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Appendix 2

The Story of the Cover Designed by the Almighty

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

In December 2021, during prayer, I received a prompting from the Almighty to lay my hand on the head of the Maiden of Finland. My task was to bless Finland, much like hands are sometimes laid on people to serve as instruments of the Lord’s blessing. I had no idea that this journey would also be connected to the cover image for the message Turn Back, Finland! God revealed this only later, when I was browsing the pictures I had taken from the top of the Utsjoki fjell after completing the task.

Just a few months earlier, I had delivered the message Turn Back, Finland! to the highest secular and spiritual leaders of Finland in electronic form. The prompting from the Almighty had been powerful regarding this. In my opinion, the message still needed extensive proofreading and breaking up of my long sentences, but there was no more time given to revise it for the leaders of the Republic of Finland. For the Lord, timing and the content of the message were more important than perfect wording. The message contained a warning to Finland’s leadership about the imminent breaking of peace and the state of Finland amidst everything going on, seen through God’s eyes.

In line with previous tasks, the Lord gave me three confirmations to set the process in motion. However, the greatest indication that this was truly a request from the Lord received in a vision was the fact that without His timing and other miracles, none of it would have been possible. From a worldly perspective, the circumstances for the task were, once again, impossible. The round trip would be approximately 2,500 kilometers, yet the funds available in my account were only enough to cover about 250 kilometers.

By that point, through the Lord’s grace, I had been walking in His school of learning for several years, and I had gradually come to understand that many things with the Lord are completely the opposite of what makes sense from a worldly perspective. The fact that the task seemed practically impossible by human reasoning meant that, throughout the mission, we would be fully dependent on the Lord's presence and miracles. In most cases, this had proven to be the strongest sign that the journey was indeed being taken together with the Lord and fulfilling His purposes. This turned out to be the case for this journey as well.

Despite the seemingly impossible circumstances, my sons and I once again loaded up our faithful Skoda, which had served us well on previous journeys and whose availability to us was yet another one of the Lord’s miracles. At the start of the journey, however, I couldn’t help but fall into a bit of doubt. I told my youngest sons, who had eagerly packed for the trip, that if the Lord didn’t drop money for gas into the account before we reached the gas station where we had to fill up, this would just be a little winter sightseeing trip for us. If nothing else, we would pick up the oldest of my three sons from their grandparents’ place and visit the grandparents while we were at it.

One of the small miracles at that point was that my eldest son had volunteered to join us. He was in the most energetic years of his youth and, unlike my younger sons, hadn’t had the opportunity to hear and witness the power of the Word. However, he had never seen the northern lights, and that was his motivation to join the trip, even though it was another one of his mother’s 'prophet missions.' Neither of us could have guessed that the Lord had a special task prepared for him as well. In fact, the entire mission wouldn’t have been possible without him.

After driving over 200 kilometers, we were nearing the grandparents' home. About 30 kilometers before our destination, I sighed to heaven about the situation. Had I really misinterpreted the vision you gave me, Lord? The thought that the several hundred euros needed would appear in my bank account within the next 15 minutes seemed more impossible than ever. However, the Lord’s timing is often very precise. Just a couple of minutes after that silent prayer to the Almighty, I received a message on my mobile phone informing me that a payment had arrived in my bank account—one that wasn’t expected to come until the following year. The journey of thousands of kilometers to the far north, to the head of the Maiden of Finland, would truly begin.

The Almighty’s prior preparations became evident in many aspects as the journey progressed. My eldest son, who lived in southern Finland and had large feet (size 47-48), had only brought sneakers to his grandparents' house from the south. With temperatures in the north expected to drop close to -30°C, this was a real problem. There would be practically only the time during our drive past the next larger city to find suitable shoes, and many times before, my son had been forced to accept that the selection in regular stores ended with smaller sizes.

As the grandparents lived in Eastern Finland, we began heading north along Finland's eastern border. A couple of hours later, we stopped in Kajaani, which was practically the last major city before our overnight drive into northern Lapland. Forgetting about the shoe problem, I stopped at Kajaani’s Citymarket to pick up some snacks for the journey. Inside, I came across a large advertisement promoting significant discounts on winter boots. My son’s shoe issue came back to mind, and despite the odds, I decided to check out the selection. To my surprise, there was a pair of size 47 winter boots for just 20 euros, which was perfect both for our budget and my son's shoe size. This guidance removed the last doubts I had about whether this journey north was indeed the result of a vision from the Lord.

