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Many Altars Have Already Been


from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

“For we, though many,

are one bread and one body;

for we all partake of that one bread.

Observe Israel after the flesh:

Are not those who eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar?

What am I saying then? That an idol is anything,

or what is offered to idols is anything?

Rather, that the things

which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons

and not to God,

and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons.

You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons;

 you cannot partake of the Lord's table and of the table of demons.

Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy?

Are we stronger than He?”

1. Corinthians 10:17-22 (NKJV)


As was proclaimed in 2021: Why has God's wrath already risen upon the nation of Finland? Why is the Almighty already sending His judgment upon Finland and many other nations, unless repentance is undertaken?

By the Lord's prompting in 2024, it must be acknowledged that Finland, in its current state of fulfilled sin debt, can no longer completely avoid the coming shaking. However, the extent and destructive power of the nation's shaking can still be influenced by individual repentance and a broader national turning back to God.

In the first chapters of this section on righteousness, I revisited the basic principles of faith at the Lord’s prompting, as these are the foundation for preserving righteousness within a nation. In Jesus’ own words, He came to heal the sick and to call sinners to repentance. By studying the Holy Scriptures, one quickly understands that there is not a single sinless person in the congregations. The question of attaining saving faith and persevering in it is more about whether one has truly received God’s call with all their heart to follow His Son, Jesus. Some people seek God for a longer time, while others are clearly called into His fellowship even before they begin searching. On the other hand, there will always be those in the congregations who, like Judas who betrayed Jesus, fail in their struggle to break free from the deceptions and temptations of the world.

When listening to or reading the Holy Scriptures, it is the Holy Spirit Himself who enables growth in faith within a person. Step by step, one grows in the knowledge of the Almighty’s will as revealed through the example of Jesus, and in obedience to the holy will of the Father. No one is forced to change on the journey of sanctification. Everyone has the option to abandon the struggle at any time. On the other hand, the journey is not called a struggle in the Holy Scriptures without reason.

The Lord does not require a person to immediately internalize His will upon hearing it for the first time. Nor does the Lord expect one to instantly apply what is heard through their own effort and willpower. The Lord is patient and longsuffering. Change does not occur at a steady pace; instead, from time to time, the Lord stops a person and asks if they are ready to take the next step. Is the person willing to repent of some unresolved sin that still affects their life? At some point, the Lord will ask if the one walking the path of faith would like to know what task the Almighty has specifically set aside for them. Would they like to receive their task, along with its blessings and challenges? By that stage, they have likely already experienced, in one way or another, the supernatural and omnipotent positive influence of God’s Holy Spirit in their life. Having personally encountered the power of God's Spirit, it becomes easier to understand what is meant in the Holy Scriptures by the reference that the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.

The significance of hearing the Holy Scriptures in growing in faith is well described in the Book of Hebrews:


“For indeed the gospel was preached to us

 as well as to them;

but the word which they heard did not profit them,

 not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.”

Hebrew 4:2 (NKJV)


It is certain that if one has no engagement with the Holy Scriptures, the journey of following Jesus, whether to find saving faith or to remain in it, will come to a halt. In the worst case, a person’s walk of faith may even regress, leading them astray back onto the many paths of the world that lead to the broad gate of perdition.

The path to saving faith, as well as to finding one's mission in the congregation, is individual and unique for each person. Only the Almighty knows what mission He has assigned to each one.

The Holy Scriptures describe the congregation, among other things, as a body, with our Lord Jesus Christ as its head:


“And He is the head of the body,

 the church,

who is the beginning,

the firstborn from the dead,

that in all things

He may have the preeminence.”

Colossians 1:18 (NKJV)


“And He put all things under His feet,

and gave Him to be head

over all things to the church,

which is His body,

the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”

Ephesians 1:22-23 (NKJV)


In the Book of Hebrews, the essential relationship a person must form with God's Holy Word is compared to an infant’s nourishment, first needing milk and then progressing to solid food (Hebrews 5:11–6:2). Only once the basic principles are understood can one move forward and grow in faith toward the unique purpose God has for each individual. The preparation received at home, in school, and in confirmation class is like the essential gear for a long journey. With that equipment, one can begin the actual journey and learning path toward reaching the destination. The most important piece of equipment is the Holy Word, and by hearing it and, as the Book of Hebrews describes, being united with it in faith, one can take steps forward in the direction and timing shown by the Holy Spirit.

To those living in our time, the Almighty sends these questions: How many have taken even a single step toward Him after confirmation through the reading of His Word? How many have truly been willing to grow as part of God's holy dwelling, with Jesus Christ Himself as the cornerstone and the apostles and prophets as the foundation, as described in the Book of Ephesians?


“Now, therefore,

you are no longer strangers and foreigners,

but fellow citizens with the saints

and members of the household of God,

having been built

 on the foundation of the apostles and prophets,

Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone,

in whom the whole building,

being joined together,

grows into a holy temple in the Lord,

in whom you also are being built together

for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”

Ephesians 2:19-22 (NKJV)


What an incredible distillation of heavenly wisdom this previous verse from the Holy Scriptures is! It reminds us of the foundation of saving faith. Have you been willing to accept Jesus as the Lord of your life? Is your life built on the rock of Christ, where your choices are guided by Jesus’ example and His call to grow in obedience to the will of His Father? Have you, as Jesus urged, sought the will of the Almighty by studying the words of the apostles of Jesus' time and the prophets who came before Him?

On the other hand, it is not just about the apostles of Jesus' time or the prophets who came before Him. As described in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, the Holy Spirit continues to distribute various spiritual gifts and ministries to individuals according to the will of the Almighty, as part of the body of the congregation. All ministries are needed, and they share a common goal: the building up of individuals in faith as part of the body of the congregation, and the growth and nurturing of the church as a dwelling place suitable for the Spirit of God. In many places in the Holy Scriptures, it is emphasized that following the example of Jesus Christ in fulfilling the will of His Father should be the guiding principle for the functioning of the body of the congregation.

The starting point, according to the Great Commission, is the spreading of the Gospel throughout the world for the salvation of souls. By studying the Holy Scriptures, however, one can understand the important role of spiritual gifts as part of the work of proclaiming the Gospel. According to the Holy Word, the different spiritual gifts bear witness to the work of the living God in our time. Through these gifts, people have the opportunity to encounter the presence of the living God and His manifold works even during their earthly lives. While those who receive the Gospel are invited to the path of eternal life, God's powerful love and care can also be demonstrated, for example, by freeing people through the Holy Spirit from the various forms of bondage to evil that affect our time.

In practice, the existence of different ministries should be evident in the Christian (Messianic) congregations of our time, where Jesus Christ is the head of the congregation. While some have received the gift of teaching from the Lord, others work as His helping, healing, and ministering hands. Some may have received the prophetic gift, to be used, for example, in pastoral care. While in individual pastoral tasks, the prophetic gift often means lovingly guiding and supporting personal growth and healing, there are also other types of prophetic roles. Just as in the days of the ancient prophets, the Lord continues to call individuals into prophetic ministries to deliver more serious messages to congregations and nations when needed.

Many in our time seem to forget God's unchanging and loving nature, which also means correction and discipline when necessary. Yet, in all the actions of the Almighty, love is ultimately visible, along with His desire to spare individuals and nations from the worst possible outcome. If His loving warnings have not been enough for the people, He raises up prophets, often regarded as 'fools,' much like in the days of ancient Ephraim, to deliver a more serious message about the last opportunity to turn back from the nation's godless path (see, for example, the references in the Holy Scriptures to prophets being regarded as fools by a nation in a state of grave apostasy).

Before personally witnessing the power of the Almighty’s Holy Spirit at work within the congregation, it is understandable that the power and various ways of the Almighty may seem increasingly like foolishness in the midst of a humanistic world. For this very reason, in the new era, only those congregations that follow Jesus’ instructions—using the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit to demonstrate the reality of the living God—will endure the sifting process the Lord is bringing. In congregations that follow Jesus, helping and healing people is not limited to worldly, humanistic methods of care and assistance; rather, pastoral care and intercessory prayer draw upon the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit. When humanistic sciences have reached their limits, there remains the path of prayer warfare, for example, to petition the Almighty for a miracle of healing.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. As testimony to this, numerous healing miracles were witnessed even in 2023 in Finland. For example, in Mikkeli, the former wartime headquarters city of Finland, the Lord worked through a deacon who had walked alongside a soul for 10 years under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In the end, the Lord used the hands of this sister as His own healing hands to bring about her recovery from terminal cancer. This sister, who worked under a powerful anointing from the Lord, was a great gift to the congregation in Eastern Finland. The Lord often sent her through prompts received in prayer, directing her to places where the greatest need existed and where there was no one else to help. She was sent to those places where people cried out to the Almighty for help, after all earthly support systems had failed them as a result of the enemy’s work.

