not refer only to the feeling of love, but love also manifests in acts of loyalty and care toward God.

Now, dear reader, you likely also understand the great wisdom in why Jesus said that all other commandments depend on these two most important ones. Jesus knew the Word perfectly and understood that, in practice, the first part of the double commandment of love, which concerns loving God, calls for a person to study the instructions and commandments revealed in His Heavenly Father’s Holy Word in their entirety and to continually strive to grow in faith by expressing what they have learned through concrete actions.

The word Jesus used, "depend," has a completely different meaning than the word "replace." So, when Jesus highlighted the most important commandments, He was also pointing out that the law, which reflects God's holy will from the Old Covenant, was not abolished with the New Covenant. Through the New Covenant established by Jesus, certain aspects of the covenant between God and humanity were updated. It is important to understand that the Almighty often speaks of making a new covenant without indicating that the previous covenants have been annulled. All these covenants made by the Almighty are woven together into a cohesive whole, revealing astounding heavenly wisdom. In YHWH Is Calling, we reviewed the updates brought by the New Covenant, such as changes to death penalty regulations and the shift from circumcision of the male foreskin to circumcision of the heart.

What about the Golden Rule, which complements the double commandment of love:



whatever you want men to do to you,

do also to them,

for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

Matthew 7:12 (NKJV)


When listening to arguments in favor of same-sex marriages, one can even hear believers who profess the name of the Lord of Hosts offering explanations about how this would surely be pleasing to God, based on the double commandment of love and the Golden Rule of love mentioned earlier. The single-verse Golden Rule of love is often used in a beautiful, yet dangerously deceptive manner, as follows: “I try to put myself in another’s position and think about how I would want to be treated if I were in their place. In this way, with my empathetic ability to love, I can understand the desire of same-sex couples to have a church wedding, and therefore I have now decided to vote in favor of allowing same-sex marriages in the name of the double commandment of love and the Golden Rule.”.

However, the previous reasoning is actually contrary to the double commandment of love and the Golden Rule. Just as one can now hear sermons about an all-permissive “super grace” that offers salvation without reminding people of Jesus’ call to repentance and turning from sin, this line of thinking similarly, and dangerously, cuts away the crucial first part of the double commandment of love that is closely tied to the opportunity for the soul's salvation.

So which, according to the double commandment of love, is truly love: allowing everything to fulfill someone’s every desire at the cost of their soul, or loving someone in such a way that you do not wish or enable things that would lead to the destruction of their soul?

One may try to justify allowing same-sex marriages at the altars of the Lord of Hosts by appealing to the second half of the double commandment of love. However, if one has understood the content of the first part of the double commandment of love according to Jesus’ teachings, it becomes clear that the idea of same-sex marriages is in conflict with the first and greatest commandment of the double commandment of love.

Applied to an everyday example from the secular world, the situation corresponds to, for example, a parent handing the car keys to a 13-year-old and saying, “Here you go, you can drive because you want to, and I love you so much that I want to grant your wish, regardless of the laws of the nation. My love for you, my child, goes beyond the law.” In reality, giving car keys to a minor who doesn’t yet know traffic rules on the level required for a driver’s license would not be an act of caring love, but rather a dangerous and reckless action that endangers lives, motivated by a misguided desire to empathize with every wish of the other person. Jesus did not say in vain that loving His Father practically means following the commandments He has written, and this is the first and greatest commandment. In essence, the Holy Word instructs us through the double commandment of love to apply the Golden Rule in such a way that we do not wish for ourselves or others things that are contrary to God's will.

Believers who serve as spiritual shepherds in congregations, or who hold decision-making power over various spiritual matters in other ways, should have a sufficient knowledge of the Word and a personal relationship with the Savior, sealed by the Holy Spirit. There is a great danger to a nation's independence and peace if decisions concerning spiritual teachings are made with a willingness to cut away essential elements of the Holy Word that are crucial for the salvation of souls.

So, can we allow same-sex marriages based on the double commandment of love and the Golden Rule?

We cannot, because loving your neighbor has been placed on equal footing with the greatest commandment, which is loving God.

The Lord of Hosts asks, “Do you truly believe it is love to wish for your neighbor things that will only lead them further away from Me, and in the worst case, to eternal separation from Me? In My greatest commandment, I ask you to offer your loved ones the keys to eternal life, yet instead, you are handing them the keys they desire—to perdition.".

Although same-sex marriages at the Lord’s altars are a desecration of His altar and name, being firm in drawing this boundary does not mean condemning church members who practice homosexuality. It should still be possible to participate in a loving church community, even if one continues to engage in sexual relationships that the Lord has defined as unnatural and sinful. We must remember that the primary mission of the church is to welcome sinners and support growth in faith toward saving belief. The authority to judge matters of individual salvation, however, belongs solely to the Almighty and His Son.

