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Appendix 1

The Part of the So-called Stockholm Prophecy

from the book

Turn back Finland! Nations, Look and Hark! I

Note: When Yrjö Säkkinen received this prophecy in 1984, Russia was still the Soviet Union. A part of the fulfillment of this prophecy had already begun with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the re-emergence of Russia as Finland's neighboring country.

This prophecy has been copied as an attachment to the message directly from the original recording uploaded to the YouTube channel (@JohannesLeijona), which was referenced in the message (Säkkinen, Yrjö 1984. The Stockholm Prophecy, cassette A-side).

28.5.1984 Yrjö Säkkinen from Stockholm (in Sweden) got a prophecy for Finland:


First, boots were shown, that is, military boots with laces, combat boots. Then legs were shown, dressed in greenish-brown military pants, and then the entire soldier was shown. The soldier was dressed in a greenish-brown uniform, a kind of combat uniform, and was armed as should be. On his head, he did not have a helmet, but instead a field cap. And there were Russian army insignias on it, as well as a row of medals awarded by the Russian army on his chest.

The man was armed with a machine gun, and he stood between border markers. The border marker was raised, meaning the barrier was up. It was the Soviet Union’s border marker on one side and Finland’s border marker on the other side, a white, blue-and-white barrier, and the Russian barriers were standing, and the road was open.

This soldier was shown as a single man. Just one soldier, but its size was astonishingly large. The size, from my perspective, as I watched it in the vision, standing 25-30 meters away from the soldier, facing it, the soldier appeared to be well over ten meters tall. The size was meant to demonstrate the strength of the Russian army, the power it possesses. I was greatly amazed by the fabric bundle stuffed under the soldier's other arm. It seemed to be white fabric, like a large sail that had been crumpled and stuffed, not neatly rolled but crumpled, and it was under the arm. But when I looked more closely, there were blue colors, blue and white colors. So it had to be the Finnish flag.

In the vision, as I was watching it, the following words were spoken to me: 'A koiniks* of wheat for a denarius. Three koiniks of barley for a denarius. Do not harm the oil and the wine.

*Koiniks is an ancient Greek dry volume measure, which corresponds to a daily grain ration. In modern measurements, it is approximately 1.09 liters.

This word is spoken to the Russian soldier. The Russian soldier listens to this word and nods to indicate that he understands. After that, the Russian soldier is given what appears to be a measuring line. It is placed in his left hand, as he holds the Finnish flag in his right. The Russian soldier is given the command to walk a specified distance and to mark the length of his steps with the measuring line. And every time he takes a step, he must write these steps down in a diary, and when he reaches the place he is ordered and permitted to go, he must stop there and plant a post, a marker, indicating that he has reached this point. And that point is on the shore of the Kymi River.

From there, the Russian soldier is given a direct route. Head north. The Russian soldier walks briskly to Kuopio, then to Oulu, then to Kemi, and up along the Tornio River. And he is told: 'Here you will build a camp.' The Russian soldiers are given a lot of barbed wire and building materials. They build a camp there. And if you look at the map, it will be opposite, with Pello remaining to the south. About 30-50 kilometers north of Pello, Karunki is on the Swedish side, and Vittangi, and from Vittangi, there is a direct road to Norway.

The following words are spoken to the Russian man: You may stay here until your brothers depart for the land of Israel. The Russian soldier is also told the following words: You must weep much for your fallen brothers, who will fall in the great war that will begin in Persia, when you and your brothers go to Persia. You are granted permission to go to Persia and to open the way along the Euphrates River for the great king rising from the east. I speak to you, says Jehovah Jireh, that you are given the right to enter the holy land, but you will not destroy the holy city, nor will you desecrate its people. Instead, the bones of you and your brothers will be shattered on the fields of Armageddon.

In Finland, you will have a camp facing Norway and the kings rising from the west. But you are not to harm the Finnish people, nor are you to desecrate its sacred values. You may maintain a camp in this land, but you will not harm the oil or the wine.