Instead of recognizing and valuing the Lord’s work within the Christian congregation in Eastern Finland, which had already fallen into a state of serious apostasy, the same thing happened as in ancient, fallen Judah. Like the chief priests who feared losing their power and position, those who followed Jesus’ example and upheld the honor of the Holy Scriptures were pressured and marginalized. Although the person who experienced the miraculous healing powerfully testified during interviews in the congregation about the deacon through whom the Holy Spirit worked with spiritual gifts, and whom the Lord used mightily to bring about the salvation of many in that congregation, all references to that deacon were removed from the story published in the church’s newsletter. The glory was stolen from Jesus and given to those least deserving of it. The operation of the Holy Spirit’s gifts cannot be expected where, with the same lips and hands, the Almighty is simultaneously dishonored.

Unfortunately, this case is not the only example where the Lord has ultimately instructed His servant to leave that congregation and go elsewhere to share His saving presence, which brings complete healing and deliverance, in a place where it is possible to proclaim the Word by following Jesus’ example and giving Him the glory for the works of the Holy Spirit. It is no surprise that, even in Finland, just as in ancient Ephraim and Judah, there are numerous congregations within the national church that the Lord has practically abandoned as a dwelling place for His Spirit.

The healing miracles referred to are not limited to physical illnesses. Through the pastoral care described in the Holy Scriptures, it is truly possible to address and heal a person's mental well-being in many ways. In congregations, those who have received the gift of teaching from the Holy Spirit should instruct others about the various spiritual gifts and ministries, as well as why physical, mental, and spiritual healing performed by the Almighty does not always happen immediately after a single prayer (see, for example, the foundational teaching on the division of a person into body, soul, and spirit). Similarly, in a congregation that offers sound teaching, in line with the Holy Scriptures, it is taught that God never forces anyone to believe in Him or in His power.

As a result of the decades-long restriction and dismantling of faith education, a nation living in apostasy could, in the worst-case scenario, find itself in a situation where people are effectively robbed of the opportunity to experience and know God’s power and its effects. For example, if a democratic nation were to ban pastoral care through the work of the Holy Spirit (as in the current debate in Finland regarding the narrow-minded effort to ban healing therapies), it would effectively amount to rejecting the God who granted Finland its independence by denying the existence and work of the Holy Spirit, who bears witness to God’s presence. Instead of prohibiting such practices, the real question in problematic situations should be whether things have been done in the congregation according to the way outlined in the Holy Scriptures, remembering that God never forces anyone to do anything. Moreover, is the pastoral care being conducted by someone who has received the calling and anointing from God for that purpose, or has it been attempted through human effort alone, as warned against in the Holy Scriptures, using mere empty phrases?

In one of His revelations, the Lord compared the national-level debate in Finland about the total ban on conversion therapies to something very serious. In an earlier message, it was explained that there is essentially only one sin for which a person cannot receive forgiveness, even through repentance. This sin refers to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which, in brief, means that a person who has already experienced the blessing of the Holy Spirit’s work in their life subsequently denies or blasphemes the work of the Spirit. In His revelation, the Lord described how Finland, as a nation, would essentially be committing a similar offense if it were to ban spiritual healing therapies (including conversion therapies). Finland, which as a nation cried out to Him for help less than a hundred years ago in its last war against the vast Russian army. The prayers spoken in healthy fear of God were heard, and Finland experienced the most miraculous answers to prayer and the blessing of becoming an independent country. Is this same nation, instead of showing gratitude, now in its ingratitude planning to deny even the very existence and omnipotence of God’s Holy Spirit by banning the healing therapies that bring the wholeness intended by God to people’s lives? Has the knowledge and fear of God declined so much in Finland that the earthly government would dare to make such a decision in the nation?


“Thus says the Lord:

"What injustice have your fathers found in Me,

That they have gone far from Me,

Have followed idols,

And have become idolaters?

Neither did they say,

'Where is the Lord,

Who brought us up out of the land of Egypt,

 Who led us through the wilderness,

Through a land of deserts and pits,

Through a land of drought and the shadow of death,

Through a land that no one crossed

And where no one dwelt?'

I brought you into a bountiful country,

To eat its fruit and its goodness.

But when you entered,

you defiled My land

And made My heritage an abomination.

The priests did not say,

'Where is the Lord?'

And those who handle the law did not know Me;

The rulers also transgressed against Me;

The prophets prophesied by Baal,

And walked after things that do not profit.

"Therefore I will yet bring charges against you,"

says the Lord,

"And against your children's children

I will bring charges.”

Jeremiah 2:5-9 (NKJV)


Finland is rapidly becoming a cautionary example for surrounding nations of how the misuse of ministries in contradiction to the Holy Scriptures can become a threat to the very existence of a nation. As someone who has personally received the calling for this prophetic ministry from the Lord, I can testify that I would not have been instructed to write such a message if the situation in Finland, and in many other nations, were not already becoming a danger to the nation itself.

Earlier in this chapter, it was already discussed how preaching contrary to the Holy Scriptures, aimed at 'itching ears,' essentially steals souls from the Lord. Likewise, the chapter has addressed the tangible effects of undermining the teaching of the fundamental spiritual principles of faith on the nation’s economy and public health. In Finland, there are many people whose treatment plans would require the support of the Almighty’s Spirit alongside the possibilities offered by humanistic sciences (for example, freedom from the bonds caused by the practice of spiritism and Eastern religions is not possible through medical means, though symptoms may be alleviated and treated with medication). Instead of seeking this, however, the supernatural power of God’s Holy Spirit—which was once called upon for aid even on the battlefields in Finland—may soon be prohibited and made inaccessible to the citizens.

Finland’s democracy, which has fallen into a state of serious apostasy, seems determined to accelerate its path to destruction, failing to recognize its blindness to the spiritual cause-and-effect principles set by the God who granted the nation its independence and peace.

Alongside the realization of justice, the preservation of righteousness has been set as the second condition for maintaining the nation’s independence and peace. God observes the state of the nation according to His Holy Word. Instead of offering gratitude for an independent and beautiful country, the nation, in its spiritual blindness brought on by apostasy, is hammering the final nail into its own coffin.

“Offer to God thanksgiving,

And pay your vows to the Most High.

 Call upon Me in the day of trouble;

I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me."

But to the wicked God says:

"What right have you to declare My statutes,

 Or take My covenant in your mouth,

 Seeing you hate instruction

And cast My words behind you?”

Psalms 50:14-17 (NKJV)


As the verse from Ephesians, quoted earlier in this chapter, described, in the building up of congregations—and by extension, nations—into righteousness pleasing to God’s holiness, Jesus, the apostles, and the prophets hold a special role in the foundation of the church. It is no coincidence that some of the most serious warnings in the Holy Scriptures concern the responsibilities associated with these ministries. If the foundation of congregations, and thereby also nations, is built on the teachings of the apostles and the guidance of the prophets, with Jesus and His teachings holding everything together, what happens if the apostles or prophets let go of Jesus’ own teachings? The foundation weakens and crumbles. Ultimately, this leads to the destruction of the structure, whether it represents an individual congregation or an entire nation.

The apostles are, in practice, the shepherds and overseers of the congregations, whose roles in today’s various Christian congregations are most often fulfilled by the clergy or elders, named with different titles. Many may have encountered the teaching that the existence of apostles and prophets is only associated with the era before and during the time of Jesus, while accepting to some extent the manifestation of apostolic and prophetic gifts as part of the spiritual gifts of the Spirit. In accordance with the Lord's prompting, I urge not to become overly focused in this new era on debating such interpretative differences, as they do not affect the content or purpose of the messages. The Holy Spirit was sent to operate in the same way from the time of the early apostles until the return of the Lord. The Holy Scriptures also provide clear instructions for the times leading up to the Lord's return. Apostolic and prophetic ministries, alongside other ministries, are very real and remain foundational pillars for keeping congregations, and nations, in righteousness.

As previously discussed through the Holy Scriptures and a few brief concrete examples, there are already shepherds in Finland, much like the priests of ancient Ephraim, who are willing to alter the teachings of the Holy Word into messages that please the itching ears of people and open their wallets, at the expense of preserving God’s holiness. When things that God has defined as sin are preached as sinless to satisfy itching ears, many souls are led down a path of false assurance of salvation, building a stronghold for the enemy rather than for the Holy Spirit of God.