We drove north along the eastern route. For a moment, I had considered switching to the western route with larger roads, but the weather forecast predicted extremely poor driving conditions in the west, with the worst possible scenario—freezing rain. The risk of freezing rain would also increase in the east as the night progressed. I prayed to the Lord for confirmation about the route choice. The Lord confirmed that the eastern route was the right one and added that I should pray for each place name we passed. The next several hundred kilometers were spent attentively watching the names on the road signs and speaking the Lord’s blessing over each town. During the longer stretches of wilderness in between, I had time to reflect on whether the time was indeed drawing near when the shaking, caused by the spiritual decline of our nation, would rise along Finland’s eastern border.

By the next morning, we safely arrived in Utsjoki, where the Lord had established relationships for me ten years earlier. At that time, neither I nor my Utsjoki-based sister in faith were yet believers. We already believed in a higher power, baptized our children, and lived under the false assurance of salvation, as millions of Finns do. However, over the last ten years, many things had changed in miraculous ways. Both of us were now living in a true faith, nurturing a living connection with the Almighty. Now, the relationships formed during our former lives would serve the Almighty in an astounding way. My northern sister in faith wasn’t even surprised when I told her about the prophetic task given by the Almighty, which might sound foolish to many, even to believers. When I shared this with another sister in faith in Mikkeli, she too felt prompted to give me the flags used for praising the Almighty to take on my journey.

We arrived in Utsjoki on the last day of the year, 2021. After catching up on sleep from the night’s drive, I woke up as the frost intensified, ready to sauna, grill sausages, and celebrate the New Year with my sister in faith and all our children. However, we couldn’t stay up too late, as the Almighty had clarified that the ascent to the fell would take place on the morning of the first day of 2022.

The next morning, when I woke up, the first thing I did was walk to the window to check the weather conditions. The thermometer read -28 degrees Celsius, and the wind was blowing so hard that the snow was flying horizontally. My first thought was that the trip to the top of the fell would be my undoing. I sighed heavenward, 'Lord, You know that my body, which suffers from severe cold allergies, cannot handle this kind of weather.' However, the Holy Spirit was so strongly present that I didn’t hesitate at all about carrying out the task. I sighed to the Lord that when daylight appeared in about four hours, I would begin the walk to the summit and leave everything in His hands.

My youngest sons wanted to come along, but I told them the conditions were too dangerous. The walk to the top of the fell, following snowmobile tracks, would be grueling and take so long that there was no guarantee we’d make it back before dusk. The task was becoming dangerous. My eldest son, who had just reached adulthood, said he would come along to ensure his mother’s safety.

How much could still happen in those four hours!

To the amazement of the locals, the temperature underwent a change that could only be described as miraculous. From 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., the temperature rose by 20 degrees. The sky cleared, the wind significantly calmed, and the frost dropped to around -4 degrees, a level that my body could tolerate to complete the task. An hour before we were set to leave, my sister in faith's then-nonbelieving friend shared a thought that had come to his heart: even though the task, with its prophetic terms, sounded crazy to him, he would take the prophet heading to the fell, no matter the cost, on her snowmobile almost to the top. Otherwise, there would be no time to get there during daylight. It was the polar night, meaning the sun wouldn’t rise at all, and there would only be a few hours of the brightest light, from around 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Neither my friend nor I had arranged this ride; it was simply offered to me out of the blue.

Whereas at 6 a.m. the circumstances had seemed completely impossible, by 10 a.m. they looked entirely different!

My sister in faith's friend drove us one by one to the reindeer gate at the top of the fell, from where we continued the journey on foot to the summit. Although the wind had calmed significantly, it was still remarkably strong at the top of the fell. Without my eldest son with me, I would have lost my glove, which had been caught by the wind. With the strength of his youth, he was able to chase it down, battling the wind as the glove rolled further and further across the deep snow. My son, who is interested in photography, also took pictures and videos of the journey, creating memories of the adventure he shared with his mother.

Personally, I had to focus all my energy on simply making progress in these challenging conditions and on completing the task when the right place felt clear. After an hour of walking, we reached a spot where I pulled out a shofar wrapped in warm wool from my backpack and retrieved the flags from the velvet praise flag pouch my sister in faith had given me. Among them was the Finnish flag, as the task was to bless Finland. There was also an Israeli flag, symbolizing the significance of Finland's early presidents' obedience to the Almighty's Word to bless the Jewish people and the entire restored Israel, both as a nation and as the Promised Land. The blue flag represented the Holy Spirit, whose presence was felt in everything we did that day.

The day before, I had prayed, asking if the Lord had any specific instructions regarding the blessing of the Maiden of Finland as part of the task. The Lord responded with a request for me to read the Aaronic Blessing over Finland and to proclaim verses from chapters 36 and 37 of the Book of Ezekiel. In practice, the Lord had me declare from one corner of the world His promises from the Word concerning the judgment of the pagan nations that mocked Israel, the restoration of Israel's hills, the revival and gathering of all the tribes of Israel, and the restoration of the mountains of Israel to receive those whom the Lord gathers from the world.

