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from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

Woe to Finland, woe to the surrounding nations!

The return of our Messiah Jesus, and the screenings and separations of congregations and nations related to it, are drawing near. The events in Finland over the coming years will serve as a sign of the beginning of this era of screening, which is already connected to the Day of the Lord in God's global plan of salvation.

In many European nations, a healthy fear of the Lord has already been completely lost, as despite decisions made against God's will, the countries have continued to enjoy their existence and prosperity. The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics in 2024, the year this message is being published, perfectly encapsulated Europe's state of apostasy. Instead of setting any boundaries, the Almighty was openly mocked, culminating in the blasphemous elevation of ancient European idols. The opening ceremony was, in a way, the closing of a circle for the era of Christianity in Europe, which was founded on the remnants of the ancient Roman Empire.

It is no surprise that as apostasy progresses, Europe has regressed into the brutal ways of ancient empires, whether we look at the rising violence statistics, the growing inequality and class divisions within nations, or the explosive spread of various diseases, including sexually transmitted infections. Finland is a sad example of how, almost daily, one can read in the news about serious acts of violence and various gun-related crimes, committed by increasingly younger individuals. When considering a nation of only around 6 million people, the frequency of serious crimes is alarming. By examining Finland's condition, it becomes clear that even the strictest gun laws cannot bring safety to a nation when its moral foundation and well-being have collapsed in the very way the Holy Word has warned.

A great many people in Finland today believe that blasphemy will have no consequences for the nation. In a country where, less than a hundred years ago, people in healthy fear of God cried out to the Almighty for help on the front lines, receiving significant answers to prayer in times of distress, those who expressed their sorrow and shock at what was witnessed during the Olympics were openly mocked and scorned. However, as a glimmer of hope and comfort for the Finnish people, there were still a few politicians, such as Ville Tavio and Päivi Räsänen, who boldly dared to speak out. They will not go without the Lord's blessing and gratitude for their stance.

As has already been made clear from the passages of the Holy Word quoted in this message, it is not always in God's nature to act immediately. He is merciful and patient. He watches and grieves, but in accordance with His holiness, He eventually becomes angry and punishes, faithfully executing the cause-and-effect relationships He has established in the Word.

Anyone who has completed confirmation classes should have some understanding of what God's holiness means. It includes the fact that the Almighty is obligated to uphold the cause-and-effect relationships He Himself has established in the Holy Word. From the Scriptures, one can read how certain actions bring blessings to individuals and nations, while others result in curses and judgments. For this reason, learning these cause-and-effect principles, as well as knowing God's unchanging nature by reading the Word, should be of interest to anyone who has made a decision of faith in their heart, alongside the important message of the Good News about Jesus.

Due to His holiness, the Almighty is sometimes obligated to bring things to an end. Serious warnings before judgments are an expression of God's love. Through His messengers, He warns, urges people to turn back, and also gives them the opportunity to prepare for the shaking to come.

Among the examples given in the Holy Word to future nations regarding the states of apostasy, it is rarer to find situations where the message of the Lord's messenger was humbly received, repentance was made, and the punishments for missteps, as outlined in the Word, were avoided..

The era of the screening of Christian nations is very near. Finland was raised to a special position on the world map for this era. Finland is a country whose events in the coming years will hold a significant place in the long-prophesied movement of the Holy Spirit preparing for the Lord’s return. A revival will come to Finland, but if the nation's leaders choose to turn their backs on the call the Almighty has sent them, the revival will come through the valley of weeping. The Lord will place other nations in Europe, which claim to be Christian, in the same situation.

When our God extends His hand to shake the nations, there is hope and joy even in the midst of troubling times for those who have accepted the Almighty's Son, Jesus, into their hearts as the Lord of their lives. They have been clothed with the grace and righteousness that come through Jesus. Even in the midst of the shaking, they are protected by the shield of faith.

My beloved home country Finland, the Finnish people, and those living among the Finns.

When the northern nation of ancient Israel, Ephraim, drifted into apostasy that threatened the borders of the land, God sent prophets to warn them of the consequences of failing to take the final opportunity for repentance. These God-anointed prophets did not preach what the people wanted to hear. They preached what was God’s rebuking and warning message, but one that was also deeply loving because it offered a chance for salvation. It would not have been love to preach that God was pleased with the nation’s ways at the time, thus driving the nation at an even faster pace toward the outpouring of God’s wrath upon it.

Finland, as a nation, is in a state similar to that of ancient Ephraim. Efforts are made to prevent the establishment of boundaries for the nation’s actions in accordance with the Holy Word, by declaring seemingly beautiful things, such as love and unity, as all-permissive. However, in the eyes of the God who granted our independence, these definitions are far from loving or unifying and are leading the nation to destruction. In fact, these beautiful concepts are being used contrary to their true purpose. It is not love to proclaim things that ultimately prevent the existence of various forms of love in society, by leading the society under judgment.

Many readers of this message, as well as the message YHWH Is Calling, may mistakenly interpret the tone as bitterness toward the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland or other Christian communities. To them, I want to say this: test the message in prayer through the Book of Jeremiah. We have entered an era where there is no longer room for division into separate communities or for maintaining different boundaries. All who have received Jesus into their hearts and have chosen to follow Him are, in the end, one great congregation before Jesus, regardless of the man-made divisions between churches (Christ's one and only bride at the coming wedding of the Lamb). Whether the congregation is Christian or Messianic, in the end, all are grafted branches into the same noble olive tree of God. It is the tree of those who bear witness to Jesus. The tree, whose roots draw life-giving water from our Savior Jesus, even in the midst of challenges. We have entered an era where the only way to change the course of nations is to walk together across denominational boundaries, following Jesus' instructions.

