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Destroying Righteousness in the Manner of the Spirit of Jezebel

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I


I have a few things against you,

because you allow that woman Jezebel,

who calls herself a prophetess,

to teach and seduce My servants

to commit sexual immorality

and eat things sacrificed to idols.

And I gave her time to repent

of her sexual immorality,

and she did not repent.

Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed,

and those who commit adultery with her

into great tribulation,

unless they repent of their deeds.

I will kill her children with death,

and all the churches shall know

that I am He who searches the minds and hearts.

And I will give to each one of you according to your works..”

Revelation 2:20-23 (NKJV)


In the previous chapter, it was mentioned how the letters to the churches in the Book of Revelation should be regularly addressed in today's congregations. These letters contain the Lord's messages to the early Christian churches of the apostolic era, clearly revealing both the Lord’s praise and criticism. The letters are a relevant and excellent tool for contemporary congregations as well, for nurturing spiritually sound church life.

The excerpt at the beginning of this chapter, from the letter to the church in Thyatira, warns congregations about Jezebel’s destructive practices within churches. In the section 'When Justice Is Turned into Poison,' we delve deeper into the warning from the Holy Word and an example of how the practices associated with the spirit of Jezebel also affect areas outside of churches, distorting justice and, in many ways, sowing destruction into the nation.

If the practices of those operating in the spirit of Jezebel are overlooked in a nation without intervention, God's wrath will eventually rise against the entire nation. In nations, the rise to power of the spirit of Jezebel manifests in the way described in the Holy Word—as the inability of judicial systems to respond to extreme dishonesty, lies, and verifiable false testimonies. As part of this message given by the Almighty for proclamation, the Lord has emphasized how this unfortunate situation is already a reality in the nation of Finland, regardless of how highly the nation may still rank in biased studies measuring the rule of law and freedom from corruption based on market forces.

Within churches, the same practices associated with the spirit of Jezebel manifest as teachings that contradict the Holy Word, which in effect amounts to unfaithfulness to God, or spiritual adultery. Even without the spiritual insight granted by the Holy Spirit, one can see from this verse the severity of the act in God's eyes. When God's Holy Word is altered to suit human desires, it essentially means worshiping other gods at the altars of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He has revealed Himself in His Word. Anyone who does not accept the unchanging nature of His Word is, in essence, saying 'no' to God. In that case, it would be wiser to turn to other gods than to attempt to alter the Holy Word of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by human decision. To take it upon oneself to teach something contrary to God’s Word reveals a lack of the healthy fear of God, which the Holy Spirit instills. As discussed earlier in this message, conscious idolatry is already a grave sin, leading to punishments extending to the third and fourth generations. To distort the Holy Word of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in a manner comparable to idolatry is, according to the Word, tantamount to idolatry itself, and the consequences are even more severe. From the verse at the beginning of this chapter, we can see the warning in the Word about the consequences of sin debt that falls upon those who attempt to alter God’s Holy Word, both for themselves and for future generations.

It is no wonder, then, that the Word so often urges individuals, and especially the elders of churches, to be vigilant and to safeguard the spiritual soundness of their teachings. Where is the essential gift of discernment of spirits in the spiritual leadership of churches, and the use of this vital gift as a tool for church leadership, in accordance with the instructions of the Holy Word?

It is no wonder, then, that the Lord has called all the churches in Finland to the point of decision for repentance!

For individuals, belonging to any church is not a guarantee of salvation; only one's personal relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ, matters. However, churches play an increasingly significant role in this new era to help individuals stand firm against the fiery arrows of evil, as anti-Christian forces rise with the approach of the Lord's return. It is no wonder, then, that to protect the souls of individuals in this new era, the Lord is first sifting through the churches. As revealed in the message 'YHWH Calls,' during the time of tribulation, only those churches that are still capable of hearing the Lord’s voice and responding with repentance will remain standing.

At the end of this chapter, I must seriously remind the citizens of Finland and those living among them that the preservation of the nation’s righteousness ultimately depends on the value choices of each individual. According to the Holy Word, for a Christian democracy to maintain its independence and peace, it must remain sufficiently righteous in God’s eyes. Earlier in this message, the state of the Finnish nation in the eyes of the Almighty was presented with concrete examples, at the Lord’s urging. The Lord desires that every citizen of Finland, regardless of the spiritual state of their church, have an equal opportunity to understand the seriousness of Finland’s current situation.