The serious acts that angered God in ancient Ephraim were not limited to preaching messages that satisfied itching ears, but extended to the horrifying practice of spiritual adultery, which they were even willing to bring to the altars consecrated to the Lord. Unfortunately, dear readers, I would not have received this message from the Lord to write if that same grave step taken by ancient Ephraim had not already been taken here in Finland.




The metaphors in the Bible contain profound teachings that the Holy Spirit reveals to be understood with spiritual eyes as one’s journey of faith progresses. As the journey of faith continues, one may be amazed at how many things in creation serve as visible representations of phenomena from the unseen world.

The sun is a fitting representation of the Creator’s glory, which no one in their current earthly body can gaze upon without harm. The moon, by reflecting the light of the sun to us indirectly, reminds us of how the Son of God came among us to glorify His Father. Just as the moon shines its light during the night, so too does Jesus bring His Father’s glory into the dark and troubled times of our age. Likewise, those who have studied the Holy Scriptures more deeply under the guidance of the Holy Spirit understand that the marriage between a man and a woman was created as a symbol of the covenant relationship between God and humanity (and also between Jesus and His bride, the church). Every person who, by God’s grace, has partaken of the Holy Spirit knows how sacred the relationship between God and His people is. In the same way, the marriage between a man and a woman, which God has established, is also sacred to Him, as it represents the covenant relationship He has sealed with His chosen ones.

This is precisely why what was proclaimed by a pastor in Finland during Easter 2021, at the commemoration of Jesus’ excruciating work on the cross and His victory over death, is such a shameful and serious matter. During Easter, the churches of Finland should have been praising and thanking the Almighty not only for His Son’s work on the cross but also for how the Lord had helped Finland, the last of the Nordic countries, to uphold righteousness at least to the level it had. Instead, during Easter—a time that is the most important celebration for many Christians—the holy concept of marriage as defined by God was encouraged to be dishonored, following the example of the apostasy in other nations, placing human will above God’s definition of marriage (refer to the section ‘Stealing Souls from the Lord with Feel-Good Messages’ for a discussion on bishops' statements that contradict the Holy Scriptures). In practical terms, according to the metaphor of the Holy Scriptures, this marked a moment within Finland’s national church where an apostle, integral to the foundation of God's building, was ready to let go of the cornerstone, Jesus, upon which the righteous building of God rests. Jesus Himself taught that to love Him and remain in Him means, in practice, honoring and obeying the will of His Father.

It is also important to remember that the Holy Scriptures warn in many places about situations where people speak the name of Jesus and His Father with their lips, yet their actions do not align with the will of His Father. As the Word teaches, at the beginning of the journey of faith, such stumbling is often seen as understandable and even essential due to ignorance. However, those who take on the role of teachers of the Holy Scriptures in the congregation can no longer stumble in the same way without consequences. When comparing the situation again to the church as a building intended to be the dwelling place of God’s Holy Spirit, one can understand that the removal of a foundational stone could cause the entire structure to collapse, whereas the fall of an individual member only leads to the lifting up of that fallen stone (if they are willing to repent and continue the journey).

It is no wonder, then, that when I received the prompting from the Lord to deliver the first version of this message in August 2021 to Finland’s highest earthly and spiritual leaders (President Sauli Niinistö, who served as a moral leader, the Prosecutor General, and all the bishops of the Finnish national church), the Lord instructed me to convey a direct message. Following the Lord’s prompting, I wrote in the accompanying note to the bishops of Finland’s national church about how there is no hope for Finland if the highest spiritual leadership of the national church no longer maintains unity according to the Holy Scriptures. The situation in Finland’s neighboring country, Sweden, has already been raised in many ways as a cautionary example in the headlines of the mainstream media. Is Finland’s spiritual leadership truly continuing to encourage the promotion of apostasy by simply following the example of its neighboring nation, even in spiritual matters?

As a source of joy and a glimmer of hope in 2021, I highlighted the fact that, according to a headline in the Finnish newspaper Kaleva, the bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland were preparing a rare joint statement after the publication of the message. I could only pray and hope for a spiritual leadership decision in accordance with God's will, one that could have laid a lasting foundation of hope for the future of the Finnish nation. (Luoma 2021, Archbishop Tapio Luoma: 'It is time once again to remind ourselves how and why we read the Bible from a Lutheran perspective'.)

Unfortunately, by 2024, it has become clear that the earlier hope, like that of ancient Ephraim, was in vain, and what remains is the expectation of even more dangerously misleading statements from the highest spiritual leadership of Finland. As mentioned in the section 'What Situation Is a Nightmare for Democracy,' by the time we entered 2024, the bishops of Finland’s national church issued a statement, backed by the majority of the bishops' assembly, in which they advocated for changes to the church’s regulations that contradict the Holy Scriptures. The majority of the bishops declared to the people that not only should the blessing of same-sex marriages at the Lord’s altars be made permissible, but that congregations should also be required to perform such ceremonies, and the public defense of opinions aligned with the Holy Scriptures should be effectively prohibited. Out of the ten bishops, only one expressed a dissenting opinion regarding the proposal made by the bishops' assembly. What a great departure from the time in 2008 when the majority of the bishops still stood against these winds of apostasy, issuing a joint and serious statement that such actions should not be undertaken (as mentioned in the referenced YouTube series by Pauli Selkee, regarding the bishops’ opposite stance in 2008 on a practically identical matter)!

Considering how, even in Finland, the nation's spiritual leadership guided secular decision-making in the early decades of independence according to the Holy Word of the Almighty, bringing blessings upon the nation, the current situation through the actions of today’s bishops has turned into a dark one for the nation. It is no wonder, then, that the Lord has revealed that the nation’s accumulated sin debt has reached a point where shaking is now inevitable.

The hope for repentance within Finland’s national church, like that of the nightmare of democracy, has already been lost. How deeply has this spiritual apostasy already affected Finland’s secular decision-making, turning the nation away from God’s blessings and toward a cursed state!

During the term of the previous president (Sauli Niinistö), Finland no longer heeded the Almighty’s loving rebukes and calls to turn away from its path at the time. Under the current president (Alexander Stubb), the Almighty now looks on in silence as the nation's secular and spiritual leaders drive the final nails into the coffin of the nation's sin debt. Practically every significant decision made during the terms of both the previous and current presidents has, time after time, chosen a path that contradicts the Holy Scriptures. This includes, for example, the president’s publicly stated goals to recognize the state of Palestine and divide Jerusalem, joining the NATO defense alliance through agreements that undermine the neutrality upon which Finland’s independence was founded, changes to abortion laws that go against the Holy Scriptures, and raising the pride flag at the official residence of the nation’s moral leader, elevating sin instead of the values that form the foundation of independence.

A serious sign of apostasy is also seen in the widespread proclamation of false peace and security by the nation's secular and spiritual leaders. As a result of choices that go against the Holy Scriptures, in 2024 even the Finnish nation is loudly being promised security based not on the Almighty but on alliances between nations that the Holy Scriptures seriously warn against. Instead of proclaiming the Almighty’s instructions for the current situation, a false sense of peace is being created for the nation by boasting that security will come from a deterrent against a presumed enemy, a structure that, in God's eyes, offers no true protection for a nation living in grave apostasy. This kind of human boasting, which contradicts the Holy Scriptures, is the very foolishness of a blind nation's leadership, the kind that the Holy Scriptures describe as something God may even laugh at in His wrath. After all, it is the Almighty Himself who, over the past decades, has allowed Russia, the very rod of judgment and the approach of the messianic era, to build up its military capabilities to the point where, at the start of judgment, it will have more weapons than all NATO countries combined. And this is only one example of how the Almighty has sharpened His rod and supports its use with His outstretched hand wherever His Holy Word and His Son's work on the cross have been despised, without any capacity for national repentance.

The preceding serious statements are not the prophet's own imagination about God's nature, His ways of acting, or interpretations of the Holy Scriptures. Every person who considers themselves a Christian in our time should take a moment to study the subject through the teachings of experienced teachers anointed by the Lord to teach the Holy Scriptures. For example, one can listen to the teachings of radio pastor Jukka Norvanto on the Book of Joel, in the series 'The Bible from Cover to Cover,' specifically the episodes titled 'The Day of the Lord is Near' and 'The Lord Judges the Nations' (Medialähetys Sanansaattajat 2024, The Bible from Cover to Cover, The Book of Joel). Another example from Finland is a sermon by Esa Heiska titled 'When the Battle Cry is Heard' (Heiska 2024, Esa Heiska – When the Battle Cry is Heard). In the sermon referenced in the YouTube video, Heiska reflects the spiritually blind state of Finland’s secular and spiritual leaders against what is revealed in the Book of Zechariah about these times, when the Lord will make Jerusalem a cup of staggering for all the nations. Heiska also highlights the prophecy given to Finland by Viljami Vuolle in 1924. The warnings in that prophecy have been fulfilled with striking detail concerning Finland’s previous wars. Only the final war remains, and its signs are already visible to those willing to open their spiritual eyes. Heiska, too, emphasizes that no NATO or EU membership will save Finland from what lies ahead, but only reliance on the Almighty.