In the third part of the overall message sent by the Lord, which is addressed to individuals (the message For Your Victory to be published in the future), it will become clear that I was born again of the Holy Spirit through a deacon who worked under the guidance of the Holy Spirit within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. My path to saving faith, as a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, was unfortunately long. It would have ended at my confirmation following confirmation classes, if the Almighty had not guided the events in my life through His own hand over the following decades. This was made possible by the healthy fear of God that was planted in my heart as a result of attending Sunday school at the age of five, which kept me from ever turning my back on the Almighty in the situations where He made His presence known, guiding me in the right direction.

All in all, the path the Lord led me on to be born again of the Holy Spirit took about 20 years after my confirmation. During that time, I realized that, although I thought I had already arrived—much like many other so-called ‘cultural Christians’—I had not even begun my journey with the Lord. Instead of walking side by side with Him on the path of life, I unknowingly walked ahead, leaving the Lord behind me. How many missteps I took at the crossroads of my life, only turning to the Almighty, who had been watching over me from behind, when I reached a dead end. It was 20 years after my confirmation that I finally surrendered my life completely to the Lord, allowing Him to walk beside me and go ahead of me, making the best choices at the crossroads of my life. How different and blessed my life has been since then, despite all the challenges!

In the era we now live in, in 2024, the same path to saving faith is no longer possible for the youth of today. The Almighty desires that the knowledge He had to personally teach me over 20 years after my confirmation would already be known by children by the time they finish elementary school. The paths of so many children and young people in Finland over the past few decades could have been different, as could the suicide statistics, if only they had received spiritual instruction according to the Holy Word.

Because the proclamation of the Holy Word in Finland has been increasingly restricted, while teachings of foreign gods are even being introduced into schools, the Lord asked me to write down the things He taught me, step by step, as a separate work for children and young people—and even for adults. If I live, and the Creator wills it, I will one day complete that task after delivering these more serious messages from the Lord. That separate message will also have its own role related to this serious warning.

While this message is sent by the Lord to awaken deep reflection on the state of righteousness for oneself, one's family, and one's nation, the third part of the overall message is intended for those who wish to progress on their journey of faith while equipping themselves with the best possible spiritual armor to face the inevitable challenges ahead in this new era for nations.

I too would have been spared many of life’s difficulties if I had received enough teaching on the basics of faith and the discernment of things according to the guidance of the Holy Word, whether at home, in church, or in school in Finland. However, I have no reason for bitterness. I rejoice that in the 1980s and 1990s in Finland, the Holy Word could still be sown in kindergartens and schools in such a way that, even in my childhood years, I was able to develop a healthy fear of God as described in the Holy Word—a fear that has become a blessing and salvation in my life. After a long journey, I can now rejoice in the reward of victory, which cannot even be compared to anything measured in earthly terms.

I have the privilege to rejoice, as the Word says, in the fact that my name is currently written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I am also humbly grateful to the Lord that He found me worthy to be His vessel, like a clay jar, in the fight for the preservation of Finland’s independence through this message. It is no coincidence that the Lord raises up the messenger of this proclamation from Mikkeli, a city of significance during Finland’s previous battles for independence. Mikkeli served as the headquarters for several years during past wars.

The apostasy of the Finnish nation has progressed to the point where only a minority still understands that the battle for independence has already begun again. For a little while longer, we are in a position where, as citizens, we can fight for our independence by responding to God's call for repentance. In the coming years, it will be up to the Finnish people to choose this easier path. If the nation's leaders do not guide the people toward turning back from their missteps but instead continue to lead them forward on the path of apostasy, following the example of neighboring countries more than the Holy Word, we will soon have to fight concretely for our independence again, as the Holy Word warns, on the battlefields. Is that really what we want to leave for future generations in Finland?

Instead of bitterness, the stricter passages in these messages are about conveying God's rebuke to a nation threatened by His judgment. The Lord's messengers are merely vessels that God fills—sometimes with loving encouragement, and unfortunately, when necessary, with more rebuking messages when the nation has grieved and betrayed its God. YHWH did not hold back the power of His words in the days of the ancient prophets, and He does not restrain His words in these times either. This serious and rebuking message is proclaimed because the Almighty still wants to give the opportunity for the path of repentance to be chosen in Finland and in other surrounding nations that have fallen into apostasy.

Many who are alive in faith have already understood, with the eyes of the Spirit, that a battle for the nation's independence and peace is once again underway in Finland. The battle, in which Finland will soon again fight for its independence on the front lines, will be different from the battles of the past. The Finnish people are no longer a nation that fears and respects the Lord, turned toward their God. This time, the threat to our independence arises from within the nation itself, from the ever-accelerating steps over decades that have taken us further away from the God who granted our independence. Through our own apostasy and betrayal of our God, we are causing the situation where God, as obligated by His Holy Word, must intervene by raising up an enemy at Finland's borders. However, the Almighty's love is evident in how He continues to send His messengers to warn and urge the nation to take hold of the opportunity for repentance, even until the last moment.