As described in more detail in the message YHWH Calls, this ultimately concerns all Jews and Christians from various congregations who have received Jesus and the seal of the Holy Spirit. The Father has chosen only one bride for the Lord Jesus. The names of the congregations and other minor interpretational differences will lose their significance when the Lord returns. There is only one bride of Christ—the assembly of all the saints who have received Him into their hearts. Those who proclaim serious doctrines contrary to the Word of God and lead to perdition, even if they claim to be Christian congregations, are excluded, as they often prevent individuals from building a personal relationship with the Lord and the desire to be obedient to the Holy Word. Thankfully, the Lord is known to diligently rescue His own from the path to destruction, even in the midst of deception, through the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s return to the fell… After blowing the shofar and proclaiming the selected Scriptures, on the way back from the summit, the Lord stopped me at a spot where the wind had exposed a part of the rock on the fell. A reminder was laid on my heart about the instruction to bring oil, the same oil used for anointing the sick during prayer. In essence, Finland as a nation is gravely ill. Following the Lord’s guidance, I knelt down, placed a drop of holy oil from Israel on my finger, and made the sign of the cross on the exposed rock, praying once more for Finland as the Lord prompted.

It was starting to get dark, and the only thought was to take one step at a time to reach the spot where we could make out the familiar reindeer gate. From there, we would know how to descend the fell, even in the dark.
After the journey, we enjoyed a meal, and then I went sledding with my younger boys near the base of another fell. At one point, I glanced over at my eldest son and saw the most stunning northern lights rising behind him, coming from the very summit of the fell where we had been earlier that day. I told my son, 'Look behind you, the Lord is fulfilling your wish to see the northern lights, bringing forth the most beautiful display from the very place where you climbed today for His task.' The moment couldn’t help but leave an impression on him.

The man who had given me the snowmobile ride to the top of the fell also received his thanks from the Lord with abundant blessings for voluntarily participating in the Lord’s task. When the time was right in his heart, the Almighty once again sent me from Mikkeli to Utsjoki, from yet another impossible situation. The task was to celebrate the Sabbath with this man and his partner, following the model of Jesus’ time—sharing a meal together and, afterward, taking communion in remembrance of Jesus, just as the early church did by breaking bread together. Of course, there would also be prayer and a shared reflection on the heavenly wisdom of the Word. I was also prompted to bring along a particularly anointed sister in faith to join us in intercession. From the very beginning of the journey, it was clear that the Lord had an incredible plan for this man, who had participated in the Lord’s tasks as a non-believer. The Lord had been preparing his heart ever since. Now it was time for the blessing through which he would be born again of the Spirit and come to understand the uniquely blessed significance of the Sabbath. For his participation in the task, he received the best possible reward from the Lord—he was given the gift of faith and, practically speaking, the beginning of a whole new and more blessed life!

The next day, as I was browsing through the photos and videos my son had taken during our trip to the fell, the Lord stopped me at one particular image. I was amazed, wondering how it was possible that in the midst of that stormy weather, the photo could exude such a deep sense of peace. How were the flags so perfectly in order, when they had constantly been tangled in the wind, with one flag even slipping from its pole and blowing away like my glove? As I marveled at the picture, the Lord laid a word on my heart: 'cover image.' I immediately understood what the Lord meant.

A similar thing happened with the cover image for the YHWH Calls message. Although I had initially decided that I did not want to appear on the cover myself, the Lord had other plans. During the time of the first message, the Lord had brought a worshiper into my life who had been given the gift of painting deeply moving and blessed works. One time, the Lord led me to ask her if she could paint an image that would come to her heart after hearing the first message. When I saw the painting, which depicted me, like the prophet Elijah, seeking solitude in a cave-like place to listen to the Lord, I was a bit taken aback. The painting was truly good and powerful, but I didn’t want myself on the cover! However, I had no doubt about following the Lord’s clear guidance in the matter.

After the cover image for this second message was revealed, I couldn’t help but ask the Lord about His reasons for it. I expressed my concern to Him about how so many, even among believers, would likely interpret the presence of oneself on the cover as self-promotion or self-exaltation. I asked the Lord if this would actually hinder the spread of the message. The Lord provided a reasonable explanation that was also in line with Scripture. He explained that, unlike the ancient prophets, I would not be able to personally proclaim my messages in all the necessary places. The Lord's intention with the chosen cover images is for those receiving His messages to feel, through the cover, as though His messenger is standing before them, proclaiming the message directly. After receiving this clarification from the Lord, I understood the matter and was ready to accept stepping into my own discomfort as a necessary part of the task.