Criticism of Finland’s NATO membership is fortunately not limited to spiritual voices. A former U.S. Army Colonel and State Department diplomat, drawing on his extensive experience, referred to the mistake Finland and Sweden made in practically giving up their independence and neutral status (Wright, A. 2024. Former U.S. Colonel to Finland: 'You Made a Mistake'). While a representative of Finland’s mainstream media tried to dismiss all of Wright’s claims in the article as false, supporting the desires of Finland’s political network, there is reason to be thankful that at least a few lines highlighted viewpoints that align with heavenly wisdom. It is true that a significant portion of the Finnish people still understand and agree with what Wright was referring to.

Russia, with its stronger Christian backbone compared to Finland today, was never a threat to Finland until Finland chose a naive sandbox-fighting approach and became involved in the affairs of other nations, in opposition to the Holy Scriptures. It is only through the spiritual blindness of the Finnish leadership that such a paranoid threat from Russia has been proclaimed, merely because a war broke out between Russia and another country. Without any ability to examine the situation according to the guidance of the Holy Scriptures, Finland joined a conflict, aligning itself with nations that have distanced themselves from God, thus helping to lay the groundwork for the third world war preceding the Lord’s return. Historical and spiritual truths were no longer even considered. Why? Because of a war whose background is far more complex than what is currently presented by Finland’s mainstream media from the unsustainable perspective of Western liberalism in God’s eyes.

Finland would have had more than enough to do in returning its own nation to the path of sustainable development and independence according to the Holy Scriptures. Instead of following the path of neutral diplomacy and peacebuilding as encouraged by the Holy Scriptures, Finland chose to join the battlefronts of another nation, sending weapons funded by Finns and bringing foreign arms onto Finnish soil, only creating tensions that will inevitably lead to war. In the name of creating a so-called deterrent, Finland ended up being the party that broke agreements made with a neighboring nation.

In practice, the leaders of Finland in recent decades, along with the current decision-makers, have fallen into the trap of becoming a group of breakers, choosing the old boys' network of liberalism over the Holy Scriptures. Like children in a Christian sandbox, they collectively threw sand into their friends' eyes. The desire to seek approval and financial benefits from the 'wanna-be kings' of liberalism became more tempting options than nurturing the nation’s foundational relationship with God. As already discussed in relation to former Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s comments, no amount of support from the mainstream media can fill the leadership void left by those preaching the deception of liberalism. It is a void that will ultimately pale and humiliate them when compared to the leaders who stand on the rock of Christ and whom the Almighty has raised up in world politics (Putin, Trump, Orbán, Netanyahu).

In the midst of everything happening in the world, it is astounding to see the precision with which the cause-and-effect relationships described in the Holy Scriptures as warnings to future nations—first seen in ancient Ephraim—are repeating themselves with exact detail today. Those familiar with the Holy Scriptures and the signs of the times know that world events are unfolding with remarkable accuracy, just as described in the Scriptures and prophecies regarding the birth pains leading to the approach of the messianic era. Russia’s rise as a rod of the Lord, much like ancient Assyria, for nations that have turned away from God before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, has already been foretold to humanity through the words of the ancient prophets in the Holy Scriptures. It would be beneficial for every person who considers themselves a Christian to study teachings on this subject. A good place to start is with a TV program that explores the course of history concerning Russia and its Orthodox Church (Valkeakarit & Ristin Tuki Ry, 2016. Wind of the Kingdom, Episode 37. Russia, the Third Rome).

As is His way, the Almighty has provided further clarity on His plans and timelines through prophecies, even during the age of grace that began with Jesus. The situation in Ukraine did not come as a surprise to all believers, as the Lord had already given a warning about it in 2007, for example, through Pastor Barnett (previously referenced, Pastor Barnett's Azovmena prophecy).

Although all prophecy is imperfect, it is always astonishing to see how all the pieces ultimately fall into place. In Pastor Barnett's prophecy, there is also mention of Russia eventually joining the war in Israel. This aligns remarkably with what was described in the Stockholm prophecy given to Finland as a warning in the 1980s. The Almighty would send His rod of discipline to Finland, as a result of apostasy, even before He sends Russians to fight in Israel. Still, the speed with which the conflict in Israel erupted after the war in Ukraine managed to surprise many who had long studied the prophecies, including myself. The Almighty has the ability to accelerate world events at an astonishing pace after long periods of relative calm, which had been given for the spreading of the Gospel.

On the other hand, a special warning should be given to Russia’s secular and spiritual leaders, as prompted by the Lord. Although the Almighty is indeed supporting Russia’s current military actions with His outstretched hand in countries that have fallen into the nightmare of liberal democracy, as described in the Holy Scriptures, Russia has also been given a call to return to the apostolic faith and to follow the example of Jesus. The Orthodox Church, in many ways, still enjoys God’s trust, unlike many Protestant churches that bow to liberal politics and have already defiled the Holy Scriptures, the Lord’s name, and the altars in many of their congregations. Yet, as described in the message 'YHWH Is Calling,' the Orthodox Christian Church in Russia is also called to return to its true apostolic roots, including understanding the significance of the Sabbath and the brotherly status of the Jewish people. If this return does not happen and Russia continues to support the enemies of Israel instead of blessing Israel, Russia will face its own judgments, much like ancient Assyria, in due time. As part of this message, Russia, through the spiritual leadership of the Orthodox Church, is also called to repent of the sour deception that has influenced all of Christendom, which traces its roots to the actions of an emperor in the 4th century (as described in the message 'YHWH Is Calling').

The softening of the Christ-rock, which serves as the foundation of Orthodoxy, was illustrated by the Almighty in a vision given to a brother in faith, depicted as a half-softened granite sphere. Early in the morning on February 12, 2024, the Lord showed my brother in faith, Samu, a vision in which a large granite sphere began to roll from Russia toward the land of Finland. At the same time, the Lord gave Samu an explanation. The Lord revealed that the situation is now irreversible for Finland. Events have begun to move irreversibly toward Finland’s chastisement, from the hand and allowance of the Lord. In practice, this meant that since Finland's former president, who received the message in 2021, along with the bishops, dismissed the Lord's serious prophetic warning, everything had already led to the closing of the time window with the arrival of Finland’s new president. As a moral leader, the new president could have brought about a change at the very last moment, when he and the government became aware, in early 2024, of the matters that the previous president and government had ignored. However, this did not happen, and it will not happen. The worst possible situation of the nightmare of democracy now lies before the Finnish people.

What was interesting in Samu’s vision, however, was that the other half of the granite sphere was not made of hard granite (hard granite representing the Christ-rock), but of something soft. The Lord later provided an explanation for the meaning of this in prayer. The hard half of the sphere represented the Christ-rock that still serves as the foundation of the nation in Russia, better preserved than in Finland and many Protestant denominations that have already fallen into apostasy. However, the other half of the sphere represented the leaven and man-made traditions, with their own wills, whose roots go back to the decisions of emperors from the 4th century and today’s political forces. Concerning this half, the Almighty is also calling Russia’s church and secular leadership to return to the true apostolic roots, in accordance with the message 'YHWH Is Calling'.

The holiness preserved in Russia by the Almighty, with its Christ-rock foundation, is precisely the reason why events are unfolding as they are. In Finland and so many other nations where the rainbow flag is waved at the Lord’s altars, there is not even that other half of the stone—the solid Christ-rock—but only the soft and unsustainable deception of 'feel-good messages. In nations whose national churches have fallen into this nightmare of democracy, the hope for citizens lies in smaller congregations and prayer communities, much like those of the apostolic era, which God in His love has already prepared, even in Finland, to stand firm during the coming shakings according to the promises of the Holy Scriptures (in Finland, many free church movements and groups from the Evangelical Lutheran Church's network, such as Kansanlähetys and SLEY).

The Almighty also confirmed the message of the granite stone vision with another vision. On the morning of June 19, 2024, Samu again received a vision. In the vision, a blood-red horse from the Book of Revelation stood at the border between Russia and Finland, looking toward Finland. According to the Holy Scriptures, it is expected that the Almighty will confirm this inevitable matter with a third vision as well.

According to the Holy Scriptures, the only hope for Finland to return to the path of national well-being blessed by the Almighty is now the Lord’s chastisement. This will bring the spiritual and secular leaders, who have abandoned the Holy Word, to their knees before the Lord, praying for mercy for themselves, their loved ones, and the nation, much like the leaders of old. The Lord has His ways, as described in the Holy Scriptures, to restore humility in the nation’s leaders—a quality that, in Finland and other liberal democracies, has suffered severe devaluation among many spiritual leaders. 