It is certainly not a matter of bitterness. Everything written here is about God’s anger, not mine. The same justified anger of God was expressed by His Son Jesus when He overturned the tables of the merchants in the temple that had been turned into a marketplace, carrying out the will of His Father by cleansing His temple.

Believers also have the right—and even the duty—to be righteously angry, following the example of Jesus, when it comes to the defilement of God’s Holy Word or His altars. The opposing force to the Holy Spirit has been extremely successful in spreading the false teaching that believers should never get angry or upset. Many believers are now afraid to speak out, because standing up or showing righteous anger in the face of injustice is often met with the accusation, 'You can’t be a true believer if you get angry. You should only love and bless your enemy.' But again, this is only half the truth. By spreading this incomplete teaching about the justification for righteous anger, a false image has been created of believers as timid and passive people who are obligated to turn the other cheek for everything. The Holy Word teaches otherwise! Believers have been given spiritual armor, and they are meant to use it! It is not only permissible but also necessary in some situations to be angry and indignant where the Bible gives this as instruction and encouragement.

Similarly, bringing truth to light to ensure justice should not be confused with revenge or bitterness. While a believer forgives in their heart and blesses their enemies, this does not mean that wrongs should not be exposed and addressed according to the Holy Word. These are matters that must be upheld as conditions for the nation’s independence and peace.

It is also important for everyone to learn to distinguish between actions and people in the realm of spiritual principles. In this message as well, God is truly zealous for His altars so that He will not have to pour out the judgments He first warned about decades ago upon Finland. This message is not a personal attack against any particular church leadership or the individuals who are driving actions contrary to God's Word on the altars. This is a serious message from the God who gave us our independence, whose central message to the Finnish nation is a call to turn from the current path and repent. Ultimately, it is about preserving the possibility of an independent nation and saving faith for future generations.

Just as in the time of ancient Ephraim, one can gain more friends and worldly honor in our time by proclaiming what people want to hear. It has always been the case that only a minority will humble their hearts to receive the saving truth, which is not as easy to accept with their ears. Even though it may be difficult for people to receive the Holy Word in its written form, church elders do not have the permission to widen the narrow gates of salvation.

Those who turn from their current path back to the ways of the Lord will receive their joyful reward. Turning to personal repentance is also worth it because, in the midst of God's judgments, the Almighty will take care of His own and lead them to a new and better beginning in the way He has already prepared. I strongly encourage all Finns to engage in a personal battle for independence, peace, and a more blessed future for their families by restoring a healthy fear and respect for the Lord in their lives. It is time once again to kneel and cry out to the Lord for help. Perhaps we can still avoid the punishment for Finland that was prophesied in the Stockholm prophecy of the 1980s, which now looms inevitably before us without repentance.

To clarify the seriousness of Finland's situation, I will go over a few details from the overall picture given by the Lord at the end of this message.

When I received the call to the office of a prophet from the Lord in 2019, He pointed to a passage in the Word:


"As for you, son of man,

the children of your people are talking about you

beside the walls and in the doors of the houses;

 and they speak to one another,

 everyone saying to his brother,

'Please come and hear

what the word is that comes from the Lord.'

 So they come to you as people do,

 they sit before you as My people,

 and they hear your words,

but they do not do them;

 for with their mouth they show much love,

but their hearts pursue their own gain.

 Indeed you are to them

as a very lovely song of one

 who has a pleasant voice and

 can play well on an instrument;

 for they hear your words,

 but they do not do them.

 And when this comes to pas

s--surely it will come—

then they will know

 that a prophet has been among them."

Ezekiel 33:30-33 (NKJV)


The Lord did not reveal the full scope of my mission when I first received the call. I thought the Lord was simply confirming the earlier instruction I had received in 2017 to write a special message for the youth of Finland, sharing the things I had learned under God's hand. I believed I was called to serve as one of the Lord’s servants in how He intended to fill the gaps in the teaching of the Word and the knowledge of God in our nation, which has suffered an alarming decline due to the many ungodly political decisions made over the past few decades. In His usual way, God clarified what was to come and my task step by step.

As the Almighty began to reveal the full extent of my prophetic mission, I couldn’t help but reflect with sadness on the passage from the Word that was given to me when I was called as a prophet. It was to be taken as a warning that the Finnish nation, in receiving this proclamation, would follow in the footsteps of ancient Ephraim. According to that passage, I should prepare for the reality that Finland will only recognize this message as God's loving final warning once the prophesied shakings begin to sweep over the nation. Unfortunately, the likelihood of this outcome is further confirmed by the many visions received by my brothers and sisters in faith regarding the shift of our eastern border and the Finnish nation turning back to its God only through the valley of tears. This painful path to revival in Finland is also supported by the Stockholm prophecy, which foretold the hardness of heart that God would allow to settle in the hearts of the nation's leaders. It is deeply concerning to find oneself clinging to the faint hope that perhaps this part of the Stockholm prophecy is the incomplete portion.