Growing in faith involves stages where a person often feels uncertain about their own salvation. If the seed of faith is at work in a person, they will eventually find assurance in due time through studying the Holy Word and through a prayerful relationship with God. It is also not wrong to rejoice in the assurance that has been gained, as the Holy Word instructs (Luke 10:20).

The role of the Christian church as the teacher of the keys to eternal life practically means teaching about the Lord’s grace, God’s holy will, the promised Savior, and the work of God’s Almighty Holy Spirit. To offer someone the keys to saving faith, a person can only sow the seeds of the Gospel and knowledge of the Holy Word, and pray for themselves and others. As the Holy Word teaches, the Almighty Heavenly Father ultimately chooses to whom to give the seed of faith through hearing the Holy Word. However, the Holy Word promises that everyone who sincerely seeks Him with their heart will eventually receive an answer.

Therefore, it should still be entirely possible to belong to a loving church community, even if one continues to engage in sexual relationships that the Almighty views as unnatural. The more significant question, however, is how many, including those from sexual minorities, truly begin seeking God through the Holy Word and are willing to cry out to Him: “Dear Heavenly Father, I know that my sexual orientation does not please You according to Your Holy Word. I cannot change this by myself, but I want to know You. If You are real, show me the power of resurrection that is said to be able to govern even such things in a person.” And if God doesn’t respond in the blink of an eye (as is usually the case, though He often hears such prayers right away), how many are willing to continue striving, as the Holy Word instructs, reading the Word, and persevering for a time—even for a few years if necessary—praying for a personal encounter with God, perhaps through intercessory prayer services as well?

So, even though the double commandment of love and the Ten Commandments are taught in confirmation classes, it ultimately remains up to each person to choose whether they are even willing to acknowledge that certain things, such as practicing homosexuality, fall under what God has defined as sin.

As described earlier, the possibility of salvation fortunately does not depend on a person's own ability to avoid sin. With a humble attitude and a willingness to acknowledge one's sinfulness, one can enter into salvation according to the Holy Word, even if they have not yet experienced the power of the Holy Spirit to progress in obedience and sanctification, especially in the most challenging areas. On the other hand, if a person is not even willing to admit that something is a sin, but instead demands that God's holy will be changed by twisting the Word, as Peter warned, then according to the Holy Word, they are still inevitably far from the reach of grace.

It is also important to clarify that the same applies to any sin according to the Holy Word, not just the issues concerning sexual minorities that are prominent in our time. According to the Holy Word, for example, premarital sexual relations are also serious acts of fornication in the eyes of God.

Sexuality in itself is by no means wrong, for God created it to complement human relationships in a unique way. According to the Holy Word, however, sexual relations are meant to be a source of joy between a man and a woman within a God-blessed marriage, which is given as a model for the faithful and joyful relationship between God and humanity, and also between God and the church. Similarly, in our time, churches are often filled with individuals living in cohabitation, which grieves God. Yet, no one points them out in churches for the serious act of fornication in God’s eyes, even though the church should still teach about the sinfulness of this behavior in the eyes of God as part of fulfilling His will in people's lives. And not all who live in cohabitation are necessarily excluded from salvation. However, the Lord of Hosts asks the shepherds of the churches a serious question: “Where has the teaching on holiness before My eyes gone?”.

I can share a concrete example from my own rather sinful life. Around the time I received my prophetic calling, God, through the revelation of His Holy Spirit, also confronted me about engaging in premarital sexual relations. Even though I had already experienced being born again by the Holy Spirit and could rejoice in my salvation, I responded to God, “You can’t be serious about that!” Through prayer, I expressed my opinion to the Lord, saying that in today’s world, there’s hardly anyone who could sincerely follow that command. In my mind, the issue turned into a lifelong celibacy, reflecting God's request in light of the current world situation. I grumbled to the Lord, saying that while I might barely manage it out of love for God, finding a man in Finland who would think the same way felt like a harder task than searching for a single needle in a haystack.

The stormy headlines about divorce processes following marriages, with years of legal battles, have already done their soul-destroying work in Finland, bringing a smile to the enemy of souls. Fewer and fewer people dare to enter into marriage anymore, as it has been portrayed in many ways as “restrictive” rather than a blessed joy. The ever-expanding legal jungle, year after year crafted by the secular government, seems far more “restrictive” than the simple agreement for marriage that God declares sufficient in His Word. In response to my own struggle, God answered that a simple spiritual blessing of the relationship, in accordance with the Holy Word, would be enough in His eyes. No matter how I tried to explain it to the Almighty, I found myself at a point of decision. At the same time, I also knew in my heart that I was slipping into a bit of disbelief in God's omnipotence. The truth was, it wasn’t even about me needing to search for anything. I know true stories of how God has brought together people who were perfectly suited for each other, even from opposite sides of the world. But first, one must be willing to trust the Almighty, even in a situation that seems impossible.