Woe, if only the acceptance of same-sex marriages by the apostles of Finland’s national church, as mentioned earlier, had been the only news in 2021 that deeply grieved the Holy Spirit during the commemoration of the sacrificial death of God’s Son. But more was to come. Around the same Easter, instead of glorifying the Lord’s holy glory, the nation began to exalt the enemy’s victorious march at the Lord’s altar! It is difficult to describe in any other way the situation that increased the Almighty’s wrath, where the rainbow, which God had established as a sign of His holy covenant, was replaced with the enemy’s interpretation of the rainbow, displayed above His Son’s head in the altar painting. (Karppi & Aimola 2021, The Rainbow Flag Flies for the First Time on a Church Wall in Finland, artist Ilkka Sariola: 'I wanted to paint a vision where peace reigns in this matter as well.')

Woe to you, Finland, in what state of spiritual blindness you have already fallen! Bringing the rainbow flag to the Lord’s altar, in a meaning completely opposite to what the Lord defined for the rainbow, was an act of apostasy in the congregation so severe that the Lord did not even give words to describe this desecration of the sanctuary. There was only a foreboding, almost palpable deep silence, reminiscent of the moment described in the Book of Revelation. It is the same deep silence of a loving father, who can do nothing more but watch his child walk away, knowing that only a hard lesson awaits, learned through the most difficult path of rebellion. God knows when words no longer matter in a situation. This silence of the Lord is usually connected to the reality that if there are no spiritual eyes and ears opened by the Holy Spirit, no heart capable of repentance listening to the Lord’s loving words, there is only the Lord’s sorrowful, final gaze before judgment falls according to the cause-and-effect relationships set forth in the Holy Scriptures.

The phenomenon described above also provides an answer to the question voiced by many Finns: Why was the 2024 Helsinki Pride event seemingly 'blessed' with good weather, while a destructive storm raged at the large gathering of the Laestadian revival movement (a major revivalist movement in Finland)? Even the ungodly mocked this ironically. But it is not something to mock, as the favorable weather for the Pride event was by no means a blessing from the Almighty.

In the later section of the message, 'When Justice Is Turned into Poison,' it is described how the Lord stirred up an unusually severe storm over Helsinki on the day a wrongful judgment, obtained through the methods of Jezebel and Ahab, was made public. Several people died in traffic accidents. The Almighty displayed His anger. This was not a coincidence but a serious warning from God, which still included an invitation and opportunity for those who exalt injustice in society to repent. However, when, in the next phase, the Court of Appeal did not give any more weight to truth or the justice required by the constitution, God remained silent. According to the Holy Scriptures, when God becomes silent, it is the worst possible outcome. In practice, God acknowledged that the corruption, which had been spreading like cancer for decades and eroding the foundation of the nation, had completed its treacherous work, leading the nation toward destruction. What remains then is to reveal the truth to the people by prophets of the Almighty and for the Lord’s chastisement to come according to the holy cause-and-effect relationships described in the Scriptures. The Almighty also revealed to the individual concerned that it would not be worth continuing the case to the Supreme Court, whose workings in Finland are closely tied to the presidents. By then, the president (Sauli Niinistö) had already demonstrated how he would turn a blind eye to serious wrongs committed by members of his inner circle that amounted to criminal offenses. Instead of addressing these grave constitutional violations that undermine the very foundation of democracy, those who framed an innocent citizen as guilty through the methods of Jezebel and Ahab received an annual invitation to the president’s annual gala at the presidential palace, year after year. The pursuit of personal benefits and gratitude for them seemed to outweigh the president’s duty to prioritize the nation’s interests according to the constitution (and the Holy Scriptures).

The serious warnings written in the Holy Scriptures for future nations were not placed there in vain, especially concerning what awaits a nation whose leaders turn a blind eye to the trampling of the rights of widows and the vulnerable, even when they are aware of the situation. Sauli Niinistö had more than enough time and evidence to respond according to the Holy Scriptures, as a moral leader of the nation should. Yet, nothing happened. No one was sent to help, and no efforts were made to ensure that the members of the president’s inner circle, who systematically and extensively provided false testimonies and information to the legal authorities, would be held accountable for their actions (as ordinary citizens would be for such serious offenses).

The direction pointed out by the Almighty became clear once again when, under the new president, Alexander Stubb, the same conduct continued among the political elite. After all, President Stubb’s entire career has ultimately been built on the wealth of this elite, bowing to their interests at any cost.

When God no longer responds to the grave injustices described in the Holy Scriptures, it signifies the worst possible outcome for the nation. It means that God has already closed the door to grace in regard to that matter. When the opportunities given are disregarded without any healthy fear of God in the nation, new opportunities will not be endlessly offered. What remains is the correction of matters as described in the Holy Scriptures, in the worst possible way for the nation. As portrayed in the verses already quoted in this message, God ultimately rejects those who choose injustice, leaving them to spend their final moments before the nation’s chastisement, as they wish, in all their desires. As a result, the judgments poured out upon the nation from God's hand will surprise many in the most terrifying ways. It is also important to remember that in the Holy Scriptures, heat is not associated with blessings but rather with curses and troubles.

For the reasons described above, it can be said that the storm that struck the Suviseurat gathering was a sign of God’s presence and His message where there is still hope of remaining in blessed fellowship with the Lord. The storm was indeed intended as a message to believers. When comparing Finland’s situation to the Holy Scriptures, the situation is nightmarish. The Scriptures describe how ancient servants of the Lord tore their hearts in sorrow and walked the streets, warning the people of God’s impending judgments. Finland is now in a similar situation, where God will soon break the nation’s borders as a consequence of apostasy, and He does not look favorably upon gatherings like Suviseurat among His own. While the Holy Scriptures teach us to rejoice and pray without ceasing, this particular event was not a gathering in accordance with God’s will, given the grave societal situation. Considering that God’s judgments on Finland could begin as early as this fall or next, the Lord would have wanted all the time and energy spent on gathering at Suviseurat to be used for the last opportunities to walk among the people, proclaim the Gospel, and call for repentance (the timeframe for chastisement is tied to President Stubb’s term, should there be no repentance before the final deadline). Since the majority of the bishops and priests of the national church have ended up preaching misleading doctrines and false peace, much like ancient Ephraim, the hope for the people to hear the saving and blessing message of repentance lies in the mouths of the Lord’s servants outside the national church. When the call to repentance and the Gospel of grace is not heard on the streets and marketplaces, according to the Holy Scriptures, the Lord’s chastisement will come upon many as unexpectedly as the storm that struck Suviseurat in 2024 with shocking consequences. Even the tragic accident at Suviseurat speaks to the state of Finland. Like the fallen antenna in the accident, which sadly resulted in the death of a woman, the body of Christ, which proclaims the Gospel, has collapsed in Finland, symbolizing severe consequences for the nation. When the Lord’s shaking begins in Finland, many will be caught off guard with equally dire results. The blame will not lie with the victims of the tragedy but with those who did not carry out the Lord’s task of warning the people in the way He instructed. Finland’s secular and spiritual leaders are no longer capable of fulfilling this task, like the leaders of old, as they steer the Finnish ship full speed toward the iceberg. The hope for the Finnish people to hear teachings on the nation’s spiritual condition and prepare for the inevitable judgments lies in the hands of congregations that still operate in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and remain in communion with the Lord.

We are living in a time when God desires that those who know the message and power of His Holy Word unite across denominational boundaries. God wants His people to go among the nation, warning and equipping the people according to His Word for what is inevitable.

It is no coincidence that God chose to address Laestadianism through such a tragedy. Pauli Selkee has exemplarily explained in his YouTube videos the scriptural basis for why the acceptance of same-sex marriages, even when voiced by the bishops of the national church, is dangerously misleading. It is widely known that for decades, Laestadianism has been influenced by a 'compulsive' and spiritually destructive sectarianism, as previously described in the message in more detail. This is partly why many spiritually misguided forces that are driving the nation into ruin have risen to positions of great influence in society from within the Laestadian movement.