All prophecy is, after all, imperfect and meant to be examined and tested, including this message in its entirety. However, in testing the Stockholm prophecy, one can observe that much of it aligns with the Word, which increases the likelihood that God will indeed do in Finland what He did in Egypt with the ancient Pharaoh. It must be remembered that no leader rises to their position without the permission of the Almighty. Yet, it requires knowledge of the Holy Word to understand what this fully means. Schools rarely discuss the fact that, before the plagues, God told Moses that He would harden Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not agree to the Israelites' requests for freedom until God had first displayed His power against the idolatry in the land through various plagues. God already knows, even as this part of the message is being written, what kind of hearts He has allowed to lead Finland, both politically and spiritually, in this era. The Finnish people must therefore pay close attention to how the nation’s political and spiritual leaders respond to the Lord’s message. If the Lord’s messengers experience the same fate as in the time of ancient Ephraim—with accusations, judgments, persecution, and so on—it will be a serious sign for the members of the nation to prepare for judgment by examining the state of their own faith and that of their families. Democracy will have then driven itself into the nightmarish state of apostasy described earlier, which will ultimately become the sad fate of the democracy that was once granted by the Lord.

In 2021, despite all the warnings from the Lord indicating irreversible hardening, I still wanted to pray for Finland's leaders at the time and hold on to hope for the nation. I prayed and hoped that Finland's political and spiritual leadership would not take their final steps toward an irreversible state of increasing the nation's burden of sin.

In 2024, I can tell the Finnish people that the worst has already happened. The nation's burden of sin has reached its full measure. Finland's top leaders did not respond in any way to the warning message sent by the Lord, unlike the past presidents of Finland. Instead, even more serious things occurred. Even more severe revelations emerged about the political elite's distortion of justice and their deliberate concealment of these actions from the citizens in violation of Finland's constitution. Increasingly ungodly and unbiblical laws were passed, both by political and even spiritual leaders.

God has never assumed nor required complete uniformity from an entire nation in following His will, as the idea of personal freedom of faith is something He Himself has ordained for humanity. Even in the Promised Land, which He gave to the Israelites, He allowed the worship of other gods and atheism to a certain extent, within the boundaries set by the Lord.

However, certain things have been set as absolute conditions for maintaining the well-being of the land and the nation. In addition to upholding truth and just judgments, God requires righteousness to be upheld from generation to generation, as an eternal decree. An absolute boundary, for example, is that practices of idolatry and the public contempt for God that is sometimes inherent in atheism must not be brought to desecrate the altars of the Almighty or the redemptive work of His Son on the cross. We have already witnessed some of these steps being taken in Finland, as it has been declared from His altars that God's Holy Word changes with the passing of ages and the shifting desires of humanity. The Word could not be clearer in warning that God and His Holy Word are the same for the first and the last.

In 2021, the Almighty posed a question to the leaders and citizens of Finland: Are you truly ready to lose the land that you so recently, with many drops of blood and on your knees, begged Him for, crying out to Him for help?

By 2024, it can be said in hindsight that the nation's highest leadership answered that question with silence and with even more ungodly political and spiritual decisions—a resounding yes.

The specific exhortation given to the nation's leaders in 2021 was as follows: Secular and spiritual leaders, with the authority granted by the Almighty, I urge you to take action to restore justice and righteousness to the Finnish nation. No longer can you, as past governments have done, stand idly by while the will of the God who granted us independence is trampled upon. The Holy Word and the beautiful things it represents are being distorted into instruments of injustice. They are being turned into a rule of unrighteousness in the land, which, according to His Holy Word, God will ultimately wipe out. Turn back in the leadership of this nation to the God who granted us independence, so that our future generations may still enjoy this land, won by the blood and tears of our forefathers. The test placed upon Finland’s legal system should also make it clear why, alongside media literacy created by the market economy, citizens must be guaranteed the opportunity to learn, during their basic education, how to test things in our anti-Christian era using the ways taught by the Holy Word.

By 2024, hope for the change in national leadership that the Lord had called for was extinguished among the leaders of Finland. The ordinary people, skillfully enslaved and silenced, suffer and weep.

In 2021, the Almighty sent the following exhortation to the citizens of Finland: Dear Finns and those living among you, turn back to the God who granted your independence and fight for it by choosing leaders, both political and spiritual, who know God's Word, His holy will, and the laws by which He has established blessings and curses for nations. Only in this way can the freedom of individual faith also be preserved in Finland, under the protection of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Now, in 2024, the Almighty poses a question not to the nation's leaders, but to the Finnish people: Would you truly have chosen these political and spiritual leaders for your nation if you had understood the path of destruction you were also choosing for the country? Are you, as a nation, ready to repent and once again call upon the name of the Lord for help, even though the leaders you have chosen are unable to set an example?

In 2024, the Almighty Holy God also has His loving greetings for Americans.




Dear Americans, you have once again been placed at a critical crossroads. In 2024, you are at a turning point, similar to the one the Finnish people faced in the early 2000s. Against the teachings of the Holy Word, the Finnish people elected their first female president in 2000. The Sexual Equality Association (Seta) proudly highlights on its website that Tarja Halonen was the world’s first president to have served as chair of an LGBT organization during 1980–1981 (Seta, 2024. Rainbow History in Finland). It is no surprise, then, that under the leadership of this national figure, the transformation of the Finnish nation into a state resembling Sodom and Gomorrah in the eyes of the God who granted them independence began in earnest.

Let it be noted once again for those reading between the lines that the Almighty truly values women and regards them as equal to men. However, those who study the Holy Word with the Lord will come to understand the reasons why the highest leadership roles in nations and churches have been intended for men by the Almighty. It is no coincidence that so many examples of destruction caused by witchcraft and operating in the spirit of Jezebel—using personal charm and extreme manipulation to distort matters—are associated with women.