A prophet will rise for the Finnish people, who will stand against you and prophesy for a certain number of days, months, and moments. At the end of his prophesying, he will perform the signs of a prophet among the Finnish people and then depart to me. He will be called home. This prophet will proclaim a powerful message of salvation in Finland, which you too will hear, you mighty son of Rosh.

This prophecy, which the prophet I will call from the land of Finland will proclaim, will carry a powerful message of salvation and will bring many to me, says the Lord.

The Word of God will be powerfully strong in Finland and will call many people to salvation and bring about many great things. And you, son of Rosh, will see it and be amazed. Your desire will be to attack Finland, but I will place an obstacle, says the Lord. Though many ungodly in the land of Finland will fall to your sword, you will not harm the oil or the wine, says God.

My Son’s, the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, will make the Bride’s sign in Finland. You will see it, you son of Rosh, and you will be amazed. And when the days of this prophet have ended, you will return to the land of Russia and tell there of the great things you have seen in Finland. You, Russian soldier, I have raised you as a scourge for a humanity that has turned away. By My Word, you were raised to power, authority, and to fight in battle, but by My Word, you will also be brought down.

The message to the people of Finland is this, says God: When the days of tribulation come, and the gate is opened for the king rising from the east and his soldier, you will have no friends in Europe. There will be no nation that will raise a weapon on your behalf against Russia. You, people of Finland, will be alone. More alone than in the days of the Winter War. But the same angel who fought alongside you during the Winter War will fight alongside you again. And I will ensure that the Russian soldier who enters your land will not desecrate you, nor take or harm the oil or the wine.

Food prices will rise to unpredictable levels in your country. A koiniks of wheat will cost a denarius, and three koiniks of barley will cost a denarius, but the oil and the wine will not be harmed. The oil is the Holy Spirit of God, and the wine is the Word of God. There will remain only one place for you to flee when the days of tribulation come, says the Lord. And that place is the Word of God. No nation will receive your refugees. You will try to flee to America, and you will try to flee to Canada, but you will not be accepted, just as the children of Israel were not accepted in the days of Germany’s tribulation, but were sent back to Germany. The Western nations will send you back to your homeland. For I, the Lord, desire it to be this way, for my ways are not your ways.

But whoever trusts in me and remains in me, he will have bread even in the moment of tribulation. And he will have rest in my Word, says God. For are not your days in my hand, says the Lord? Am I not God even in the days of tribulation?

This is the message to the people of Finland, says the Lord God: You must repent of your murders, sorceries, thefts, adulteries, abortions, and unrestrained immorality. I am not asking if you want to repent, I am saying you must repent. But you will not do so. Did I not, as the Lord, harden Pharaoh's heart to show my power through Moses? I, the same God, will harden the heart of the people of Finland, so that you will not repent of your sorceries, adulteries, fornications, immorality, abortions, and all the abominations you commit before my name and my face. But the holy ones will shine like lamps in the midst of tribulation. And not one of you, who are mine, says God, will be lost, for I, the Lord, have decreed it so.

People of Finland, I have called you for so many decades. In the heavy days of the Winter War, you prayed before me. From every church, prayers rose up before my face, and those prayers are still remembered in the bowl of prayer to this day. And in the heavy days of the Continuation War, when your blood was offered as a sacrifice from Finland, you prayed before me. You carried the fate of your suffering people with prayers. I remembered you and postponed the moments of your destiny.

But now, in the days of prosperity, wealth, and abundance, with your churches at the forefront, your task is to desecrate my Word. You quarrel about traditions and doctrines, and you persecute those who are true, holy, and simple in their prayers. You have broken every commandment I have given.

When I say, do not commit adultery, you commit adultery in every way. When I say, do not kill, you kill innocent unborn children—25,000 children a year.

When I say, do not steal, you steal from one another. You steal from society and the state, and the state steals from you. You all steal from each other.

When I say, do not bear false witness against your neighbor, you systematically bear false witness against your neighbor every day.

When I say, do not covet your neighbor’s house, you covet your neighbor’s house.

When I say, remember to keep the Sabbath holy, you do not keep it holy. Even though you have time to rest, you use my holy day and my Sabbath for practicing lewdness and immorality. It has risen before me like a stench.