The facts reveal how skillfully the enemy of souls raised his most effective tools for this age of deception from within the Laestadian community, even from the same family. While, during the wars, Conservative Laestadian Veikko Pentikäinen, who acted according to the values of the Holy Scriptures, was a blessing to Finland, his brother Vilho worked within pro-Russian circles ( Mari goes on a pilgrimage around Littoistenjärvi). What united the brothers, however, were their connections to the ruling powers and the nation's elite forces. Unfortunately, the most predictable outcome occurred. The Holy Scriptures, once proclaimed with healthy fear of God by previous generations, were soon overtaken in the next generation by the altars of increasing financial prosperity and the desires of the nation's economic elite. In the very next generation, from the children of Pastor Veikko, rose Mikael Pentikäinen, who, with his extensive media connections, spread foreign doctrines among those in power. He now serves as the CEO of Suomen Yrittäjät (Federation of Finnish Enterprises). Instead of upholding the values of the Holy Scriptures, it is evident from the pages of media that claims to be Christian that he uses his influence to promote Gandhi’s teachings and the acceptance of marriages that defile the altars of God. Growing up among the ruling elites, it was easy to drift into the ranks of economic influencers and participate in diminishing workers' rights as part of the modernized slavery that has been skillfully driven into the nation.

While Mikael became a powerful deceiver among secular leaders, Veikko’s other child, Juhan’s daughter Mari Leppänen, became a strong deceiver among spiritual leaders, rising directly to the long-standing altars of the national church. After becoming the bishop of the Diocese of Turku, she immediately used her newfound position of power to promote deceptions contrary to the Holy Scriptures within the nation. As is often the case with those chosen by the enemy for deception, her motivations stemmed from personal negative experiences that gave rise to motives in opposition to the Holy Scriptures.

Nothing in God’s world is a coincidence. It is no accident that it was in Turku Cathedral that Archbishop Gustav Johansson received an angelic vision in 1920. The Almighty warned that, during a certain generation, the sword of war would pierce Finland to its hilt on the third occasion (Johansson 1920. Angelic Vision in Turku Cathedral. Website created by Seija Lehtonen). In accordance with the prophecy, Finland has already experienced two strikes through the previous wars. The third, most devastating strike, is still ahead.

Laestadians indeed have a particularly serious matter to reflect upon—what has gone wrong to lead to so many broken souls connected to Laestadianism, which, along with Jehovah's Witnesses, repeatedly appear in the Finnish media. Every child has the right to choose their own path in life. Forcing someone to choose a specific path leads to rebellion in the human spirit, contrary to the Holy Scriptures, a place that the enemy of souls is eager to take advantage of to further his own purposes within the nation. Bishop Mari Leppänen’s writings about her own history of anxiety and mental struggles seem to give honor not to God, but rather to the forces opposing the Holy Spirit, especially in communities prone to sectarianism. Raising a child according to the Holy Scriptures also includes, when necessary, letting go at the right time and focusing on the battle of prayer to guide the young person back to fellowship with the Lord through His means, rather than resorting to the worldly methods of coercion.

But much must have crumbled in the spiritual teachings across many congregations in Finland for the enemy’s deceptive doctrines to be proclaimed from the highest spiritual offices and positions within Finland's national church. Every Christian congregation has a serious need for reflection.

To the family of the one who passed away at Suviseurat, I hope and pray for the Lord’s comfort, strength, and patience in the holy name of Jesus.

In the midst of acute grief, it is easy to feel anger toward God. From experience, I can testify that not a single death occurs by chance. Over time, one can see the purpose behind it all. The shocking death of my own spouse led to blessings for many souls over the following ten years. Even in the midst of grief, it is permissible to cry and mourn, finding comfort in the fact that for a believer, death is ultimately a transition to claim the reward of victory in the race of faith. There is the hope of reunion—the hope that one day, all loved ones who have died in faith will rejoice together over their rewards. Every death that seems premature in human eyes also serves as a reminder that each day is a gift from the Almighty. Only the Lord knows the number of our days and their purpose.

Dear Finns and all those living among you, those who sorrowfully observe the situation in Finland through the eyes of the Holy Spirit and pray day and night in prayer circles for the nation, see that all of this unfolding before their eyes is like something straight out of the Book of Amos. The situation in Finland is so grave that, once again, the Lord, in His usual way, has raised up an ordinary citizen from the middle of nowhere, from completely unexpected circumstances, as His messenger to those who are misusing their positions of power in the eyes of the Lord. The prophet Amos was given a similar task, just as the Lord has given me through the writing of this message.

Through His Holy Spirit, without the education from the theological institutions of that time, the Lord revealed to Amos the grave condition of the ancient nation of Ephraim and how it was inevitably headed for destruction unless they repented. The priests worked in the name of the Lord, but in reality, many of them, through their actions, only defiled the Lord’s altars. When Amos, at the Lord’s urging, brought them a message of repentance and impending judgment, the high priests used their positions of power to their advantage. They quickly tried to dismiss the Lord’s rebukes as conspiracy theories and attempted to completely silence the uncomfortable message throughout the nation.

Even without spiritual eyes, the situation should sound quite familiar to Finns, given the cases covered by Finland’s mainstream media. Those who still proclaim the Holy Scriptures as the unchanging, God-pleasing Word of the Lord are dragged into the courts in an attempt to silence the proclamation of God's Word—essentially silencing the voice of the very God who granted Finland its independence!

Wake up before it’s too late! Finland is blindly walking the same destructive path as ancient Ephraim!

Understand that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who granted Finland its independence, is the living God, and He will not allow His holy altars to be defiled endlessly, especially by those who work in His name! Heed the warning I declare to you at the Lord’s urging: because all of this is happening in Finland, I have been given the task to proclaim, just as Amos was tasked with declaring to the high priest, due to the defilement and the silencing of the Lord’s voice in the nation:


“Now therefore,

hear the word of the Lord:

You say, 'Do not prophesy against Israel,

And do not spout against the house of Isaac.'

"Therefore thus says the Lord:

'Your wife shall be a harlot in the city;

 Your sons and daughters shall fall by the sword;

Your land shall be divided by survey line;

You shall die in a defiled land;

And Israel shall surely be led away captive

From his own land.' "

Amos 7:16-17 (NKJV)


If repentance is not made, Finland too will be measured with a plumb line. No one in Finland will be able to say then that the Lord did not warn.

Returning to the rainbow flag in the altar painting, instead of the rainbow that God established as a holy sign of His covenant—where is the much-proclaimed equality now? By the same logic of equality, a painting of the future Kingdom of Peace, ruled by Jesus, should also include a pentagram or other symbols of sin that, in God's eyes, separate people from Him. Can anyone from the elders of a Christian congregation seriously believe that under this sky there exists any reason why Y(A)HW(E)H would approve of placing such symbols above the head of His Son. The contradiction is immense when, in a work depicting the sacrificial death of the Son of God, things that God has described as shameful and grievous sins are exalted—sins for which He gave His only Son to be sacrificed, sinless, for the sake of sinners to gain victory and freedom.

Just as there is a fierce struggle in Finland today, attempting to get the secular government to overturn God's definition of sin regarding the practice of homosexuality, and to block the hope of salvation by forbidding the proclamation of God's Holy Word as the saving Gospel, the previously described act is a shocking and concrete example of how even in spiritual leadership, sin is being exalted above the Holy God. All of this is revealed to the nation so that everyone may recognize the connection to the condition of ancient Ephraim. Continuing in the current state is no longer an option for the nation. The hope for Finland lies only in the people humbling themselves in repentance and turning back to the God who granted them independence!

I can only hope that in His mercy, the Lord will carry out the judgments concerning the national church of Finland on a congregation-by-congregation basis, rather than condemning the entire national church to destruction. The judgments will come. Only the Lord knows how they will be distributed.

The Holy Scriptures describe how, after pouring out His wrath following the times of tribulation, God will not leave a single ungodly thing or representation of sin on earth. Just as God destroyed the defiled altars of ancient Ephraim, which had been used for idol worship, He will cleanse the present nations of all objects and symbols used in idolatry, if they have not been removed in response to the final warnings sent by God. In the coming Kingdom of Peace, there will be no rainbow flags in place of the rainbow, no pentagrams, no crystal balls, no amulets, or anything else that serves as a reminder of grave sins or the enemy’s temporary influence and power on earth.  



If I had not witnessed it with my own eyes, I would have said that the only thing missing from the desecration of altars in Finland was the gravest act—bringing instruments of idol worship onto the altar and publicly worshiping them in front of the elders. But even that, the worst of all, has already happened in Finland. At a school graduation ceremony, during a Christmas and 100th Independence Day celebration held in a church, a crystal ball was carried to the altar of God as the final act.

A crystal ball was brought to God’s holy altar, and the youth of the nation, as the final performance of the celebration, enacted a ritual of asking about the future of their town in a manner strictly forbidden by God regarding Finland’s independence—on the very holy altar of the Lord. Just like in ancient Ephraim, right before God intervened, idols are now being openly worshiped at the Lord’s altars, without the slightest hint of repentance, showing no regard for preserving God’s holiness! It is futile to try to excuse such stumbling with claims of playfulness or accident. God is not seeking to place blame but calls for repentance and respect for His holiness!