Women who operate in the Spirit of the Almighty possess humility, heavenly wisdom, love, and honesty toward the Almighty and their neighbors in a way that the Lord has intended to be used in other leadership roles, rather than as the highest political or spiritual leaders of a nation. To those considering the topic of female priests in this context, I would point out that the role of a priest is not seen by God as the primary leadership role of a congregation, unlike the roles of rectors and bishops. I will address the issue of female priesthood when I later discuss the role of priests, in comparison to Jesus’ instructions, in the upcoming message For Your Victory.

What happened in Finland when the country elected its first female president as the nation's moral leader? An era began in which a value system contrary to the Holy Word was established, supporting political decisions that went against the Holy Word and invoked God's wrath upon the nation. For about a decade, the steps toward destruction were slowed down by a predominantly male group of bishops who adhered to the Holy Word, the highest spiritual leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. However, as women were increasingly elevated, contrary to the Holy Word, to the highest spiritual leadership positions in church politics, the role of the spiritual leadership shifted from slowing down destructive steps to accelerating them—just as many biblical examples have warned about women in leadership roles acting contrary to the Holy Word.

Very often, as we can observe in Finland, these women are like those delicious-looking apples that citizens, lacking loyalty to the Almighty's instructions, are tempted to fall for—with disastrous consequences. Just like in the story of humanity's fall into sin, women play a significant role in the shocking consequences they drive men and future generations of the nation toward with their temptations. On the other hand, it is no coincidence that the Almighty has also used women like Deborah, a prophetess, to set limits on the evil and apostasy sown among nations.

An example that concretizes the impact of this phenomenon can be found in the city where this message is being proclaimed—Mikkeli, in the heart of the land of a thousand lakes. Seppo Häkkinen, a highly respected bishop of the diocese, who served in Mikkeli, the headquarters city during Finland's wars, was one of the last spiritual leaders in Finland who, in his spiritual position, was able to keep the national church holding onto the hem of Jesus' garment during the bishops' meetings, as it was slipping away. When Seppo Häkkinen retired, the increasingly liberal forces of democracy practically voted to replace him with a female bishop, who had already served as a parish rector and held liberal theological views. Just a few months after her election, bishops' meetings were held where unprecedented steps were taken to pressure missionary organizations that remained faithful to the Holy Word.

Immediately after, plans were drawn up and proposals were prepared for the bishops' council, aiming to change the church's highest guidelines to allow marriages between same-sex couples. Practically all congregations, regardless of the convictions of individual leaders, would be effectively forced to follow this new human-made directive.

As a result, at the time of this message’s release, there are ongoing processes in Finland where the majority of bishops are attempting, through the power of democracy, to change the spiritual guidelines of the nation, effectively altering the Holy Word and the nature of God. It is no coincidence that the minutes from these bishops' meetings reveal cleverly crafted and manipulative language, where the bishops essentially cloak financial pressure in smooth silk and disguise the total silencing of those defending the truth of the Holy Word as soft velvet. These issues from the bishops' meeting minutes are insightfully unpacked by Pauli Selkee, a God-fearing pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, whose YouTube channel was referenced earlier in this message.

But a nation, a city, and its people will receive what they order. Some may call it coincidence that on the very day when these female bishops, who were most forcefully pushing for deception, with the support of the liberalized archbishop, attempted to strip the mission organizations defending the Holy Word of their rights within the church, the city of Mikkeli experienced a flood of biblical proportions, as described by the editor-in-chief of a local newspaper (Laitakari 2024. From the Editor-in-Chief: The Flood Caught Mikkeli's 'Ukko Noahs' by Surprise).

The liberalized political leadership of Mikkeli was no willing to listen to the serious call presented by the Lord years earlier for the city to remain in His fellowship (Lavan 2022. Mikkeli – Will You Answer the Lord’s Call?). It seems unlikely that eyes will be opened even by this 'coincidence.'

As the Holy Word describes, the Almighty often uses His servants, who have received the call and anointing of a prophet, to slow the pace of a nation's leadership’s apostasy and to call them back from their missteps. In Finland, both the political and spiritual leadership of the nation disregarded the serious message sent by God in 2021. As a result, it can be observed that from the era that began with the election of the female president, in just two decades, the choices of the Finnish people have led the nation toward destruction. Now, only the final call from the Lord remains—a call to repentance, even as the coming judgment is declared to be executed. All of this is the consequence of the Finnish people choosing the wrong path at a similar turning point where the American nation now stands.

Dear Americans, like Finland, your nation was founded on the Christ-Rock of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The United States became the most successful and leading nation in the world, blessed because you, as a nation, have honored the Holy Word more faithfully than Finland. You have been abundantly blessed as a nation over the past century, not only because you have stood steadfastly with the Jewish people, but also because you played a significant role in the founding of the state of Israel. The fundraising effort for Israel’s military led by God’s servant, Golda Meir, was answered by Americans in the 1940s with 50 million U.S. dollars (Christian Broadcasting Network 2015. The Dream of the Holy Land). These funds were of fundamental importance to Israel’s very existence. Americans have had the honor of being greatly used by the Almighty in fulfilling the prophecies of the Holy Word regarding the gathering of the descendants of ancient Israel back to the land that God gave them thousands of years ago. The Almighty has continued His work in the restoration of Israel. The Lord raised up President Trump, among other things, to strengthen the position of Jerusalem as the indivisible capital of Israel, a key event before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is no coincidence that from America has also risen to worldwide fame the Messianic Jewish psalmist Joshua Aaron, whose songs of blessing, such as Shabbat Shalom, have inspired Christians even in Finland to return to observing the Sabbath as a holy day, in accordance with prophecy and following Jesus' example (rather than the pagan practices imposed on Christians by an ancient emperor).