This message has been made freely available to all Finns through a website in Finland, so that every citizen can understand why the nation's sin debt has already been fulfilled and why the outpouring of God’s wrath, without repentance, is inevitably approaching. Dear Finns and those living among them, it is time to carefully consider the state of your own faith and whether you can make the choice to defend the justice and righteousness required for the nation’s independence and peace. Practically, the best way to defend this is by choosing to be one of the believers in the nation who advances the righteousness of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Equally important, regardless of your own faith, is trying to elect righteous leaders in the nation—leaders who have a personal relationship with Jesus, who uphold the unchanging nature of the Holy Word as a reflection of our God, and who understand the cause-and-effect relationships given in the Holy Word as guidance for the nation's well-being.

The Lord has miraculously provided a concrete opportunity during this time of repentance to test the state of one's own saving righteousness by listening to the 2022 Eurovision song candidates. For the readers of this message, by the grace of the Lord, there is likely an understanding to carefully consider whether it is truly appropriate in Finland, a land received through prayer to the Almighty, to praise women operating in the spirit of Jezebel—women who use their polished appearances, positions, and strength to sow injustice and destruction for individuals and nations (The Rasmus 2022. The Rasmus / Jezebel (Lyric Video) // UMK22). It will be interesting to observe in 2022 whether Finns choose to praise the God who gave them a beautiful independent country or to glorify the practices and spiritual forces warned against by that very God—forces which, if allowed to take power, will lead the nation to destruction.

Those familiar with spiritual principles know that nothing is a coincidence under the watchful eyes of the Almighty, who oversees the world and the events of nations. When the Lord called me to be His messenger in 2019, I already knew my task was to write His messages for this era (the first prophecies came as early as 2017, but the actual anointing and call for the task happened in 2019). In 2020, the Lord began to speak more specifically about how this message to the nations concerns the way the spirit of Jezebel and its practices have led to the rise of injustice in the nation of Finland and the looming spiritual apostasy threatening the nation. It is no coincidence that, by the Lord’s allowance, a song praising the practices of Jezebel’s evil power has been placed before the nation. Comparing it to spiritual principles, this song is like the apple placed before Eve, from which she should understand not to take a bite.

Just as Satan, with his enticing persuasion, got Eve to reach for the apple, nations in our time are being lured into choosing things that go against the will of the God who granted independence to Finland and America. This is done through the cunning of Jezebel, skillfully twisting good things into something wrong.

In one article, Jezebel was described as the Bible's 'bad girl,' portrayed as either a cruel queen or a feminist powerhouse, depending on the source (Ylönen & Pudas 2022, 'The Rasmus sings about Jezebel – Do you know who this woman, who died in a horrendous way, was?'). The article conveyed the prevalent attitude of our time, as if Jezebel and her evil practices should be admired, even though the strength being praised—the ability to make one's own choices—leads to actions that sow immense destruction and death in the nation, distort truth, and trample on the rights of others. The mention in the article about Jezebel being easily subjected to vilification also made one pause to reflect. It is impossible not to see a connection to what has been previously discussed in this message—the false victimhood used by agents of injustice to raise themselves up dishonestly, while displacing truth. This raises the question: Is exposing the truth beneath great injustices vilification, or is it a justified revelation of wrongdoing in the pursuit of justice? This issue is far more relevant to the current era than many may realize while reading this.

Finns, and in fact by 2024, even Americans, have been called through the invitation to repentance to choose whether they still believe in the Holy and unchanging Word of the Almighty (who granted independence to the nations of Finland and America) and in the very existence of the Almighty.

In a democracy, the fate of the nation is determined by the choice of the majority. Every individual faces a decision: whether to admire the injustice beautifully cloaked in the guise of liberalism and the spirit of Jezebel, or to fight for the fulfillment of justice and the preservation of righteousness—conditions necessary for independence and peace—thereby showing gratitude to the Almighty for an independent nation.


Scriptures taken from the New King James Version:

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.


“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)