The Bible clearly describes how the final breaking point for God's patience with the stumbling King Saul came when he turned to idols and sought guidance through a medium with a spirit of divination. Such a basic understanding of our God has diminished in the nation of Finland! Among the believers in the audience, there was a visible, silent shock. Our Lord Jesus would have been enraged, as described in the Holy Scriptures, and likely would have defended His Father’s holiness just as He did with the money changers, throwing the crystal ball out of the church immediately. Righteous anger is indeed justified for believers when the cause for anger aligns with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures! However, the believers in Finnish society, who are increasingly marginalized for holding to the Holy Scriptures, were either too shocked or too fearful to intervene and stop the blasphemy against God and the desecration of the altar. I, too, in the early years of my faith journey following my rebirth, was unable to act at that time. However, the primary responsibility in that situation, and in addressing it afterward, lay with the elders of the church who were present.

Just as Jesus taught, sin is only wiped away through repentance and turning away from it. When sin has led to the desecration of an altar, the Holy Scriptures have provided examples and instructions for future nations on how to correct such a situation. God will not accept quietly sweeping the matter under the rug. He is still waiting for a moment longer, to see if anyone will hear His voice and respond to His call to return to the protection of His loving and blessing hand.

As part of the Lord’s call, I must proclaim a serious appeal to all Christian congregations in Finland to examine the condition of their altars and, if necessary, arrange a separate ceremony of apology, as demonstrated by the example in the Holy Scriptures, to cleanse and re-sanctify desecrated altars to the Lord. This is not about seeking to place blame, as the situation is the result of decades of national apostasy. Rather, it is a question of whether the nation is still willing to listen to the voice of the God who made its independence possible and to honor His holy Word.

The serious desecration of the altar, which I personally witnessed, required multiple failures in human processes and a lack of understanding within Finland's teaching profession about the importance of maintaining even the smallest amount of healthy fear of God—if not for the sake of the students, then at least for the sake of independence. And in God’s eyes, this is not even the fault of the teachers. Instead, the real question is: What has happened in the nation over the past decades for the knowledge of God to have been driven so low, just like in ancient Ephraim, both in theological institutions and in secular schools?

Finland has already failed in upholding God's holy righteousness within the nation. The question now is whether Finland understands the necessity of repentance and whether there will even be an attempt to turn back to God as a nation. Do the people of Finland still believe in the God they called upon for help in battle to secure their independence less than a hundred years ago? Is there any true love shown for God by keeping His name and His Holy Word sacred? How many are willing to return to God so that He will not need to take back the land He has given to the nation?

Based on the likelihood demonstrated by historical examples, Finland too will likely turn its back on repentance, even though the steps of repentance set by the Almighty are not frightening or distressing. Just as the prodigal son returned home with a humble heart, first acknowledging his missteps, it is about the joyful celebration of returning from error and the rejoicing of a renewed connection. Repentance and re-consecration of the altar are joyful events, where one first humbly asks God for forgiveness, and then celebrates the joyful new beginning granted through grace. But if such serious desecration of altars is instead downplayed by the elders, and if the matter is not addressed before the Lord, nor used to teach the congregation how to avoid similar situations in the future, the foundation of a building acceptable to God’s holiness is already crumbled, leaving souls in a hopeless state. Therefore, I am not surprised that the Lord has given a serious urging to the elders of all congregations to examine whether their local sanctuary requires a joyful celebration in accordance with the Holy Scriptures—gathering to confess sins and celebrate a joyful new opportunity to draw close to the Lord. As has been mentioned many times in this message, we are entering an era where only those who have the Holy Spirit of God or a congregation functioning under the influence of the Holy Spirit will remain standing.

The Holy Spirit of God withdraws from where the purity of both people and church buildings is not upheld. In other words, only those congregations capable of repentance (and those individuals capable of repentance) will remain standing. It is truly time to prepare and examine whether your congregation is still a place sufficiently consecrated for the Holy Spirit of God.




In the current section of this message, we have already covered issues related to idolatry in Finland’s Christian congregations that grieve God and, unfortunately, also provoke His anger. The message has addressed how the nation must have already strayed seriously off course when instruments of idolatry are brought to the Lord’s altars, and when congregants remain blissfully unaware of the serious dangers of practices such as fortune-telling, shamanism, mediums, yoga, and spiritism.

The current state of affairs in Finland has been reached through a process of apostasy, with the corruption accelerating, reflected in the restriction and widespread dismantling of Holy Scripture’s teachings in the educational system of what was once a Christian nation. In some congregations, they have turned to preaching pleasing feel-good messages, and even in Christian publications, they are ready to replace the sound teachings of Holy Scripture with deceptive doctrines from Eastern religions, in direct opposition to the Word of God.

A particularly dangerous deception in our time is the teaching known as syncretism, which has gained a foothold. It suggests that, ultimately, the different practices of all religions are merely interpretative differences in worshiping the same deity. For example, many hold the belief that the practices of Eastern religions are just slightly different ways of worshiping the same divine being. This idea stems from the mindset that all spiritual phenomena ultimately originate from the same 'spiritual source'.

What a dangerous mindset to form without a deeper understanding of the teachings of different religions!

The spiritual source cannot be the same if, according to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Jews (in fact, all the descendants of Jacob, including many Christians with roots in ancient Ephraim) are a chosen people meant to bless other nations. Meanwhile, another god (for example, in the religion of Islam) instructs its followers to destroy them in order to receive blessings. The spiritual source, therefore, cannot be the same. Instead, the writings of these religions clearly reveal a struggle between two entirely different spiritual worlds for the souls of people. Numerous testimonies already tell how Muslims, after converting to Christianity, have discovered a completely different God—one who lovingly responds to their prayers.

An example of this dangerous syncretism can be found in Finland, in a magazine that considers itself Christian. The magazine published an article where a well-known figure in the business and financial world was allowed to promote Gandhi's teaching, under the banner of Christianity, about how the world supposedly favors the good. This refers to statements made by Mikael Pentikäinen, previously mentioned, in a Christian magazine in the Helsinki area during the 2010s. A link to the article is not included here, as only articles from 2017 onward are available online as of 2024.

But Jesus taught the exact opposite!

Jesus specifically warned His followers to be prepared for the world to hate them (referring to those in whom the Holy Spirit dwells and who are led to do good works according to God's will in the midst of a darkening age). The Holy Scriptures issue a serious warning that the ungodly often respond to goodness with the most ruthless evil rather than with goodness. While the Bible instructs us to overcome evil with good, that is only part of the teaching. Those who advance deeper in their understanding of the Holy Scriptures realize that Jesus commanded us to direct goodness wisely, rather than wasting it on hardened hearts, as if throwing pearls to swine:


“Do not give what is holy to the dogs;

nor cast your pearls before swine,

lest they trample them under their feet,

and turn and tear you in pieces.”

Matthew 7:6 (NKJV)


One of the dangerous teachings that leads even many believers into futile hardships is the idea that a Christian should endlessly turn the other cheek in the face of evil. The Holy Scriptures specifically warn that, with the most hardened and stone-hearted people, this would mean nothing but wasting goodness on those who would squander it or even turn it into a weapon against you (as referenced in the previous verse about being torn apart). When the scriptural teaching about turning the other cheek is cut in half to suit the spirit of the age, the result can be dangerous for an individual. If the empowering supernatural strength of the Holy Spirit is not yet at work in a person, the constant receiving of soul-crushing injustices in response to acts of love and goodness can quickly break a person. In the worst case, someone might believe they are fulfilling the Word of God by repeatedly trying to respond to evil with good, even at the cost of their own breaking.

The Holy Scriptures do not encourage or require anyone to 'bang their head against a wall,' ultimately exhausting themselves. While we are called to turn the other cheek to the fiery arrows of evil, this does not mean endlessly doing so in any situation, wasting heavenly riches, as even described in the Bible. Turning the other cheek, according to Scripture, never meant being obligated to become a punching bag for those who sow cruelty, constantly exposing one’s life to destruction without the right to defend oneself in any way. The Bible teaches us to respond to evil with good, but it equally teaches believers to set boundaries, to walk away when necessary, shaking the dust off their feet, and to fight for justice through the means provided in the Holy Scriptures, with the help of the Lord of Hosts.

 Understanding the difference between Gandhi’s words and Jesus’ teachings belongs to the 'milk of the faith' and should be clear to anyone who has gone through confirmation class. Moreover, such ideas that contradict Jesus’ teachings should not be allowed to spread in Christian publications, regardless of the earthly titles held by the individuals promoting them. Where is the testing of published writings in the congregations against the Holy Scriptures?