Even today, unlike in Finland, one can hear from the mouths of American political leaders that God is placed first when speaking of political decision-making. It is said, and even shouted out loud, giving glory to God, while placing the nation's highest leaders in second place. In Finland, even from parties that claim to be Christian, such proclamations aligned with the Holy Word are rarely heard, and only as isolated dissenting voices. Party discipline and the fear of losing one's political career have replaced the healthy fear of God, which brings heavenly wisdom and blessings. As a result, many who call themselves Christians, without a troubled conscience, declare that they are fighting for the good while defending the values and choices elevated by liberal politics that are contrary to the Holy Word.

The previous presidential elections in America showed how the country is dangerously teetering on the scales of blessing and curse. In the 2020 presidential election, Americans took their first misstep toward the dangerous path of liberalism, whose destructive impact on nations has already been widely seen in Europe. This year, in 2024, Americans face a choice as perilous as the one Finland faced in the early 2000s. In Finland, that irreversible step was taken. There was no turning back, as the nation's leadership, acting contrary to the Holy Word, set in motion the downward spiral warned about in Scripture, ultimately spiritually blinding the majority in the democracy. This year, dear Americans, you face a similar choice between the path of blessing and the path of curse.

For the citizens of Finland, the situation is bleak after the choices made by the nation over the past decades. The collapse of the values upheld by the Holy Word led to the nightmarish state of democracy in Finland, where, for example, only lies were forwarded from the desks of high-ranking prosecutors to the courts (we are speaking here of matters that can be proven with evidence, as already referenced earlier in this message: Lavan 2024. The Finnish People Have the Right to Know. From Mannerheim’s Orders of the Day to the Cries of the Finnish People). Before the actual victims of crimes could even defend themselves as guaranteed by the Constitution, the prosecutor, based on lies that meet the criteria for fraud, had already written a decision to drop charges against those guilty of serious crimes—without the careful review of the case required by law, the proper deliberation time, or the safeguarding of the other party's rights.

When the financial backers of Finland's sitting presidents framed an innocent person as guilty, much like Jezebel and Ahab from the Holy Word, by giving false testimonies and lying systematically and deliberately in 79 out of 89 questions posed by the police, they have faced no accountability for their actions in Finland. No one involved in the judicial process, whose responsibility it was to ensure the implementation of constitutional and other legal protections for individuals, has been held accountable either.

Even though the truth and the serious mistakes made by legal authorities were revealed in the courtroom, no one sought to correct the injustice that had occurred. Only lies were given weight, and not a trace of truth made it into the public records. The protection of the president's political elite at the expense of the Constitution in Finland can only be explained by severe corruption that has stirred up the wrath of God. A widow, who defended her own and others' rights under extreme pressure and at great personal cost while caring for her young children, was not even granted the constitutional right to defend herself. In practice, she received no justice after being the victim of numerous extremely serious crimes committed by individuals within the president's political inner circle.

And what do you think of this situation from a human rights perspective, viewed through the eyes of God? According to a recent study published in Finland, a widow with multiple children living on a net income of €1,400 is essentially living below the poverty line. The study indicates that single parents living on this income in Finland often have to compromise on basic necessities, such as food. When she then becomes the victim of criminal actions by the wealthy political elite, Finland's public legal aid office declares that, with this income, she is not eligible for legal aid. Despite the stark contrast with recent studies that provide an accurate picture of citizens' circumstances, this single mother was expected to somehow come up with tens of thousands of euros in order to seek justice for herself. As a result, the widow found herself in key moments of the legal process completely without legal representation, while facing one of Finland's top corporate lawyers, backed by a millionaire's resources.

In practice, many people in such financial situations in Finland are completely defenseless due to their inability to afford the necessary legal representation. Unlike in America, even fundraising campaigns to seek help in such situations cannot be launched. In Finland, a fundraising effort similar to those in America, where kind-hearted citizens help one another in difficult times, is classified as a criminal offense. From this example, one can understand how skillfully modernized slavery, which tramples on even international human rights, has been constructed in Finland to serve as a cash cow for the wealthy elite.

As referenced in this message, the test set by the Lord for Finland's judicial system reveals that, at present, truth—and thereby the decisions of prosecutors and the verdicts of courts—can be fully bought in Finland. No one in Finland will be able to stand before God and claim that the Lord has not clearly shown the nation, through this message, the parallels between Finland’s current state and that of a nation destined for judgment according to the Holy Word. It is not without reason that the Almighty expresses in the Holy Scriptures how He watched from above, waiting to see that indeed no one would intervene to stop the years-long oppression of the weak and disadvantaged. Fortunately, in the end, He will intervene with His mighty hand.

What makes the situation particularly grave in Finland is the fact that these issues within the Finnish legal system have been known to politicians for years. Yet no politician has taken action to address the serious flaws in the rule of law, which is the foundation of democracy—flaws that even Viktor Orbán rightly pointed out years ago. Instead, there are significant politicians within these political circles who remain silent while their financial backers exploit these legal loopholes to frame their criminal actions onto the defenseless.