 Through the revelation of His Holy Spirit, the Lord made it clear that He was serious about the step of obedience He was asking me to take. The Lord explained how obedience to this command—though it may seem challenging in today’s world—was an essential part of the demanding prophetic calling He was offering me. Therefore, the call to my prophetic task still felt like a call to become a Nazirite. Once again, I was given full freedom to choose. Thanks be to the Creator for His grace and the opportunity to stumble once! In His loving way, the Lord used my stumble to confirm that He was truly serious and how eagerly, after decades of learning, He wished to hand me the task. Although I had once tested God's patience in this matter, in the end, the choice was easy after all the things that had already happened in my life, demonstrating God's great love through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Before the call to take the next step in obedience, I had already experienced firsthand the incredible miracles and signs of the Holy Spirit that positively impact human life. After my stumble, that same smooth connection was taken away from me for a time. Repentance and turning back were actually easy because I truly began to long for that supernatural connection with the Almighty. This was indeed a true test of faith that the Lord placed me in to grow my faith and prepare me for my calling. I would be lying if I said the situation was easy. Perhaps the experience was even more confusing for the man whom the Lord, in His grace, had brought into my life at that time. May the Lord bless him mightily for his patience. Ultimately, however, I took that next step in my lifelong journey of growing in sanctification and obedience. Once again, I experienced the truth of the verse previously mentioned in this book, which reveals the nature of God. God forgives and, in His love, gives more to those who cherish what they have already been given (Luke 8:18).

So, dear representatives of sexual minorities, I have not been assigned to write this message to condemn you. I have gone through my own journey of learning what it means to struggle with limiting my own sexual desires in order to take steps toward obedience to the will of the Almighty. On the other hand, I can say from experience that I do not regret for a single day the path I chose. Anyone who has experienced the almighty power of the Holy Spirit rarely wishes to lose it permanently. After everything, I can only be extremely grateful, even though my faith and obedience have been sharply tested at times, just as the Holy Word foretells.

 The passage from the Gospel of John, quoted earlier, beautifully illustrates the connection that is often clearly visible on the journey of faith between seeking God through the Word and the Lord revealing Himself to a person through His Holy Spirit in one way or another. When one begins to seek the Lord in the Word with an open heart, they will one day experience how the Lord, in the most astonishing ways, opens the door to His Kingdom of miracles and eternal life for the one who knocks.

Since the matter is about establishing a personal relationship between each believer and God, the Lord uses very different and uniquely timed revelations for each individual. For some, God may reveal Himself in a powerful way, even without asking, offering a dramatic start to their journey of faith. A biblical example of this is Saul, who persecuted believers in Jesus but whom God transformed into a most powerful spreader of the Gospel. For others, the journey means a slower process of getting to know God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Sometimes God may test a person's genuine desire to know Him, observing for a time how seriously they seek Him through the Word, and allowing the Holy Word to first clear space in their heart for His Spirit.

Sometimes, and quite often in life, it happens that a person's heart is not yet ready to receive the loving and life-preserving Truth, as well as the loving boundaries the Lord has set for His creation. A person who has come to church may attend once or twice, only to choose, at that time, to say to the Lord, “No, thank you.” Many end up choosing something that this world offers over following Jesus and knowing the Almighty, at least for the time being. The situation is not made easier by the burden of the Lord’s ancient punishment, which is still visibly present in some Christian congregations, where serving God has often been portrayed as joyless and overly rigid (this has been discussed in the message YHWH Is Calling). However, some people return later. God has His ways of guiding His chosen and called ones in the world, preparing their hearts for the next loving and saving outreach from His hand.

The church's mission is not to desperately lure people into its doors by altering God’s Word, but rather to proclaim the Word in its written holy form. Only in this way can the Holy Spirit work in people’s hearts through the Word. If those in the church choose to change God’s Word in order to make it easier for people to accept God, they are, according to the Holy Word, only leading those seeking God onto the path of perdition alongside themselves, rather than offering true hope for salvation. This is anything but love and equality. Regardless of the Christian denomination, every person should have an equal opportunity to hear the Holy Word about the sins that separate them from God. Likewise, those seeking God should have an equal opportunity to receive support in growing in faith through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are given to help build up the church.

The double commandment of love and the Golden Rule provide guidelines for how love should be expressed both toward God and toward other people. When reflecting on what God has done out of His love for humanity, one might rightly ask themselves: isn't the instruction for people to be obedient to God a rather reasonable request?


“For God so loved the world

that He gave His only begotten Son,

that whoever believes in Him

should not perish

but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16 (NKJV)



Scriptures taken from the New King James Version:

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)