Those who have progressed from 'milk to solid food' in their knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, as described in the Book of Hebrews, understand more deeply the spiritual principles underlying the difference between Gandhi’s and Jesus’ teachings. The prince of this world, as described in the Scriptures, is a fallen angel, referred to as the devil and Satan (you may remember that the word 'Satan' in the original language means 'accuser,' which is his primary role in leading souls to damnation). As already discussed earlier in this message, the goal of this personal evil, along with his spiritual forces, is to steal as many souls as possible from the Lord's offer of eternal life and to destroy many lives in this world. The methods are many, and through this message, the manifestations through people have already become familiar: abuse of power, lying, scheming, manipulation, twisting the Scriptures into deceptions, exploitation of the weak, and so on.

The followers of Jesus, who are said in the Scriptures to always be fewer in number than the forces of the prince of this world until King Jesus' return, seek to spread the good news of the saving Gospel, helping those who have been enslaved by or fallen victim to all kinds of evil to return to life. According to the Word, the means available to those who walk the path of sanctification toward eternal life are proclaiming the Gospel and acting as instruments of the Lord in saving souls from the various 'traps' of the enemy, both earthly and spiritual. As the Scriptures describe, this is a form of spiritual warfare on earth, in which every person is involved during this age, whether they are aware of it or not. Naturally, one stands a better chance of coming through unharmed if they are properly equipped for the journey and understand the enemy’s tactics in order to avoid them.




In the section "When justice is turned into poison" we still continue to this topic, the differences between the teachings of Gandhi and Jesus, through a concrete example, going through how the forces of the enemy of the soul specifically only tried to strike again and again at a person who, in the eyes of God, sowed good and righteous deeds from the heart. The destruction only ended when the Almighty took control of the matter and placed the protection of the shield of faith over the “good” according to the promise in His Word. The Almighty took the "good" into His protection in a world that, according to the Holy Word, only hates goodness according to the Holy Word, and tries to destroy the "good" by all possible means.

 Contrary to what Gandhi taught, and contrary to the Christian publication in Finland, for one reason or another, promoting apostasy was only proclaimed, the teaching of Jesus is true. Because of the former, it is necessary to take seriously Jesus' warning about how evil and its forces in this world really hate people who are good-hearted and acceptable to the Lord (evil and its forces = spiritual evil forces, so it does not directly refer to people, even though those forces use people as intermediaries). Because of the former, the Holy Word teaches how the enemy of the soul has very specific ways of driving people to dead ends that sometimes seem earthly impossible. When enough injustice is piled on one person's neck, at some point everyone will reach a limit. It is not for nothing that the Word urges parents to teach their posterity about the means used by the enemy of the soul and about the armor of the Epistle to the Ephesians to keep standing when faced with all kinds of attacks.

With upbringing, families can influence whether a child develops a tendency to be too kind or, on the contrary, a tendency to act even unconsciously as a sower of destruction and burdens. Especially if the family succeeded in raising a child and a young person to a loving, caring and morally good foundation instead of the operating models of anger and lies, the spiritual armor described in the Word is extremely important, even practically necessary, as equipment for an independent life. If these doctrines are not taught, good-hearted and altruistic people often become targets of all kinds of ruthlessness precisely because of these spiritual laws. It is interesting how the cause-and-effect relationships of this and many other spiritual legalisms can be found in the phenomena recorded in psychology about how certain kinds of people choose certain kinds of other people as the target of their actions.

Even in Finland, as in many other countries already, the milk food of the beginning of the journey of faith in the Epistle to the Hebrews has been diluted to a level where few people even hear about the existence and power of the Holy Spirit's spiritual counterforces. When you add to the situation the fact that in many nations the doctrines of these opposing forces of the Holy Spirit are cultivated without limitation, while speaking of the Holy Word in its written form is only made more difficult, and even punishable, the equation becomes even more dangerous for people. The nation will inevitably drift into a state of decline, where the young generation will be thrown into the various delusions of the forces of the enemy of the soul, in practice completely without spiritual combat equipment. Instead of receiving a protecting healthy fear of God as a blessing in their lives at a critical turning point, more and more drift into life without it, and in the worst case, only to grow up to be the perpetrators of the most limitless ruthless injustices and delusions. In a nation living in a serious state of apostasy, the situation is progressing to the level where regulations are made by the generation from which this heavenly wisdom was already darkened. That is why the nation is finally in a situation as Finland's current one, in 2024, where the majority of the nation is already unable to see the connection between the explosively increasing mental health problems, the growing crime rate and the prevailing spiritual state of the nation. Humanism is a good thing until it completely tramples the understanding and acknowledgment of the existence of spiritual laws in a Christian nation.

It should also be mentioned that this issue is about the same answer to the question heard from people's mouths for centuries, why it seems that so much bad always happens to the good (and I am not implying that the good would be flawless and sinless). I will not discuss that further in this context, but I hope that the influence of these spiritual forces on human life would be taught again to young people before the beginning of an independent life. As you can read from time to time in the news, many people's lives end far too early and needlessly in dead ends, which no one should even have to experience in a nation like Finland.

Even in Finland, however, every citizen is in that spiritual battle arena, whether they are aware of it or not. In a nation living in a state of apostasy, more and more iniquity rises to power, eventually leading to God's intervention. In a nation, wrongdoing can be kept in check only by the secular and spiritual leadership that cherishes justice and righteousness according to the Holy Word. Each believer also has his own role in spreading the gospel, as well as defending righteousness and justice.

The true story from Finland described in the section "When justice is turned into poison" has shown in a harsh way what the distortion of justice and the loss of the healthy fear of God can lead to in the worst case scenario in a nation. The Lord takes care of the actual battle for His own, but the believer also has his own part. A person is not allowed to raise his hand in revenge. On the other hand, according to the Holy Word, bringing injustices to light necessary for the realization of justice must not be interpreted as revenge, which is a necessary condition for the realization of justice and righteousness, a condition for independence and peace in a nation.

The many things that have already been covered in this section describe the sad state of affairs, in what an unsustainable state the righteousness of the Finnish nation and the healthy fear of God that belongs to it are in our time. As in ancient Ephraim, knowing God and the healthy fear of God have been driven, even in Finnish society, to a state of degradation that precedes the judgments in where ancient Ephraim was. It seems that even among the candles of the nation, they are already completely unaware of the dangers of idolatry. In teacher education and in the target areas set for teaching by the secular administration of society, it seems that instead the teaching tray of the enemy of the soul, which opposes the will of our God who gave our independence, has been lifted to some kind of power (Halloween, yoga with influences from Eastern religions, encouragement of sexual unlimited freedom, etc., openly presenting Eastern religions in stories, e.g. in the English language study books while Jesus topics are strictly prohibited, limiting the activities of Christian actors while, for example, young people are forced to follow the proclamation of the SETA organization without options). The limitless allowing of unlimited appeasement pleasing to the enemy of the soul by appealing to equality and love in a way that is not equality, unity, nor love in the eyes of our God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob seem to have been lifted above the limits of the Holy Word that protect human life and nations.

Dear readers, the things discussed in this chapter are exactly the serious apostasy and lawlessness against God's will that Jesus refers to when talking about the signs of His return in the nations.

Again, I remind you that this message is not about restricting a person's freedom of religion. It was decreed by our Almighty Himself as a right for every person. Instead, it is about leading the nation and teaching new generations in the way required by the God who gave Finland independence. Have we fulfilled the righteousness given as a condition for preserving independence and peace, keeping His altar holy and cherishing a healthy fear of God, as well as sufficient knowledge of the Word in the nation from generation to generation?

Instead of the former, it seems that even in Finland, elements of all other religions and matters of the spiritual world can be freely brought into schools for children and young people, but instead, more and more often, even the name of the God, who gave Finland independence, and His son, can no longer be brought into view without being prosecuted. Where is the corresponding freedom of religion regarding the use of the name of the God who gave Finland independence, the name of His Son, and serving of those who follow the example of Jesus? Where is the understanding that, according to the Holy Word, the current state is already a threat to preserving the country's independence and peace?

Dear Finns and nations following the situation in Finland, do you know what all this means for the Finnish nation? It means that in just 100 years, the country that cried out to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for help, has surrendered its country to those forces influencing the world, which lead people and the nation to apostasy and finally to destruction step by step. Finland is now only one step away from the final point, from which God will not allow it to return as an independent country of the same kind.

In the Holy Spirit, many have already experienced God's deep sorrow and wonder why no one stands up to defend His Word and His altars anymore. Is it so little He and the independence He gave mean to you in the end?



Scriptures taken from the New King James Version:

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)