What makes Finland's situation even more serious is the unprecedented restriction of citizens' rights to exercise freedom of speech and bring socially significant issues to light. While this message previously stated that corruption in Finland, though cleverly concealed, is now more severe than the widely recognized corruption in Italy and Spain, the censorship in a superficially virtuous Finland is starting to rival the heavily criticized censorship in China. It is shocking, as a Finn, to have to state the painful truth about my beloved homeland—that Finland has shifted from a Christian democracy to an anti-Christian authoritarian nation. Instead of being led by a single authoritarian leader, authoritarian rule is exercised through the party system and its 'good old boys' network.

Even more shocking is the realization that an anti-Christian authoritarian nation is the worst possible future for the next generations, for in such a state, the Almighty will ultimately have to destroy the once-Christian nation by His own hand. By way of comparison, Finland’s neighboring country, Russia, though authoritarian, remains at least a Christian nation in contrast to an anti-Christian Finland.

A recent example of the silencing of Finns can be seen in what happened when Finnish musicians released a protest song about the current Prime Minister Petteri Orpo and Minister of Finance Riikka Purra. This message previously discussed how the current Finnish government plans to eliminate polls that have begun showing harsh figures about the government’s popularity. Even faster was the censorship of the song. The song, which voiced criticism through music about broken promises made during the election, was removed from TikTok, and the account was hit with a 10-year ban (Erämaa 2024. Finnish Musicians Released a Satirical Song About Orpo and Purra – The Video Resulted in a 10-Year Ban on TikTok).

The same form of 'mass reporting' censorship was experienced by the single mother who had become a victim of criminal actions by the political elite. After waiting in vain for justice for nine long years and remaining obediently silent, she exercised her freedom of speech to speak publicly about the concluded legal case after receiving an unconstitutional judgment. Having been completely denied justice as the victim of aggravated defamation and fraud at the hands of the political elite, she then faced an attempt to strip her of her freedom of speech as well, in order to cover up serious societal issues after a decade-long legal battle. A video revealing this socially significant issue was first published on YouTube, where it was expected to quickly reach the attention of the elite involved. Instead of recognizing that they were finally being held accountable for their false testimonies, they once again used their power and resources to get the video blocked on the YouTube platform.

Of course, the Lord had foreseen the cornering and silencing of oppressed Finns by any means. That is why it was already known that the YouTube video had only served its short-term purpose. It was by the Lord’s guidance that the video—and others still to come from the Almighty—was ultimately meant to be placed on the technical platform that had been built years earlier for this very task, where it would fulfill its role as part of delivering the Almighty’s message (Lavan 2024, The Finnish People Have the Right to Know).

As the case of Päivi Räsänen regarding her statements about the sinfulness of homosexuality demonstrated, no texts or videos should, in reality, be demanded to be removed in Finland without a legal decision. Yet once again, it became evident how those who prioritize money and their political 'good old boys' networks over God use every possible means to suppress the truth from coming to light, even if it means severely violating others' fundamental rights year after year, with no regard for the rights or lives of others.

Especially for the young, the Lord wants the following to be repeated: In accordance with the warnings in the Holy Word, high-ranking individuals involved in cases of truth distortion in Finland have, without conscience, framed the innocent as guilty, using their high titles, positions of trust, and even elevating their supposed relationship with the Bible through some community that misuses the Holy Word in ways contrary to Scripture. Because the skill of testing things according to the Holy Word has not been successfully passed down from generation to generation by the spiritual leadership in Finland, the false portrayals of trust in high positions and titles are embraced by the nation as easily as a knife cuts through butter, furthering the purposes of the enemy of souls within the nation.

Everyone who has gone through confirmation classes should have learned that even if a person claims to have attended a religious school, holds a position of high trust, or swears on the Bible in some context, none of these in themselves provide any true indication of the person’s faith, conscience, or trustworthiness in the practically anti-Christian times we live in. More than words or attained titles, it is the matters aligned with the Holy Word that shape a healthy conscience, which will be explored in greater detail in the forthcoming part of this message, 'When Justice is Turned into Poison.

At the Lord’s prompting, I want to highlight one more important issue related to the chapter 'How to Choose Leaders Who Will Bring Blessing to the Nation.' In addition to what was discussed in that chapter regarding the selection of national leadership candidates, it is important to remember a key principle from the Holy Word. More important than having a spotless and blameless past—which in these anti-Christian times, as evidenced in Finland, can be bought with money and connections by distorting the course of justice—is a person's ability to recognize their own shortcomings and to repent. For this reason, I hope that Americans do not fall into the trap set by the enemy of souls for the downfall of their nation, where the forces of liberalism will carry sacks full of accusations about Mr. Trump’s past. Americans should rehearse the stories of the great men of the Bible (e.g. King David). These great men were far from perfect or superhuman—quite the opposite. What set a leader of a nation favored by God apart was their ability to put God first in their life and their willingness to repent and seek forgiveness.

Considering the journey Mr. Trump has traveled, from his business years to becoming a leader used by the Almighty for the nation, Americans can truly rejoice in still having the option to elect a presidential candidate who will bring blessing to the nation. There is no doubt that the Almighty will continue 'the Lord’s cleansing' of Mr. Trump, with the whitening of his garments. However, for those who push anti-biblical agendas, such as the murder of unborn children and liberalism, the situation is different. It is in vain to expect garments washed by the Lord or the blessing of the Almighty's hands upon their decisions. Americans, take the true situation of Finland as a serious warning written into this message!