The significance of the cover image to the Lord was further evidenced by the opposing forces' attempt to destroy all the pictures from the trip. Shortly after, we miraculously had the opportunity to go skiing for a couple of days. My eldest son took a spectacular fall, tumbling into the thick powder snow on the edge of the slope. I saw the incident and was immediately alarmed for my son. He decided to stop skiing for the rest of the day. The challenge came when, after getting back on his feet, he announced that his phone had flown out of his pocket during the 15-meter tumble. I knew it would be completely impossible to find the phone in the deep snow without the Lord’s help. I began praying right away. I called on the Almighty for help to save the cover image He had intended. The look on my son’s face showed his disbelief in the phone’s recovery. I told him I had prayed and that the phone would be found. Amazingly, the phone was found on the very first random thrust of his hand into the thick snow on a disrupted area spanning dozens of square meters! Hallelujah!

Only when I was driving the 1,250-kilometer journey back home to the Mikkeli region did I have time to truly reflect on the Lord’s miraculous deeds during the trip. At times, I prayed again for the places that appeared on the road signs. At other times, I pondered the Scriptures I had been given to proclaim. The war in Ukraine had not yet started, although a few months earlier, I had already been tasked with warning the nation's top leadership about the impending breakdown of peace. I knew in my heart that the time of the Lord’s judgments was approaching. I began to understand how this task was partly connected to the opening of the seals in the Book of Revelation and, on the other hand, how the Lord, in accordance with Revelation chapter 7, was still holding back the forces of destruction to gather His own. For the first time, my eyes were also opened to how the spiritual phenomena related to this matter had once again been clearly revealed to people.

Through spiritual phenomena, one can understand that it is no coincidence that in the symbolism of spiritual realms, which diverge from the Holy Spirit, the so-called Four Winds Hat has emerged in the religion related to shamans in that particular region. As the Bible describes, spiritual forces that oppose the Holy Spirit and the Word often know the Word better than people do. These forces have long known that this corner of the world, at the top of Finland, will be one of the four corners of the earth where, according to Scripture, the Lord will speak, referring to the four winds, at a time of great significance for humanity. On one hand, as described in the Book of Ezekiel, the Lord’s spirit is called from the four winds to perform the prophetic act of bringing dead bones to life. On the other hand, as described in Revelation chapter 7, the winds are held back at the four corners of the earth before harm is done to the land, the sea, and others. These verses from the Word hold much to be explored in prayer, but other events and revelations that have occurred since this task further testify that the Lamb has already begun to open the seals.

All the messages received from the Lord interweave into one unified whole, depicting the course of humanity. I already knew at that time that the second horse, the fiery red one, would soon begin galloping, taking away peace from the world piece by piece. Then, the third horse, black in color, would follow. Its timing is connected to serious matters, including those related to Finland. The Stockholm prophecy refers to a time when a koiniks of wheat would cost a denarius and three koiniks of barley would cost a denarius. As we stand today, with the international publication of this message in 2024, the situation in Finland has practically developed into what the Stockholm prophecy foretold.

In 2024, Finland is governed by a strongly anti-Christian government, whose decisions, much like those of the previous administration, have almost all been seriously contrary to the Word of the Bible. A recent news article couldn’t help but bring to mind a passage from the Stockholm prophecy: 'The poor among you will have no bread, for the rich will hide it.' The government, which essentially caters to the desires of those whispering into the ears of the wealthy at any cost, casually plans to cut hundreds of euros from those who already cannot afford to eat enough or have a sufficiently varied diet. Meanwhile, the wealthy, who have the means to manage their affairs and for whom the cuts will not affect the basic necessities of life, are being cut in only very minimal ways.

The Bible provides entirely different instructions for changing the nightmarish state of a democracy like Finland's. As this message has emphasized, the path of repentance has seemed like an increasingly distant possibility for saving the nation of Finland from the shaking that the Lord long ago warned about through the Stockholm prophecy. However, there is still a moment of time left for everyone to seek God and receive the blessings that, in the midst of the coming shaking, will bring supernatural protection—if necessary, even through miracles—for the Lord’s own.

A short video on my YouTube channel (@LeoraLavan) highlights the serious purpose of the journey related to the cover image of this book, specifically regarding Finland. The video includes photos and footage from the trip and also summarizes, through several Bible verses, why the Almighty has given this solemn message to Finland, calling for repentance.

This journey was also my first learning experience in traveling on faith and trust while carrying out the Lord’s tasks. Otherwise, I doubt even my courage in the Holy Spirit would have been enough to avoid overanalyzing things with worldly reasoning before the Lord sent me the following year, once again from impossible circumstances, to drive through Europe toward Spain, blessing the towns along the way. Photos from these journeys can be found on my Instagram (@leoralavan).

“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)