I have raised you up, mighty son of Rosh. You will walk across Finland, but you will not harm the oil or the wine, says the Lord God.

Today, you desecrate the grain of God that grows in your fields. Tomorrow, you will pay a denarius for a koiniks of wheat and three koiniks of barley for a denarius. A denarius is 100 marks in today's currency**.

**in year 1984

The poor among you will have no bread, for the rich will hide it, but for those who are in Christ Jesus, a table will be set in the midst of distress, says the Lord God.

A prophet will rise for me from among the people of Finland, says God. He will prophesy for a short time, but his sign as a prophet will be so great that it will blind every opponent. I am God, and I have spoken this matter.

<section outcutted containing instructions for the recipient of the Stockholm prophecy>

For the chosen people of God, I say to you. You, the chosen people of God, who dwell in the land of Finland and are the bride of my Son, Jesus Christ, you will not experience the moment of tribulation as severely as those who have not confessed my Son. I will protect you, bride, I will guard you, bride, and you will shine in the midst of your people like a lamp shines in a dark place. And as a sign of comfort to you, this will be given: a koiniks of wheat for a denarius and three koiniks of barley for a denarius, but the oil and the wine will not be harmed for you.

Continue in immorality, you who wish to continue in it. For it is written in the Holy Book: the holy will become holier, and the unclean will become more unclean.

You, son of Rosh, you will celebrate your victory for only a short time, for you and your brothers will fall by the sword on the field of Armageddon.

People of Finland, do not trust in help from the West, for it will not come. Sweden will not send troops to defend you. America will not come to your aid. The armies of West Germany are defeated and scattered. I see the soldiers of West Germany weeping on their knees on the ground. You have no friends. The only one who can protect and guard you is the atoning blood of my Son, Jesus Christ, and this you have despised and trampled underfoot. Only the bride, the bride of my Son, you are called out, and you will stand when others around you fall.

This prophecy is not complete. For there will be a continuation, a broader and clearer prophecy in the future, but it will be entrusted to the man whom I have chosen to stand with the prophecy in Finland during the time of tribulation. This prophecy will tell the people of Finland about these coming times of tribulation. They will begin in the summer, for you, my servant in Stockholm, are shown green trees. You will speak the word that a prophet will rise in Finland who will proclaim my Word, and the bride will receive it with attentive ears and will rejoice in my Word. They will stand with it, and I, the Lord, know your suffering and the measure of your tribulation. Not a single extra tear will my bride have to weep.

<a moment of glossolalia>

The prayers of the people of Finland, the prayers of the righteous who dwell in Finland, are remembered before me. Not a single one who belongs to Jesus Christ will suffer defeat. Not a single one who is in Jesus Christ will be lost. Instead, they will stand firm. And when I see it fit for them, they will be able to release their hand from the plow. Not as the enemy's forces bring them down, but as I have allowed it.

The days of battle are coming. Brothers of Israel, your time is also coming. All of you who trust in the help of man will see it as futile. But a prophet will rise in Israel who will proclaim my Word. A prophet will rise in Finland who will proclaim my Word. And you too, my little servant in Stockholm, though you have not been on the path of my will, you will also fulfill the part that has been allowed for you.

<involves words related to the distribution or spreading of the message>

Leaders of Finland, do not imagine that you have risen to your positions by your own skill. No one can do anything without my will and without my permission. I say to you, do not trust in those agreements and documents you have with the Soviet Union. Trust in my Word. It is my Word that keeps the mighty Russian bear away from your land.

When you do my will, I will allow you days of blessing. But when you turn your back on me, you will reap a curse. For my Spirit will not allow my name to be continually mocked, says the Lord God.

When this prophecy reaches Finland, it will not be believed. But I say to you, my servant, speak it, whether they listen or do not listen.


Scriptures taken from the New King James Version:

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.


“ Give ear, O my people, to my law; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old,

Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us.

We will not hide them from their children,

Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord,

And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.

For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel,

Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children;

That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born,

That they may arise and declare them to their children,

That they may set their hope in God,

And not forget the works of God,

But keep His commandments”

(NKJV PS78:1-7)