Americans, you still have the option to choose a leader for your nation who enjoys the favor of the Lord! Beware of where it all can lead!

As Finland, during the 2024 presidential election, was already paying the price for decades of apostasy, Finns in the final round were left with a choice between 'the lesser of two evils.' In this context, it means that neither of the presidential candidates met the qualities of a leader who would bring blessing to the nation, as described earlier in this message. One of the candidates was a homosexual, and for the first time in Finland’s history, a same-sex couple would have been shaking hands at the president's Independence Day celebrations in a nation that calls itself Christian. This would have been a clear continuation of the era that Tarja Halonen initiated with her LGBT values in Finland in the early 2000s. The other candidate, who ultimately won, appeared to be angered by a journalist's question, 'Do you believe in God?' He stated that he preferred to keep matters of faith personal, but revealed that for him, the Holy Trinity meant mind, body, and soul. This, combined with the raising of the Pride flag at the leader’s official residence, speaks volumes to those familiar with the Holy Word. It is no wonder that Finland's situation was aptly summed up by a Finnish politician, comparing the choice to picking between the plague and cholera  (Bergbom & Laitakari 2024. Choosing Between the Plague And Cholera Is an Easy Decision).

Dear Americans, you still have the opportunity to avoid the path that led to Finland's downfall. You truly have the chance to restore America to its former strength, as long as you keep your trust and focus on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who also granted you your independence. The content of this message has been sent to you by the Almighty in His love, as loving guidance, so that it may be clear who among your candidates is the leader intended by the Almighty to be a blessing to your nation. 

Christian Americans, across all denominations, and Messianic Jews and Jews in America! Do not repeat history by taking a bite of the forbidden fruit! Fight to preserve your Christian nation while you still have the chance! Choose a president for your nation who stands the test of the Holy Word and does not push the liberal values that have destroyed Finland and Europe—values that provoke the wrath of the Almighty, including the murder of unborn children!

I have now completed my task of proclaiming this part of the message to the nations, as received from the Lord (and thoroughly tested in prayer). In addition to the fact that prophets face consequences far harsher than earthly judgments for neglecting to deliver the proclamations they have been given, I wrote everything with the courage provided by the Holy Spirit, for leaving it unwritten would be as serious an act as desertion on the battlefield during a war for independence.

At the request of the Almighty, I urge all believers in Finland, regardless of church affiliation, who know the Lord’s holy will through the Holy Spirit and recognize the seriousness of the matters discussed here: Abandon all fear of man and any fear of the questionable actions of governing bodies that are increasingly restricting freedom of faith and speech in this society steeped in apostasy. Defend the name and holiness of God and His Son in your land. Praise the Almighty who granted your nation its independence.

Believers of Christian nations, in accordance with the Word’s exhortation, be strong and courageous!


“For God has not given us a spirit of fear,

but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Therefore do not be ashamed

 of the testimony of our Lord,

nor of me His prisoner,

but share with me in the sufferings

for the gospel according to the power of God,

who has saved us and called us

with a holy calling,

not according to our works,

but according to His own purpose

and grace which was given to us

in Christ Jesus before time began,

but has now been revealed

by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ,

 who has abolished death and brought life

and immortality to light through the gospel,

to which I was appointed a preacher,

an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.

For this reason I also suffer these things;

nevertheless I am not ashamed,

for I know whom I have believed

and am persuaded that He is able to keep

what I have committed to Him

until that Day.”

2 Timothy 1:7-12 (NKJV)


Let it be a reminder to all who share in the faith that the shoes of readiness and the gospel of peace compel us to speak up in defense of the Almighty and the truth when God’s altars are desecrated and the unchanging message of the gospel is altered by human decisions, dishonoring the Holy Word. 

Believers, there is still hope, and in the time that remains, it is time to act. Gather in holy assemblies according to God's Holy Word, to fight from a place of thanksgiving, praise, prayer, and peace, fully equipped with the spiritual armor of all believers! Through the gifts of the Spirit active in the church, the Lord will give each person the necessary guidance on the timing and actions required.


“‘Now, therefore,’ says the Lord,

"Turn to Me with all your heart,

With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning."

So rend your heart,

and not your garments;

Return to the Lord your God,

For He is gracious and merciful,

Slow to anger,

and of great kindness;

And He relents from doing harm.

Who knows if He will turn and relent,

And leave a blessing behind Him—

A grain offering and a drink offering

For the Lord your God?

Blow the trumpet in Zion,

Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly;

Gather the people, Sanctify the congregation,

Assemble the elders,

Gather the children and nursing babes;

Let the bridegroom go out from his chamber,

And the bride from her dressing room.

Let the priests, who minister to the Lord,

Weep between the porch and the altar;

Let them say,

"Spare Your people, O Lord,

And do not give Your heritage to reproach,

That the nations should rule over them.

Why should they say among the peoples,

'Where is their God?' "

Joel 2:12-17 (NKJV)


As a messenger of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the name of His Son Yeshua (Jesus), proclaimed on behalf of Finland's independence, the peace of many other nations in Europe, and the blessings for the coming years of the United States,





Scriptures taken from the New King James Version:

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)